What headphones were you using b4 you discovered head-fi/real headphones!
Oct 22, 2008 at 1:04 AM Post #184 of 261
Sony V500dj and Koss TD65. I now use HD595 and Koss KSC75. Now want even better. Damn you headfi!

Many years ago before I was even on the internet I did own a pair of Koss ProAA and Senn HD414 and those were nice sounding headphones for the time so it's not like I was a complete headphone noob before finding headfi. Those Koss ProAA cost me $100.00 CAD on sale in 1978. The Senn HD414 were $100.00 headpnones too.
Oct 22, 2008 at 1:58 AM Post #186 of 261
Sony ear clips/in ears ~30
Apple I-buds ~200 lol
packaged headphones with pcdp
Coby ear bud/wrap around headphone combo package ~20
Aiwa active noise cancelling headphones for ~80 freaking dollars at best buy (EWWWWW) I shudder when I think I could have gotten my current Q-40's or some denons for that.

That list makes me shiver
Oct 22, 2008 at 12:15 PM Post #187 of 261
Um.....in the late 40s I listened with my Dad to Ham Radio on a set of Hallicrafters cans naked without covers(naw; we were dressed, the phones were naked).

After that I had a set of cans I listened with through my guitar amp to ensure the sanity of all those around me. That was back in the 60s, and the phones were really quite nice with plush real leather pads and dandy foam around the outsides of the cups for great isolation. Can't remember what kind they were though, but they really were nice!

More reciently out of desperation to hear a new CD I had just bought I listened to my Wifes' Walkman with the stock cheap cans and was surprised that they didn't sound all "that" bad. Of course even that little bit of satisfaction got me to start thinking of a serious set of phones again.
Oct 23, 2008 at 12:48 AM Post #188 of 261
I have had both Sennheiser PX100 and Etymotic ER6 for some time and thought they sounded great until I got Denon AH1001s and more recently AKG K701s. And yes, it's all the fault of Head-Fi. I used to think motorcycles were an expensive hobby
Oct 23, 2008 at 6:59 PM Post #189 of 261
I used a Grado SR80.
Were pleased with them back then, until I discovered the Omega 2..
Oct 23, 2008 at 9:13 PM Post #191 of 261
Logitech USB Headset that I thought was SO amazing!
Oct 23, 2008 at 10:12 PM Post #193 of 261
Sennheiser HD-650 and a Creek OBH-11. Loved them so much I ran a few searches to see if anyone else was into good headphones.

The HD-650 was an upgrade from a Sony MDR-V6 that I had for years and loved.
Oct 24, 2008 at 2:42 AM Post #194 of 261
Grado SR-80's, almost time to upgrade though. Too Head-Fi: my wallet just wants to politely say "F*#k You"...lol!
Oct 24, 2008 at 2:58 AM Post #195 of 261
I was using iBuds and before that some Sony buds that came with a discman. Then I got some PortaPros earlier this year after discovering headphones.com.au (but I bought them locally after listening to them). I then discovered head-fi more (I'd heard about it, but hadn't had much of a look). Then I got the AD900 this September.

Currently using both, PortaPro at work and AD900 at home. Next purchase will probably be MS1 to use at work.

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