What happened to iGrado?
Oct 17, 2006 at 7:58 PM Post #31 of 69

Originally Posted by fwojciec
With striking regularity iGrados are praised by those who actually own them (just look at this thread) and dissed by those who don't have them, heard something about how bad they sound supposedly, or simply don't like the way they look.

I guess we'll have to wait until more people buy them and hear them for themselves.

Why don't you buy them and decide for yourself? That is the only way that you will know right? I have reserved my judgement till i heard them. Yes i diss them but i've heard them and there's no way that i'll be owning one in my lifetime.
Oct 17, 2006 at 8:08 PM Post #32 of 69

Originally Posted by fwojciec
Meanwhile there seems to be a huge prejudice against iGrados on these forums - I guess Grado did something wrong in introducing the product, at least as far as introducing it to the Head-Fi community is concerned.

With striking regularity iGrados are praised by those who actually own them (just look at this thread) and dissed by those who don't have them, heard something about how bad they sound supposedly, or simply don't like the way they look..

I don't think there is a blatant prejudice against the igrado..but do think there was some expectation level post the NY meet. As the introduction, name, and price seems to have superceded its "rollout/honeymoon" period for people..just guessing here. I did not care for them, and for me it was the first Grado I realized I would not be owning or wanting to own for some time..( I owned for about two weeks )
The backbreaker for this headfier was that the mods with better/upgraded drivers were near impossible..which down the road, I was toying with some ms2i drivers and these cans..

However I think it is perfectly acceptable for those commenting on its looks, etc.. as every headpnone making its space on this forum seems to attract such attention, and is only natural to discuss the physical atrributes IMO..(ahem, especially since this is the first Grado MEANT for portable use, and therefore seen as such in public)

One reoccurring gripe I see surfacing is that the igrado uses that around the neck old school band..which to me works real crappy. I look up, the cans lose their positioning, I look left, right, or gosh forbid over my shoulder, they slide down further and again need repositioned..not very good if being used while active, sitting in a chair/car, laying down, or hiking.
Oct 17, 2006 at 8:28 PM Post #33 of 69

Originally Posted by nabwong
Why don't you buy them and decide for yourself? That is the only way that you will know right? I have reserved my judgement till i heard them. Yes i diss them but i've heard them and there's no way that i'll be owning one in my lifetime.

My post wasn't meant in an accusatory sense - I just observed that these headphones seem to have an established reputation around here even though only very few people who use them on regular basis and have a fair idea of what they sound like. I called this reputation a prejudice - in the strict sense of the term. I've never argued that one needs to buy them in order to know if they are good or not, or that one is not allowed to diss them in principle.

You've had a chance to listen to them so you're perfectly entitled to have an opinion about them and to express it freely. Incidentally, I pretty much agree with your opinion as far as iGrados with stock pads are concerned. Nevertheless, in my experience, in terms of the *potential* for good sound on the go, iGrados are, IMO, among the best headphones available at the moment. All it takes to make them sound great is to mod the pads (the difference is like night and day).

I'm not a Grado fanboy, not a fanboy of anything for that matter, and I feel kind of awkward defending a product, but I do feel that the reputation of iGrados around here is largely unwarranted (since it is mostly based on hearsay) and, IMO - of course, undeserved (because I enjoy them more than any other portable headphone I've owned or listened to).
Oct 17, 2006 at 8:42 PM Post #34 of 69

Originally Posted by fwojciec
My post wasn't meant in an accusatory sense - I just observed that these headphones seem to have an established reputation around here even though only very few people who use them on regular basis and have a fair idea of what they sound like. I called this reputation a prejudice - in the strict sense of the term. I've never argued that one needs to buy them in order to know if they are good or not, or that one is not allowed to diss them in principle.

You've had a chance to listen to them so you're perfectly entitled to have an opinion about them and to express it freely. Incidentally, I pretty much agree with your opinion as far as iGrados with stock pads are concerned. Nevertheless, in my experience, in terms of the *potential* for good sound on the go, iGrados are, IMO, among the best headphones available at the moment. All it takes to make them sound great is to mod the pads (the difference is like night and day).

I'm not a Grado fanboy, not a fanboy of anything for that matter, and I feel kind of awkward defending a product, but I do feel that the reputation of iGrados around here is largely unwarranted (since it is mostly based on hearsay) and, IMO - of course, undeserved (because I enjoy them more than any other portable headphone I've owned or listened to).

After re-reading my post, it did seem a little direct and i apologise. But i'm sick now and i can think of better words to use. Hearsay happens with every headphone. Bose for example, how many of you have owned it? I have. How many people have modded it? Don't we want to know the potential of the Bose headphones? Who decides if a reputation on a certain pair of headphones is warranted or unwarranted (unless you have a dictator).
Oct 18, 2006 at 3:35 AM Post #35 of 69
I think that we don't hear that much about the iGrado's because not that many people have them and those that were the first to try them expected to much.

I could not find them locally and neither Todd nor Headroom had the black in stock when I went to order a pair.

I got mine from Todd today and will let them burn in before I comment in any detail. My initial impression is they are not as nice as my SR-60's (those are well burned in I like them with bowls) or my Ety ER4 p/s or my Beyer DT-880's but I did not expect them to be. I was looking for something a little better than KSC-75s (I like the Koss sound for the price, bit the clips keep falling off the right side and the bass is a bit muddy for my taste but I use them all the time) when I need a open portable for walking at lunch or excercising, and I like the Grado sound. My initial impression after an hour or so is they are comfortable, and the sound is OK but the highs are recessed. I'll let them burn-in a little, and decide if I need to quarter mod the pads or try Senn 414 pads to open them up a bit. It does not look like bowls will fit, but I might try.

I don't think they are as bad as some have made them out to be. It will take a few months to get enough of them in circulation to get the real long term story. I also get the impression some were expecting them to be more than then they were ever meant to be. They are not RS-1s and they are not SR-60s. SR-60s are not portable - the cord is way too long and they are too bulky. I think I am going to like them in the long run as they sound better as I listen to them. They will not be my first choice at home or on an airplane, but I think I am going to find I use them more than my KSC-75's once they are broken in. Time will tell.
Nov 13, 2006 at 11:30 PM Post #36 of 69
I haven't heard the iGrados so I am not going to comment on the sound. From the searching I have done though it seems that the people who own them typically like them. I think it is high time Grado came out with a portable can. The benefits of the iGrado:

1. Short cord
2. Small iPod mini plug
3. Won't leave headphone mark in hair
4. Owner's like the sound
5. I like the design, particularly the black

There are only a few truly portable earpad headphones out there worth using. IMO to be considered portable they have to have a short cord, small miniplug, and have small earpads. In this category, the iGrados main competion is the KSC75, PX100, and PortaPro (the SR-60s ARE NOT portable headphones). All three are excellent headphones and sound great, but at the same time none of them can be considered top-of-the-line or high-end. They each have their benefits and drawbacks. The iGrado does too. But, apparently it sounds good and just that it CAN be compared to those three is is saying something. Remember, all of the cans the iGrado is being compared to have long and illustrious track records. Plus, it may not sound like any of those other headphones, but it does mean they sound bad. People are comparing the iGrados to cans people have become accustomed to over years of use. The iGrado brings a new sound to the table. I think it deserves a chance to mature in people's ears before any verdict is passed.

As an iPod owner I will be buying these as they come from a company I trust to make good sounding headphones, have been designed for portability, and with a the iPod user in mind.

I listen to my iPod with the KSC75s, PX100s, MX400s, MX450s, and HD555s. Which one is best? None. They are all different and bring some unique benefit to mix. I think there will be room in my portable lineup for the iGrado sound and style.

With all that being said, I doubt this will be the last word in Grado's portable offering. I am sure they will come out with more. At least I hope they will. It takes time to develop a new type of headphone and I am glad Grado is no playing it safe and keeping the same basic design they use for every single headphone. It's nice to see them branch out and make portable headphones. I can't wait to see what else they come up with.

Yes, of course the HD555s sound best. But only when amped. Unamped through the iPod they sound great still, but not necessarily the best. Depends on music and mood.
Nov 14, 2006 at 3:41 AM Post #37 of 69
I recently got an Ipod line-out and Cmoy. My iGrados sound amazing with this simple combination. Much greater soundstage, better instrument separation, fuller/more lush sound all around (especially in the mids), and tighter bass with better extension. I've heard several people say that iGrados have muddy/bloated bass, but this problem seems to not exist with the amp.

I don't know why the iGrados don't get more love since my humble portable rig is incredibly fun to listen to and sounds awesome.
Nov 14, 2006 at 4:30 AM Post #39 of 69

Originally Posted by Debaser86
I recently got an Ipod line-out and Cmoy. My iGrados sound amazing with this simple combination. Much greater soundstage, better instrument separation, fuller/more lush sound all around (especially in the mids), and tighter bass with better extension. I've heard several people say that iGrados have muddy/bloated bass, but this problem seems to not exist with the amp.

I don't know why the iGrados don't get more love since my humble portable rig is incredibly fun to listen to and sounds awesome.

The problem with iGrados (with stock pads) is not muddy bass per se but the relatively muffled treble which makes the bass sound somewhat overwhelming in comparison - IMO. Still, I basically agree with you - they are indeed incredibly fun to listen to and this is why I prefer them over other portable headphones I own.
Dec 1, 2006 at 8:21 PM Post #40 of 69
My pair of iGrados arrived today. With the stock pads, it was unacceptable -- on par with the Sony V300s.

I did the quarter mod too, it still sounded bad. It helped the treble a bit, but it was still veiled. Without the earpads on, though, they sound excellent.

Funnily enough, I cut the earpads even larger, around the size of a Canadian dollar (and then some). Only the edge had padding at this point -- still sounded poor.

So I went to Radioshack and bought a pair of PX100-like replacement earpads (they're actually Panasonic Shockwave replacement pads) for $7, and put them on the iGrado. Sounds great now!
Dec 1, 2006 at 8:28 PM Post #41 of 69

Originally Posted by fureshi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
what grado isn't overpriced?

what headphone is not overpriced?
Dec 1, 2006 at 8:29 PM Post #42 of 69

Originally Posted by Audiofiler /img/forum/go_quote.gif
what headphone is not overpriced?


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