What Are You Listening To Right Now?
Nov 11, 2013 at 6:50 PM Post #47,297 of 137,202
Nov 11, 2013 at 9:43 PM Post #47,301 of 137,202
Dexter Britain - Zenith
https://dexterbritain.bandcamp.com/album/zenith (FREE!)
I'm letting this wonderful music soothe my mind after a long day.
Also on another note, it's finally here, my 1000th post on Head-Fi. As a happy coincidence this happens to coincide with the completion of the first version of a list of my current 100 favorite albums, which is something I've wanted to compile at some point before the end of the year. It is naturally a very personal list and subject to changes as time goes on given the word "current" in the description. The list as it stands right now is also hardly anything more than the first version I was able to trim down to a hundred entries. There are without a doubt albums that don't quite deserve their place on the list and albums I forgot to include, but that is pretty much inevitable I'm afraid. Despite everything I just said, I'm happy to have at least a rudimentary version completed as a basis for future refinement.
I stuck to modern composers in regards to classical and I tried to not go overboard with jazz entries because there's so much gold to mine there. Additionally I only picked a couple of soundtracks and attempted to not name too many albums from any one artist if it could be avoided for the sake of variety. Also note that this is a list of my favorite albums, not a listing of the best albums I've ever heard. Those two things do overlap but aren't the exact same thing.
I've included the link in my signature. Feel free to check it out if you are interested; perhaps you will make some new musical discoveries.

Nice list! I share some of your rock/metal/ambient interests. I like jazz and classical, but concede that my non guitar rock/blues/folk collection is pretty lean-I need to expand my jazz repertoire....I'll have to check out some of your picks.
Nov 11, 2013 at 11:18 PM Post #47,305 of 137,202
So browsing through TJ Elite's favorite albums list, I discovered John Frusciante. The album's opening "Before the Beginning" really sets this both enigmatic and psychedelic atmosphere that poses itself as a nice welcome to the warm yet distant sounding album. John's music really sets a mark all on it's own. It can't necessarily be compared to other artist's work because he incorporates a presence unlike any other. If there is one thing I can say about this record, it's a weight to listen to because of all bells and whistles in each track (not a bad thing at all). I'm having a hard time believing that this is his tenth album and I still haven't heard of him after all this time. I definitely recommend this album to all and many.

"The Empyrean" - John Frusciante
Nov 12, 2013 at 2:44 AM Post #47,306 of 137,202
  So browsing through TJ Elite's favorite albums list, I discovered John Frusciante. The album's opening "Before the Beginning" really sets this both enigmatic and psychedelic atmosphere that poses itself as a nice welcome to the warm yet distant sounding album. John's music really sets a mark all on it's own. It can't necessarily be compared to other artist's work because he incorporates a presence unlike any other. If there is one thing I can say about this record, it's a weight to listen to because of all bells and whistles in each track (not a bad thing at all). I'm having a hard time believing that this is his tenth album and I still haven't heard of him after all this time. I definitely recommend this album to all and many.

Must be nearly a decade since since I last listened to any of his music, but when I did I nearly played The Will To Death, to death.
Listening to it now I feel somewhat ambivalent. It's nice music, for sure, but that distance you talk about comes across more like emptiness to me. It's like there's all these words, but when you put them together they don't make any higher meaning. I got a similar feeling when I listened to A Great Big Pile of Leaves recently. It's not that I dislike the music, I just get the feeling that "if I switch this off, I won't really miss out on anything". Maybe 'superfluous' is the right word.
This is just some personal blather, of course, but it would be nice to see if anyone has experienced anything similar?

Just to prove that I'm not completely lethargic, this instills pretty much the opposite feelings in me:
It feels vital and indispesible.
Nov 12, 2013 at 3:23 AM Post #47,307 of 137,202

Alice Cooper - Killer (1971)

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