What book are you reading right now?
Apr 20, 2024 at 8:51 PM Post #5,341 of 5,361
"Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do"



Everything used in this book is from public sources. The stuff that's available publicly is far more frightening than a lot of people realize.

McWilliams marshals a vast army of anecdotes, quotes, statistics and assertions to argue that America would be a lot better off if we stopped using the force of law to save each other from drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography, suicide and sex in its more exotic flavors.

- New York Times

Peter McWilliams has come up with a "reinvention" of government that would bring us closer to the ideals of the Founding Fathers, increase our personal liberties and save an impressive amount of money in the process.


There's a huge difference between crime and sin - and the government has no business making the former out of the latter. At least, not in America.

—New York Newsday

It might inspire a song if I can match your mix of humor and seriousness. Brilliant!


The forces arrayed against McWilliams are many and powerful, from the legions of the religious right to the political establishment. McWilliams' book brims with facts delivered with a gentle sense of humor and spiced with pithy quotations from sources as diverse as Thomas Jefferson and Joni Mitchell.

—Cleveland Plain Dealer

Here is a controversial book that contains so much logical thought, it is destined to be roundly ignored by policy makers.

—Gannett News Service

Just as bootleggers were forced out of business in 1933 when Prohibition was repealed, making the sale of liquor legal (thus eliminating racketeering), the legalization of drugs would put drug dealers out of business. It would also guarantee government-approved quality, and the tax on drugs would provide an ongoing source of revenue for drug-education programs. An added plus: there would be far less crowding in our prisons due to drug-related crimes. It's something to consider.

—Abigail Van Buren

Recently there crossed my desk (delicate way of saying "free") a book sufficiently intriguing that, breaking the habits of a lifetime, I bought another copy. The book is Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do by Peter McWilliams.

—Newhouse News Service

Don't miss the point: In our "free country" over 750,000 people are now in jail for consensual crimes. You should also know that another 2 million are now on parole or probation; over 4 million more will be arrested this year; we will spend $50 billion this year punishing people who have been convicted of consensual crimes; and we will lose $150 billion this year in tax revenue. It's your money. You're paying for it.

—Phil Donahue

If you want to stop this madness, you may want to begin by reading Peter McWilliams' book. A highly readable and entertaining work, "Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do."

—Hugh Downs

Why don't we reconsider the criminalization of consensual activities by adults? Why is the option considered so far beyond the pale that hundreds of timid elected officials who know all this and privately agree are convinced that to question consensual crimes is political suicide?

—Orange County Register

Using his trademark clear logic and simple language, McWilliams points out that freeing the police, courts and prisons from prosecuting consensual criminals will make available whole armies of fighters against consumer fraud, terrorism, murder and rape.

—Dayton Ohio News

What's the difference between a crime that hurts a fellow citizen and a crime that only hurts the fool who commits it? All the difference in the world, according to Peter McWilliams.

—Rocky Mountain News

In witty, well-researched pages, McWilliams gives a series of compelling arguments to back up his contention that it's morally wrong to prosecute people for victimless crimes against morality.

—Detroit News

One more reason to buy this book is for the boxed quotes on almost every page. One of the greatest collections of funny, hilarious, unusual and trenchant remarks ever.

—Liz Smith

So you have your rapist, your strong-arm robber, your mugger being released early to make room for somebody who took money for sex or smoked dope in what he thought was private, but turned out to be not quite. That doesn't look like much of a trade from here. However much you're repelled by, say, prostitution, wouldn't you rather meet a hooker than a mugger coming down an alley?

—Reno Gazette–Journal

McWilliams is a New York Times best-selling author. Since 1967, he has published more than 30 books. He is a man well acquainted with controversy and shows no fear in rushing in where angels fear to tread. Well-written and fabulously interesting.

—Tulsa World

McWilliams makes a strong argument for the elimination of such crimes, providing a history of consensual crimes and their absurdity. The blend of first-person observation, research, and argument makes for a fine and revealing title.


I don't expect anyone to agree with all of McWilliams' assertions. Even he admits that. But there is one point you should not overlook. What starts with control of narcotics and sexual activity can spread wherever a majority (or powerful minority), often powered by religious zeal, decide it knows what's best for you.

—Philadelphia News Gleaner

How truly revolutionary, libertarian, frightening and funny this book is. Grand in scope and scale. The book is interesting and meticulously researched.
" Ain't Nobody's Business If YOU DO "

// The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Country ( Which I Personally voleentarily put my name, life and limb on the line to defend , era 1971) .~

—Little Rock Free Press

Peter McWilliams has written a book for our times—the quintessential book on the subject of consensual crimes. With public sympathy geared toward harsher sentences for those who commit felonies, McWilliams demonstrates the absurdity of prosecuting those guilty of "victimless" crimes.

—Newport News Press

Imposing criminal sanctions on human conduct which is wholly consensual and does not harm another person or his or her property is a misplaced and counterproductive act . . . we violate the premise upon which America was founded.

—New Orleans Times—Picayune

Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do was nominated for the H. L. Mencken Award.
There is no need
to read
this entire book.While this book is relatively heavy to lift, it isn't heavy reading. It's broken into dozens of short chapters and is more suited to browsing than to reading cover-to-cover.

This book is about a single idea—consenting adults should not be put in jail unless they physically harm the person or property of a nonconsenting other.

This idea is explored in the chapter "An Overview." After reading "An Overview," please feel free to skip around, reading what you find interesting, ignoring what you don't. It is my fond hope, of course, that you will eventually find your way to Part V, "What to Do?"

If nothing else, the boxed quotes on each page (the part of the book written by other people) are worth turning the page for. (By the way, the most controversial quote—but an absolutely accurate one—is found in the box on page 9.)

Thank you for reading.

Peter McWilliams I never hurt nobody but myself and that's nobody business but by own.

I love to reread such books simply for the furtherance of deeper understanding - Such an informative quick read, highly interesting, stimulating and humorous while dealing with serious issues and principals of personal freedom (rights) V. too often ulterior motivated government / societal oppression(s).

I suggest this book be read now before the book burnings begin :wink:
Apr 20, 2024 at 9:16 PM Post #5,342 of 5,361
I read fantasy books from Brandon Sanderson & Patrick Rothfuss (all good) the past few years and took a break from Fantasy/Sci-Fi for a bit - my return was Liu Cixin's "The Three Body Problem". One of the best Sci-Fi books I've read in years. I grew up with the Space Race, Outer Limits, the Twi, and read Le Guin, Herbert, Simmons, Butler, yada... - there are aspects of this book that are really interesting and unique as far as I know. I'm setting aside rereads of Dune Messiah, and finishing off Orson Scott Cards Maker Series to read on in Cixin's Series.
Apr 21, 2024 at 12:10 AM Post #5,343 of 5,361
I love to reread such books simply for the furtherance of deeper understanding - Such an informative quick read, highly interesting, stimulating and humorous while dealing with serious issues and principals of personal freedom (rights) V. too often ulterior motivated government / societal oppression(s).

I suggest this book be read now before the book burnings begin :wink:
Thanks for the replay, was off my radar, snagged a copy!👍
Apr 21, 2024 at 7:48 AM Post #5,344 of 5,361
I read fantasy books from Brandon Sanderson & Patrick Rothfuss (all good) the past few years and took a break from Fantasy/Sci-Fi for a bit - my return was Liu Cixin's "The Three Body Problem". One of the best Sci-Fi books I've read in years. I grew up with the Space Race, Outer Limits, the Twi, and read Le Guin, Herbert, Simmons, Butler, yada... - there are aspects of this book that are really interesting and unique as far as I know. I'm setting aside rereads of Dune Messiah, and finishing off Orson Scott Cards Maker Series to read on in Cixin's Series.

Did you see the Netflix movie trailer (posted on YouTube), "The Three Body Problem", Netflix release date: March 22 ? :thumbsup:

Do you believe Dune was satisfactorily adapted to the movie format ?

Also grew-up with The Outer Limits and Twilight Zone ( B&W) which piqued my interest in reading Sci-Fi - I enjoyed the yearly awarded Sc-Fi Short Stories compilation paperback series of releases.

( I held a career position in a climate controlled space which offered a good amount of inactivity with intermittent highly responsible duties which was perfect for looking forward to return to traveling with the author(s) for 30-40 minutes while awaiting my next call to intense duties. Time well spent and I was sharp of mind when I received radio calls to duty, making my work day usefully fly by. :slight_smile: )
Apr 21, 2024 at 9:20 AM Post #5,345 of 5,361

Did you see the Netflix movie trailer (posted on YouTube), "The Three Body Problem", Netflix release date: March 22 ?
No, I'm usually not happy with movie/mini series depictions of books I really like, so I'll wait until I finish the Series, then check it out.
Do you believe Dune was satisfactorily adapted to the movie format ?
No, I wrote on that before. If you cobble together the two old movies and the two new ones on a single thread - then you have the physical aspects done pretty well. I was actually very unhappy with the absence of visions and inner dialog in Dune 2, at least the first one had some. Also the Hollywood twist of Channi pulling away at the end was a device to add a personal spice to the possible 3rd movie. The cast of Lynch's version was IMO far better than these two new ones IMO as well.
Also grew-up with The Outer Limits and Twilight Zone ( B&W) which piqued my interest in reading Sci-Fi - I enjoyed the yearly awarded Sc-Fi Short Stories compilation paperback series of releases.
"Demon With a Glass Hand" is for sure what set me to reading through all of these years.
( I held a career position in a climate controlled space which offered a good amount of inactivity with intermittent highly responsible duties which was perfect for looking forward to return to traveling with the author(s) for 30-40 minutes while awaiting my next call to intense duties. Time well spent and I was sharp of mind when I received radio calls to duty, making my work day usefully fly by. :slight_smile: )
That sounds pretty good. I avoided indoor work until I was 26, then sat in front of a tube for 30 years - nethack was my escape.
May 1, 2024 at 1:26 PM Post #5,346 of 5,361
Minority Rule.jpg
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May 6, 2024 at 10:59 AM Post #5,347 of 5,361
May 15, 2024 at 11:45 AM Post #5,350 of 5,361
Huck Finn.png
The writing is first-person and delightfully done. Mr. Clemens writes in five
Missouri dialects and his disclaimer reads: "The shadings have not been
done in a haphazard fashion, or by guesswork; but painstakingly, and with
the trustworthy guidance and support of personal familiarity with these several
forms of speech.”

Excerpt From
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain & E.W. Kemble
May 15, 2024 at 12:18 PM Post #5,351 of 5,361
The Silent Man by Alex Berenson. After this one I can get back to my Tom Clancy books. I was caught up, but the franchise put out three more last year. I have two of them. New to the thread but if thriftbooks.com hasn't been mentioned there are good deals on used books. You can get hard cover books in great shape for $ 5-6.
May 15, 2024 at 4:25 PM Post #5,353 of 5,361

Rebellion - Robert Kagan dives deeper than the op-eds and think pieces to explore
the historical forces that have brought us to this moment in American politics.
May 22, 2024 at 6:25 PM Post #5,354 of 5,361
I will be the first to admit that my phone has given me a bit of ADD. I can just cannot tackle a 500, 600, 700 page book anymore. I will get 30-50 pages in and something will click with me and I will have to Google it and then I am off to my phone for a while.

I tried to make it easier by buying some reference books on electronics (for tube amps), Jazz history and Noir movies. But I don't seem to refer to them much.

So, jump to the present and I pre-ordered Stephen King's new collection of short stories, "You Like It Darker". It was delivered today and I will start it by the weekend at the latest.

I wonder if this will be the thing that turns me back into a reader (not counting phones, laptop and desktop)?


PS: I have cleared out most of my library, but have hung onto my Stephen King, Clive Barker, Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes books.
I think that I thought I would eventually get back into books but now that I am entering my mid 60's I am not quite so sure anymore.
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May 24, 2024 at 4:02 PM Post #5,355 of 5,361

^ This is part of this great series. Even if you fully come down on one side or the other, it's important to read trenchant, well-reasoned criticism of your positions so you don't become too ossified or dogmatic in your thinking on issues of great import. I have read two other volumes: 1 and 2 and have another to read later.


^ Interesting stuff; this will help fill in some gaps in my understanding of the human journey (namely the pre-historic dispersion of our species around the globe, and the development/spread of agriculture). The hardback is 50% off right now.


^ Reading as part of my effort to more fully understand the philosophy of emotion. The E-book version of this is free to download until June 5th.

Have a good weekend all.

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