What book are you reading right now?
Jul 6, 2010 at 12:47 AM Post #1,501 of 5,358

The Mystic Christ by Ethan Walker

- spiritual principals that clearly explain in practicable terms the age old call from within to: know thy "Self" ...

Good stuff 

Jul 7, 2010 at 12:52 PM Post #1,502 of 5,358
"Ninja" - Eric Von Lustbader
Jul 7, 2010 at 9:47 PM Post #1,504 of 5,358
Just finished "History's Worst Decisions - And the People Who Made Them" by Stephen Weir
- the book that list poor decisions made and why they what the effect was by politicians and leaders throughout history
and now starting "Alexander's Cipher" by Will Adams.  This is a thriller type novel thats not about the bible/Jesus and about Alexander the Great.
Jul 8, 2010 at 12:02 PM Post #1,505 of 5,358
Textbook: financial accounting theory lol

Jul 8, 2010 at 12:05 PM Post #1,507 of 5,358
I've started reading Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, only because it was referenced in a Doctor Who message board. 
Jul 8, 2010 at 7:40 PM Post #1,509 of 5,358
Well im new here and seeing this thread, just seemed to be fate, Music and Reading, two of my passions.
I probably read in excess of 50-100 books in a year usually 1-3 a week, depending on how busy i am at the time.
I started reading bout 15 years ago when i was 6 and the first novel i read was the Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien at age 7, and ive been hooked on fantasy since then.
Currently reading nothing as im waiting for it to be bought ( mothers come in handy ), so im going to read a book called Old Magic while  i wait for my delivery of Adrian Tchaikovsky's Empire in Black and Gold : Dragonfly Falling, the sequel to Empire in Black and gold : Shadows of The Apt. A very good read in my mind, a story based on insects as humans and the different races and the machinations of an empire marching on the world uninformed and oblivious of whats happening and the struggle of the resistance trying to stop it and inform people.
Would be welcome to recommendations from other Head-fiers if you have them.
Jul 8, 2010 at 9:52 PM Post #1,510 of 5,358
Would be welcome to recommendations from other Head-fiers if you have them.
Welcome to Head-Fi! My apologies to your wallet, anyway...
My favorite author, although you've probably read him, is H.P. Lovecraft. Generally known as the first significant contributor to Horror writing some of his writings are more pure fantasy (Dream Cycle of Unknown Kadath, et. al.) in my opinion. His writing style is quite enthralling and any fiction reader, regardless of genre preference, should do themselves the favor of getting intimate with his works. I would dare to compare him to Mr. Welles (Orson that is). The only caveat and hopefully one that does not dissuade new readers, is his tendency toward verbosity when describing settings that either are or resemble his dear New England.
Lately I've been absorbing all of Robert Anton Wilson's writings (Illuminatus Trilogy, Prometheus Rising, etc.) and highly recommend any of his books to those that believe they have an open mind. Much of his writing would be considered non-fiction but as much of it deals with either "clandestine gov't ops" or a unified theory that combines quantum mechanics and psychology, it's generally regarded as fiction. One of the most brilliant men this planet has read imho and if anything he'll keep you in stitches.


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