What Are You Listening To Right Now?
Sep 3, 2023 at 9:21 AM Post #127,216 of 137,771
Knopfler_Get Lucky.jpg Golden Heart.jpg

Good call, Bob!​
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Sep 3, 2023 at 10:09 AM Post #127,217 of 137,771

Experimenting a bit with the chain today: Laptop --> W4S Recovery --> Bifrost 2/64 --> Chord Anni --> Fat Freq Maestro Mini. Bassy!
Sep 3, 2023 at 11:06 AM Post #127,218 of 137,771

"Good call Bob!​

Thanks DLee. And, love “Boom Like That”. I listened to it after seeing your post and found the lyrics. The song appears to be about McDonald’s, chiefly about Ray Kroc, its founder. Knopfler has a knack for writing satirical songs about certain known individuals as he did with “Imelda” (Imelda Marcos).
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Sep 3, 2023 at 1:25 PM Post #127,221 of 137,771
Sep 3, 2023 at 4:30 PM Post #127,224 of 137,771
Hey "Snap!", reading your post from a hospital bed with cannulas in my arms. Are there any young healthy audiophiles left?

Sorry to hear that. :worried: Hope you're outta there soon! (Pretty hard to get the rest you need to recover when you're in a hospital!) Music (and reading) helps pass the time!

Define "young". I'm in my mid 40's, and I've thought I've been getting old, or at least aging, since my early 20's. :grin:

But I also hold that one doesn't really start getting old until their 50's, and around 60 is when you really are old (but hardly feeble or infirm if you've taken care of yourself and have been lucky with genetics and not suffered major health issues yet). I'll see if I change my mind as I continue to age. :grin:

Doctors/nurses/staff, some much younger than I, kept referring to me as "so young", "very young", etc. when I was in the hospital or during appointments. But they're used to seeing a bunch of 80 & 90 year old people so...

As for health, I've actually enjoyed good health and lots of activity since childhood. It's just that I was born with a congenital heart defect (aortic valve deficiency) that has resulted in 3 surgeries so far (and I had an appendectomy at age 14); the last one this June (little more info here). But I've surpassed doctor's expectations in terms of endurance/stamina/activity level since I was a kid. As an adult, I've kept up with distance cycling, long and often difficult ("technical") hiking/backpacking, tennis, speed walking (no running/jogging for me: too hard on the muscle/skeletal system), rowing, swimming, etc. But every 15 years or so my energy level sharply declines for a couple years (though I can still keep up a good exercise schedule) and I need valve replacement. Within months I'm back to my former activity level. I've been doing miles of speed walking/light hiking since about 3 weeks out of surgery already. Soon I'll be doing 25+ mile cycles and hikes (nothing heroic: I've never been a "push it to the limit/prove something to myself" type. 75 miles is the longest I've ever cycled for instance). Can't wait! Fall/Winter is my favorite time to be outdoors.

So I'm comparatively lucky: my congenital heart issue has always been something that can be fixed each time and then I'm back to my normal health and fairly active lifestyle.

@PoSR77 & Carpet - know, this too shall pass and don’t let setbacks get us down - has served me well !

Heck, I was recently pleased to be informed, I could live for another 20 years, by a well meaning doctor - the pessimist in me, upon later reflection thought : And some fools bought DodgeCoin at it’s peak, too.
The moral of this ditty is that we must be on guard of any negative self talk always, and especially when dealing with that which is out of our control in the present moment to focus on being kind to ourselves being aware that biological depression can be caused by physical illnesses in the form of stress and anxiety with our initial “illness”.
Proactively make this decision!
Wisdom from one all too experienced with this that I speak.

So, cheer-up, it’s the weekend,
As Monty Python sings while hanging from a cross while toe tapping to, “Always look at the bright side of life” whistling away… acceptance !
“Crucifixion , why you bloody ungrateful so n' so, centurion’s pet is what he is” 😂 LOL

Thanks for the kind words; read the above for more context on my health status. I just had a frustrating setback after my open heart valve replacement surgery in June and I had been feeling so much better (better than I have in years) starting in July. I'm not too down about it, as long as the dangerous infection goes away, but it will be some weeks before I can get back on my bike and the weather is going to be great for cycling! (But it will be better in the Fall/Winter!).

So I was just complaining a little bit with the full knowledge that so many people have it so much worse. But I tend to be a "cautious" or "realistic" optimist: I don't deny or hide away from the bad in life, but I try not to dwell on it either and I hold much hope or reasonable expectation (based off hard evidence/logic) for the future, both in my personal life and for humankind (the human project) as a whole. That makes for a much more fulfilling life, with better overall well being, if not flourishing, as you alluded to.

I hope you get those 20 more years with a level of health good enough to make them worthwhile!

Great tunes you listed btw!


A favorite; one weird, but one great album. Makes for great party tunes:




And two more classic Hubbard's.


Sep 3, 2023 at 6:44 PM Post #127,227 of 137,771

David Vanian and The Phantom Chords - David Vanian and The Phantom Chords

Phil Collins - Plays Well With Others

t.A.T.u - The Best
Sep 3, 2023 at 7:28 PM Post #127,229 of 137,771
Today I listened to the Joshua Abrams album Magnetoception on my stereo, and then listened to it again on a pair of ZMF headphones. Is it the rhythmic sound of the guimbri? The stellar guitar playing by Emmett Kelly and Jeff Parker? The soothing sound of harmonium? The subtle nuances of Hamid Drake’s percussion? What a joy.

Sep 3, 2023 at 7:32 PM Post #127,230 of 137,771
Queen A Night At the Opera

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