what does your head-fi name/handle mean?
Aug 3, 2002 at 3:14 AM Post #76 of 362

I spent most of my childhood with my head in a plastic bag ("to keep me quiet", my mom said), so this is all I could come up with.

man, i needed a laugh, thank you! (sorry if your story is true, i don't mean to laugh at your pain).

as for my user name, i guess i watched waaay too much "cosmos" as a child. my real name is mark.
Aug 3, 2002 at 4:54 PM Post #77 of 362
I suffer from amnesia, so I use my name as my login so I can remember who I am...

Its amazing I still know how to type though isn't it
Aug 4, 2002 at 3:09 AM Post #78 of 362
Mine is my nickname back home. I got it from my friends when I explained where the majority of my extended family lives to someone else one time. They jokingly accused me of sounding snobbish and eliteist, and for some reason it stuck. Sorta like saying one silly thing once and then having an eternal signature posted to your Head-Fi name by Jude.

By the way, the town is a hugh metropolis. It received its first traffic light a year ago.
Aug 4, 2002 at 11:19 PM Post #80 of 362
Well, elrod is an old nickname (taken from my last name), and Tom is my first name. There is more of a story (guess you could call it a tall tale) associated with the elrod portion, but this is a family site

Aug 5, 2002 at 12:10 AM Post #81 of 362
hmm, driftwood...

couldn't tell you, to be honest.

it was the first thing that came into my head when I needed an alias some years back. As far as aliases go, I switch back and forth between driftwood and svelte guy.

and as far as kelly's comments about women and violinists go, It harkens back to an older age...

where his avatar was a particular asian violinist that was not named kelly. However, having a female avatar coupled with the name kelly led to a lot of misunderstanding... and kelly having to routinely clean out his PM box which filled up with "wanna cyber?" requests.

Ok, so I am elaborating...

Aug 5, 2002 at 3:31 AM Post #83 of 362
aos = Andrew Of Starfleet

Laugh all you want. I was probably about 10 and the love for space-opera style of Sci-Fi was and still very much is one of my most important sources of imagination. So I'm using this over 20 years, no reason to stop now. I do often find it taken as alias, I really have to wonder what it means for them...
Aug 5, 2002 at 3:48 AM Post #84 of 362
You know, I like star trek too. But when you said "Andrew of Starfleet," I thought of a couple things:

1) You sitting at your desk, in a star trek suit, wearing headphones.

2) Triumph the dog from conan O'Brian, making fun of those people waiting in line for the opening of star wars, aotc.

Thing is, I'd probably qualify as well.
Aug 5, 2002 at 4:01 AM Post #85 of 362
Actually I never saw Star Trek till I was in late teens, and that was the Next Generation. I knew only of Star Wars and a few other shows, notably Blake's Seven (BBC). Starfleet is really a total coincidence with Star Trek. In fact, starting last week I am recording twice daily original Star Trek shows so that I can see what it was all about. Trouble with Tribbles was on Friday morning heh heh

I wouldn't wait in long lines or go to midnight screenings, but you better believe I'm there on the opening day, taking a day off if necessary and seeing it in the morning (Star Wars, though I saw Star Trek First Contact in such a fashion as well because I was unemployed at the time).
Aug 5, 2002 at 7:41 AM Post #86 of 362
Ok, you can have my confession as well: I had a faible for magicians' names in my childhood, so my last name was easily derived to The great Rindolini. And like so many things that got lost in the past quite a few syllables vanished. All I could save from my late teenager years was the remainder: "lini". In addition, "lini" seems to carry over just the right amount of sillyness that is adequate for my personality.

Greetings from Munich!

Manfred / lini
Aug 5, 2002 at 6:13 PM Post #87 of 362
MECANO. legendary new wave band from Holland early eighties.
Really unique.Check www.lazydog.gr

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