What you think about Head-Fi's new look?
Apr 18, 2004 at 5:20 AM Post #16 of 220

Originally Posted by jude
This is the default vBulletin 3.x appearance. We didn't have time to customize templates yet, and our old templates didn't translate to this version automatically.

Does anyone read the previous posts before complaining?!?!?! Come on! Everyone who has managed a customizeable forum knows that the skin/template code is very finicky and requires some time to develop into a cohesive layout. Just give Jude and neil some time to figure out the new functions and I'm sure they'll try to reproduce the old layout as accurately as possible.
Apr 18, 2004 at 5:26 AM Post #17 of 220

Originally Posted by davidmiya
Does anyone read the previous posts before complaining?!?!?!

Aw, come on! If people didn't do that, then we'd have no complaints about the people complaining, and don't forget the ensuing arguments! Post counts would suffer.
Apr 18, 2004 at 5:44 AM Post #18 of 220
Well, I also don't like the avatar and user info being placed over the top of the post. It makes a feeling this free space might be filled by a banner..
Apr 18, 2004 at 5:47 AM Post #19 of 220
I'm going to see if I can make avatar placement (vertical or horizontal) user-selectable. When we eventually add the advertising inventory, it will be 120-pixel-wide right-side placement, so some people, once that's in place, might prefer the horizontal, above-the-post avatar/user bar so as to maximize horizontal real estate.

EDIT: Cripes, there are so many new options in this version I have to learn about. Give us some time, everyone. And don't be too surprised if the forums change appearance and settings on a frequent basis while we figure things out.
Apr 18, 2004 at 5:49 AM Post #20 of 220

Was so used to the old way.

I like it, though.

But then again, I have my resolution set to 1280x1024, so the sizes look fine to me.

Definitely get the subtle "alternating" shades between posts. Makes it easier to navigate.

I'm actually liking the larger avatar area, but it's still not as big as eatpoo.com's avatars, but their's are huge.
*edit* Uh, OK I see what you guys mean. The avatars were off to the left as usual, but I replied to this thread and now they're on the top? Yeah, that's taking up too much space.

Apr 18, 2004 at 5:52 AM Post #21 of 220

But then again, I have my resolution set to 1280x1024, so the sizes look fine to me.

same, thats why im not complaining..

hum.... i sware the avatar was on the left side 10 seconds ago
Apr 18, 2004 at 5:54 AM Post #23 of 220

Originally Posted by Edwood
I'm actually liking the larger avatar area, but it's still not as big as eatpoo.com's avatars, but their's are huge.-Ed

At least you can add all of your famous hamsters there....
Apr 18, 2004 at 5:54 AM Post #24 of 220
[size=xx-small] Quote:

Originally Posted by Edwood

Was so used to the old way....

[/size]Me too.

[size=xx-small] Quote:

Originally Posted by Edwood
....I like it, though....

[/size]Could be the newness, but I do, too.

[size=xx-small] Quote:

Originally Posted by Edwood
....But then again, I have my resolution set to 1280x1024, so the sizes look fine to me....

[/size]Yeah, I'm at 1920 x 1200, so everything looks great to me, too. Whenever I make format changes on this computer, I have to shrink my window down to a more realistic size.

[size=xx-small] Quote:

Originally Posted by Edwood
....I'm actually liking the larger avatar area....

[/size]Initially, so am I. But I'm still going to see if I can make it user-selectable.
Apr 18, 2004 at 5:54 AM Post #25 of 220
Holy c*w, I thought I was on a wrong site. Such bright colors. Great work, but I have to agree with many others that older one was easy on the eyes and more space efficient. Horizontal placement of user info just takes a bit too much space.

BTW, I remeber when photo.net took the plunge, updated its look, then allowed commercials (3rd party) to be placed on the forum itself. Took little while to get used to, but I guess this new look will grow on us!
Apr 18, 2004 at 6:00 AM Post #26 of 220
I like the old colors & placement better. But I like the new site features though, like the new PM boxes & you can tell how many are reading in a certain forum. I feel a little lost, its like being in a new site
Apr 18, 2004 at 6:08 AM Post #29 of 220
Well... I don't like how much space is being wasted.. the thing I loved about HeadFi before was that I could read multitudes of text, with a minimal of scrolling.. now it's completely opposite.. I have to move my eyes over huge areas to read one sentence replies.

Verdict = hatred for this new space usage and text formatting.

Other than that it looks good.
Apr 18, 2004 at 6:11 AM Post #30 of 220
You're Mr. Goody Two Shoes!

Mr. Goody Two Shoes!!!!

Anyways. Has anyone had problems with their log in not being "remembered". It keeps making me log in in the PM area.

Heh, just add to the bug list.

Anyways, thanks for keeping things moving foward, Jude and Neil. There are always problems, but we have to put up with the growing pains to improve.


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