what does your head-fi name/handle mean?
Aug 9, 2002 at 7:40 PM Post #106 of 362

Mine used to be KeVlaR. I needed a name for the Audioreview chat room a few years ago and Kevlar sounded quite nice, it being the name of stuff that B&W were experimenting with for manufacturing speaker cones. So I used that for around 5 years.

That was until the legal team at DuPont Chenmicals in Switzerland decided to put the squeeze on me and send me a writ for using their copyrighted / trademarked name.

So, I had to change my name and Jude being the nice obliging fellow that he is
, he allowed me to change my name to Trawlerman.

My family has been involved in Deep-Sea Trawling since the 1930's. And the interest in fishing has been passed down through the generations.

Over here in the UK we have proper deep-sea trawlers (fishing boats to most people) like this one.


I spend most of my weekends aboard this vessel restoring her back to her original condition. I also run the website dedicated to her http://www.arctic-corsair.co.uk

Sound As Ever
Aug 23, 2002 at 5:18 AM Post #107 of 362

Originally posted by Trawlerman
Mine used to be KeVlaR...That was until the legal team at DuPont Chenmicals in Switzerland decided to put the squeeze on me and send me a writ for using their copyrighted / trademarked name.

Are you serious? That's ridiculous. Although going to the family business name was pretty cool, so I guess it all works out.
Aug 23, 2002 at 6:02 AM Post #108 of 362
If you get a Cease and Desist letter, go here before acting:


It tells you that trademark infringement only applies to commercial use. Now, if you'd started a company called Kevlar Audio, they would have had a case against you. There's also the "dilution" issue, but you weren't using the mark as a generic term to refer to synthetic fabrics.

If they claimed copyright infringement, their lawyers have spent too much time picnicking near the fume exhaust vents of the Dupont factories.

I'm not saying that you should have fought the case. I'm just saying that I don't think anyone should buckle when sent a C&D letter without doing a little research first.

But what do I know, I'm not a lawyer.
Aug 23, 2002 at 7:09 AM Post #109 of 362

Originally posted by Magicthyse
I'm not sure.

Majikthise is a character in a Douglas A. Adams book.

My name is a half of a Battletoads GameGenie Code for the NES.

Guess what the other half is?
Aug 23, 2002 at 7:10 AM Post #110 of 362
Simple for me: from the song Possum Kingdom by the Toadies. It had a cool sound when I heard it back in '94-'95.

For a few years, I was using the name Aerius (a combination of letters based on my liking of airplanes/aeroplanes), until some wacky Canadian kid started stealing my name on EFnet, and until I found out it was a model of speakers - Martin Logans!

I always wanted to have a unique handle, since many others use Possum, so I tried Stoned Horse for my AIM screenname (only StondHorse would fit though). I got that idea after my AP U.S. History teacher mentioned that the Native Americans fed their horses marijuana (truth or not, I don't know) and because a family friend's Quake handle was Dead Stone Lion. I don't use the Stoned Horse idea anywhere else than on AIM since it might imply to friends and family that I'm a drug user, which I'm not.
Aug 23, 2002 at 3:47 PM Post #111 of 362

Originally posted by skippy
hmm... i don't know. my name isn't even skippy. maybe i like peanut butter.

.... or Kangaroos. My name is basically my cat's name. His full name is Onix Alberto Martínez Campero, but we keep it simple and call him just Onix.
Aug 23, 2002 at 3:50 PM Post #112 of 362

Originally posted by ai0tron
My handle currently refers to the idea, which I put no stake in other than its somewhat interesting, that mankind is a race of warrior AI's designed by another creature to be their army. However they made us too real and too powerful so we became god-like and attempted to destroy our creators. Tron is something of a revolt against God metaphor. We were finally beaten and our remnants banished to this planet. Earth. This place has something which restricts us to mere fractions of our previous greatness. When we first landed we still had memories of our previous lives as demi god's and tried to preserve it in the Egyptian landscape... however it soon passed and the memories were forgotten, twisted, jumbled up by the something about the planet which imprisons us. Our creators tried to contact us and save us from our own demise but so far they have been unsuccessful, perhaps they have died off. Whatever, we are slowly unraveling the puzzle which traps us here. Someday we will finish the puzzle and we will reclaim our place as masters of the universe...

I just made that up.

Dammit Ai, I love the concept!!!!
Aug 23, 2002 at 6:53 PM Post #113 of 362
I'm a keyboard player (used to be professional by the strictest definition = I got paid) and currently a professional soundman (by the same definition). 88 keys on a piano + soundman = 88Sound. Never made enough $$$$ at either of these activities to quit my 'day job' however they do help support my headphone addiction, and I like my day job anyway.
Aug 23, 2002 at 8:45 PM Post #114 of 362

Originally posted by penvzila

Majikthise is a character in a Douglas A. Adams book.

``Who are you?'' said Lunkwill, rising angrily from his seat. ``What do you want?''

``I am Majikthise!'' announced the older one.

``And I demand that I am Vroomfondel!'' shouted the younger one.

Majikthise turned on Vroomfondel. ``It's alright,'' he explained angrily, ``you don't need to demand that.''

``Alright!'' bawled Vroomfondel banging on an nearby desk. ``I am Vroomfondel, and that is not a demand, that is a solid fact! What we demand is solid facts!''

``No we don't!'' exclaimed Majikthise in irritation. ``That is precisely what we don't demand!''

i swear i was just reading this online; sheer coincidence. good book. if you're ever bored at work, i recommend it.
Jun 14, 2003 at 2:27 AM Post #116 of 362
Damn, this thread goes to way back. But anyways, I just graduated USC school of theatre and Goose was my name from crew. Actually that was the first one. Later there was a push to change my name to Tourette's because of my random utterances and non-stop cussing. Lot's of theories as to how the name Goose came about though. A lot of people seem to say to me upon finding out my name, "Why do they call you Goose? He's the one that dies." I'm not sure why people kept saying that. Truthfully, I think the name originated because of my laugh (honking) and/or the fact that I was always flying high. That and Goose is the one that dies. Whatever that tells you...

(we had an iceman on the team too so people always asked me about where was maverick. like anyone actually deserves that one. other choice names from the team: sleuce, princess, pacey, gonzo, gizmo, foster kid, scratchy, schmeck, tek, l. diddy, nutz, squints... names i'm sure that don't really make a lot of sense unless you were there)
Jun 14, 2003 at 2:36 AM Post #118 of 362
I'm a Mathematician. Arzela was
one also, and is responsible for one
of my favorite mathematical
results. I also think it sounds
Jun 14, 2003 at 2:38 AM Post #119 of 362
Well I think my name explanes enough.

I have the wrong job, because that's indoor.

I love to walk with my backpack, filled with my tent/sleeping bag and kitchen stuff etc.
I do this all the year throu, even in wintertimes and I love to camp in the snow.

I almost finisht the G.R. 5 (G.R = Grand Randonee).A long distance footpath.
It starts at Hoek van Holland in the Netherlands and it finishes at Nice at the meditarainian.
Al together 2500 km = 1560 miles
It goes throu the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, France and a little bit throu Switserland.
It goes also throu the alpes.
I almost finished it, I still have 9 more days of walking left.

Jun 14, 2003 at 3:10 AM Post #120 of 362
Nately was a privileged young man whose was sent off to war. He died as part of a bomber crew in World War II. Unfortunately for him, he was relatively sane, and never realized that he was living in the midst of satire (Catch-22).

The few of you I've met know I'm Nathan, so it's not that much of an alias.

That was a cool thread to read, thanks for pulling it up!

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