What do you think Opening Ceremony of Beijing Olympics
Aug 13, 2008 at 4:28 AM Post #76 of 89
I must say that I loved the human performance displayed in the ceremony. The amount of mechanics was limited and the emphasis was more on the cultural deepness of China and it was just wonderful.

I must also mention that they didn't fell in any stereotype and kept everything clean and with good taste.
Aug 14, 2008 at 4:16 AM Post #77 of 89
The show was so amazing and fantastic. Having watched some films by Zhang Yimou but I couldn't believe my eyes. Everything was so artistic.
I can't believe there would be one day those chinese history & literature periods at school are useful
Aug 14, 2008 at 6:09 AM Post #78 of 89
The show was magnificent and possibly the best display of HUMAN ability (the central theme of the olympics). I'm scouring the nets for better footage of it.

off topic: China powers the world economy with its labor force. Cheap products are what set USA's standard of living so high. The wasteful style of living by American people no doubt wastes more than $300 million a year. In comparison to China's size, that isn't alot. What about wasteful American endeavors? Do you know how much was spent producing Spider-Man 3? $258 million. That movie was NOTHING in comparison to this opening ceremony. Also, i think Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End was $300 million.
I believe with sales from the Olympics (tickets, gear, souvenirs, etc.) and with increased tourism, China will easily make back what it spent on the olympics. They can then spend it on whatever some people are suggesting that they should spend on.

please dont flame me
Aug 16, 2008 at 9:15 PM Post #79 of 89
I think London is in trouble.....any upgrading to current Olympic plan only means one thing, more tax to Londoner lol!
Aug 16, 2008 at 10:07 PM Post #81 of 89
Regardless of the Chinese political atmosphere, the opening ceremony was absolutely magical. Precision at every turn. What freaked me out the most was those squares coming out of the floor of the stadium. I thought, 'wow, what a great computer control system they programmed". At the end, it was individual people lifting and raising those blocks. How very cool!!
Aug 17, 2008 at 2:53 PM Post #82 of 89

Originally Posted by breakfastchef /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Regardless of the Chinese political atmosphere, the opening ceremony was absolutely magical. Precision at every turn. What freaked me out the most was those squares coming out of the floor of the stadium. I thought, 'wow, what a great computer control system they programmed". At the end, it was individual people lifting and raising those blocks. How very cool!!

Digital magic. And gratuitously cruel to one little girl.

Opening ceremonies are about politics. They should be about the athletes, without whom there would be no Olympics. China fell into the same trap that so many host countries fall into: they used the games for propaganda. It is deplorable whether done by China or the USA or any other country. Rather than fostering feelings of goodwill, ostentatious displays only foster feelings of envy or contempt.
Aug 24, 2008 at 2:35 PM Post #83 of 89
Just finish seeing the closing ceremony about 15mins ago. Though not as grand as the openning, it is equally magical.

All argument and opinion aside, this is certainly one of the finest Olympic games in the modern era, with many old records broken - London beware, you're next.
Aug 24, 2008 at 4:49 PM Post #85 of 89
I think London's part was a bit strange. Not sure what Beckham was doing there.
Aug 24, 2008 at 5:00 PM Post #86 of 89

Originally Posted by saint.panda /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not sure what Beckham was doing there.

Kicking ball, apparently.
Aug 24, 2008 at 5:07 PM Post #87 of 89
Jimmy Page looked real old!

And really it was a strange choice - I mean there are many more universally famous musicians from UK. I really dig Led Zep but am not sure the general public in China, Asia or many other countries for that matter, know who he is. Pretty sure a Paul McCartney or Elton John would have been more recognizable.
Aug 29, 2008 at 4:50 PM Post #88 of 89
Just saw this on the Yahoo news.

It just shows that none of us really know the whole truth, and rush accusations often isn't the best call. Sydney and Beijing have both done a great job on their part, and digging out the old skeleton doesn't change my view a bit.
Aug 30, 2008 at 2:17 AM Post #89 of 89
The Closing Ceremony was a mess: the pace was all wrong -- long, long lecturing separated the first part (Acrobatics) and the second (the London Session and the Singing). While the acrobatics were impressive and pleasing to the eyes, the singing was an ordeal. However, the Olympic Memories session -- three athletes going on board on a plane stairway, while the screens around them flashed montages of each day of the game -- was very affecting.

The London Session was fun and delightful, but at 2 million UK pounds I'm expecting more.

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