what does your head-fi name/handle mean?
Jun 14, 2003 at 6:50 AM Post #121 of 362
I'm a huge fan of Stephen Hill"s "Hearts of Space" program, and really dig space/ambient, thus the name
Jun 14, 2003 at 6:59 AM Post #122 of 362
Rizumu is a japanese romanization of the english word "rhythm". As to why I picked it, your guess is as good as mine. I needed a new nick, I like music, I like japanese and it sounded cool? Highly plausible
Jun 14, 2003 at 8:39 AM Post #123 of 362
Chinchy is short for Chinchilla. I used to have one, and that's what I called him. Wasn't very imaginative. I used to have a hamster too. I called him hamstie. I'll let you guess what I called my dog. It gets harder with an aquarium of fish, but somehow it works since I can't tell any of them apart.

Actually come to think of it, I call almost all my friends some form of their name ending in -y. I just think it's kinda cute.

Of course it gets into weird situations, since because I'm Chinese, people have misinterpreted it as Chinky. Ah well.
Jun 14, 2003 at 9:37 AM Post #124 of 362

Originally posted by Chinchy
Chinchy is short for Chinchilla. I used to have one, and that's what I called him. Wasn't very imaginative. I used to have a hamster too. I called him hamstie. I'll let you guess what I called my dog. It gets harder with an aquarium of fish, but somehow it works since I can't tell any of them apart.

thought is was a Caddyshack thing...

[size=xx-small]hey everybody...we're all gonna get laid![/size]
Jun 14, 2003 at 9:39 AM Post #125 of 362
The very day I chose my screen name was the very day I was 1. being educated about the old German zepellin blimps used for war by my uncle who is obsessed with war history and 2. listening to Led Zeppelin for one the first times and being completely moved by the artistic geneous of the music!
I quickly typed in the name zeplin thinking that was the right way to spell it and left it at that. I then soon realized that I had spelled it wrong but kept it that way to be "different" and because it's easier to type zeplin instead of Zeppelin...all the holding down shift and remembering how to spell each time I have to type it
Jun 14, 2003 at 10:08 AM Post #126 of 362
Something of a generic british name (akin to John Smith so I hear - maybe one of you UK types can verify this?). I use this name for all my online forms and free registration stuff. Some Tommy Atkins somewhere is getting a bunch of junk mail...

No, my name's not tommy.

Jun 14, 2003 at 10:49 AM Post #127 of 362
KJ in my name what i normaly use comes from old old Cyberpunk charachter, and 869 that im forced to use in this forum comes from my date of birth , 1986 and in finland we date stuff by day, month year and if you bounce from the 9 you get 9th of june(6)
Jun 14, 2003 at 1:17 PM Post #128 of 362
To get my nickname, I took the first two letters of my first name, the first two letters of my middle name, and the first three letters of my last name.

The "42" is a desperate attempt to add a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference.
Jun 14, 2003 at 1:23 PM Post #129 of 362
Nick Danger is a recurring character from the minds of "Firesign Theater".
Occasionally I am seen as "regnad kcin" which is the name nick sees as he's sitting in his office gazing through his door window while waiting for clients.
Jun 14, 2003 at 4:44 PM Post #130 of 362
My name is more of an inside joke between me and a couple of friends. To be blunt, my methods of computer modding are quite ghetto, cardboard and duct tape are common tools of mine, so i've been dubbed ebonyks (A ebonics translatation of ebonics).

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