Westone UM3X Thread
Jun 24, 2009 at 3:29 PM Post #1,216 of 4,413
I wonder if anyone here uses these iems with their computer?
I get a hissing sound from integrated sound as well as my asus xonar u1.
Does anyone know how to reduce the hiss?
I am thinking of ordering a 75ohm resistor cable, does anyone have experience with this? What is an ideal resitance level?

I've read that a resistor cable usually attenuates highs and mids, giving iems a larger bass emphasis. (not sure how true this is)

Given the choice, I would prefer to preserve the original sound signature.
However, if increasing resistance is the only way, that will be the way I will go.

Could someone please advise.
Jun 24, 2009 at 4:26 PM Post #1,219 of 4,413

Originally Posted by derek8555 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I would want to know too! I'm considering UM56 or some similar alternatives right now.

because you asked I just did a little A/B test. First off, let me say I had never tried to UM3X's with the stock complys and I was pretty impressed.... sounded good... a lot smoother than I had envisioned. It seems the W3's benefit far more from the Um56 tips than the UM3X.

That said, the UM3X's definitely sounded better with the UM56's. This is just one little test for a couple of minutes listening to Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone" and Steely Dan "My Rival", via unamped ipod. Basically, everything with the custom tips is a lot clearer.... I just hear more and with more texture and more clarity. The bass is tighter and deeper too (as you'd imagine based on the better seal).

Is the soundstage bigger? Perhaps a little bit... the vocals are still pretty close though. But in my humble opinion there are a lot of reasons other than soundstage to purchase the UM56's. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Jun 24, 2009 at 6:41 PM Post #1,220 of 4,413

Originally Posted by lhamp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
because you asked I just did a little A/B test. First off, let me say I had never tried to UM3X's with the stock complys and I was pretty impressed.... sounded good... a lot smoother than I had envisioned. It seems the W3's benefit far more from the Um56 tips than the UM3X.

That said, the UM3X's definitely sounded better with the UM56's. This is just one little test for a couple of minutes listening to Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone" and Steely Dan "My Rival", via unamped ipod. Basically, everything with the custom tips is a lot clearer.... I just hear more and with more texture and more clarity. The bass is tighter and deeper too (as you'd imagine based on the better seal).

Is the soundstage bigger? Perhaps a little bit... the vocals are still pretty close though. But in my humble opinion there are a lot of reasons other than soundstage to purchase the UM56's. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

You're a hero. Thanks!
Jun 24, 2009 at 9:30 PM Post #1,221 of 4,413
Well I listened to my UM3X all day at work today, didn't hear anybody speaking to me, which was great. Isolation is good. Comfort is excellent, never had a set of phones I could wear all day. Cable is excellent, light with little or no microphonics. Can't decide which tips to use, they all seem comfy apart from the brain touching shure triple flanges (bought a shure fit kit same time as the phones). Medium shure olives seem to be excellent though, not as squishy as the comply tips but just as comfy. On the sound front they have a sublime amount of detail. I am noticing new things in tunes I have listened to for years. Part of this is the instrument separation. I understand what people say when they say the vocals are close or the soundstage is too small. Soundstage got a bit bigger when I turned clear stereo on with my Sony X1060. That's the only EQ I have used. They're not what I would call a light and airy phone, but you can distinguish between any instrument, and hear fingers on guitars etc. But I have to say I love them, they're a great pair of IEMs. I would like to side by side compare them with W3s, but on comfort alone I am a westone convert, my ears have hated IEMs for years. Not any more, and I could sleep with them on they fit so flush.
Jun 24, 2009 at 10:10 PM Post #1,222 of 4,413
what tip do you use ? the only tip that can seal my ear is Comply P-tip standard size (haven't try slim yet) none other work, they can't reach inside of my ear canal. the shape of my outer ear don't allow them to go any further and my ear shape is weird inside.

I hate the shape of my ear. btw, I was thinking of UM56, just thinking. I have a question about UM56 or any custom earphone/tip. how loud will you hear your foot step with or without music on ? I ask this because with silicon tip I can hear my foot step so clear. even louder than the loudest bass I can withstand. please let me know so I can decide if custom or Comply P-tip is better for me
Jun 24, 2009 at 11:52 PM Post #1,223 of 4,413

Originally Posted by Bilavideo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sorry guys. I wasn't trying to beat anyone into submission, just sharing some ideas. I've just deleted the better part of my posts here. May the discussion thrive without me.

Jun 24, 2009 at 11:52 PM Post #1,224 of 4,413

Originally Posted by Bilavideo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sorry guys. I wasn't trying to beat anyone into submission, just sharing some ideas. I've just deleted the better part of my posts here. May the discussion thrive without me.

Gosh, I thought you were pretty darned eloquent in your discussions. Keep it up.
Jun 25, 2009 at 12:27 AM Post #1,225 of 4,413

Originally Posted by lhamp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
because you asked I just did a little A/B test. First off, let me say I had never tried to UM3X's with the stock complys and I was pretty impressed.... sounded good... a lot smoother than I had envisioned. It seems the W3's benefit far more from the Um56 tips than the UM3X.

That said, the UM3X's definitely sounded better with the UM56's. This is just one little test for a couple of minutes listening to Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone" and Steely Dan "My Rival", via unamped ipod. Basically, everything with the custom tips is a lot clearer.... I just hear more and with more texture and more clarity. The bass is tighter and deeper too (as you'd imagine based on the better seal).

Is the soundstage bigger? Perhaps a little bit... the vocals are still pretty close though. But in my humble opinion there are a lot of reasons other than soundstage to purchase the UM56's. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Man that's awesome! I have both W3 and UM3X at the moment so I seriously might give the UM56 a shot and see which pair of the phones I would want to keep in the end. But then even without the custom tips I still lean forward to UM3X for the lush midrange that's just lacking in the W3s.
Jun 25, 2009 at 2:22 AM Post #1,227 of 4,413
I am looking to try a pair of medium Shure soft flex sleeves with UM3X. If anyone has a spare pair please PM me. Also looking for comments on these tips with UM3X. I'm presumming I will prefer complys but want to try them anyway. I hate to buy three pairs or a fit kit plus shipping charges and end up not liking the sound. Kind of a waste. Thanks
Jun 25, 2009 at 4:32 AM Post #1,229 of 4,413

Originally Posted by lhamp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not to belabor this, but I have to assume you aren't using um56 tips. With the custom tips the UM3X's are definitely a bit brighter... (If you search the W3 thread and this one I think you'll find some posts that confirm that observation).

Sorry...I should have mentioned that in my original post.... I frankly wasn't in love with the 3's before I got the UM56's.... and I never even listened to the UM3X's with the stock tips. As soon as I got them I put the UM56 tips on.

PS. I just A/B'd them before I posted this.... UM3X's with UM56 tips definitely brighter than W3 with UM56 tips.

how odd, I agree with the soundstage comments. but then using UM56 will add more soundstage to any IEM IME
, but because of the distance to the eardrum; not because I think it changes the sound signature. I dont think it makes anything brighter; but simply tightens up the bass so it doesnt encroach on the mids and extends lower and higher. different ears.....

I had to post in here, in the last 24hrs i'm pretty sure the vibration has gone away or is going away (no burn in on armatures huh??). but doug wont have any of it, he insists on sending me a new set of IEMs regardless. it was his first statement in the return email. good stuff and westone really do deserve the good props they get for great customer support.

as to the UM3X. natural is the word I would use for them. the mids might be a micrometer forward, but I think its only very slight, just enough to make them sound natural to me while keeping my interest. treble detail is most certainly there, but not peaky, which is a GOOD thing IMO. This quality is something that I search out in most parts of my rig across source, cabling, amping, op-amps cap choice etc so i'm getting along pretty well with them.

I think they would and do make a decent monitor. I used them for a little diddling around on the keyboards/synths in logic studio last night and they handled themselves very well. but they do lack maybe just a touch of the sub-bass snarl in some electronic music, because that is more a product of colouring anyway, so it shouldnt be there in a monitor. not lacking in extension or quantity to me, but basically...natiural. its so well controlled that it doesnt get euphonic in the lower frequencies. it has the sound that I just know is gonna grow on me big time. best IEM i've owned to date for my ears

compared to the SE530 hmmm, havent sat down and analyzed them really yet. I will do, but I want to give them a longer listen to nail that down if I can. I havent played around with tips for them yet, but using medium shure black foams which I never used on the shures as I found them to make SE530 muddy and a bit uncontrolled, contributing to their rep for boomy bass. I used comply standard size (not short) on my westones and trimmed triaflanges (stalk and tip) to double flange.

my UM56 wont stay on the UM3X
it just squeezes right off every time. they stay on the SE530 because of the ridge on the longer tube of the shures, but I guess the hole got bigger (I have the soft silicone ones) I had troubles with them from the beginning though and the lady in brisbane where I got the impressions has taken ill with RSI and doesnt do them there at the westone lab anymore apparently. so that left me in a spot for refit. So I guess I should probably do any comparisons to the shures without custom tips for be fair.

listening to groove armada at the moment. and there is certainly synergy with iriver->D10->UM3X (opa2350 with AD8616 and topkit) and isnt hissy enough for me to bother using an impedance adapter with the Lisa III fed by that rig. I actually think they sound fantastic with my DIYMOD, to the point where I may use that rig more again as I find the UM3X to have even better synergy with that for some music (rock, metal etc) with d10 fed by VCAP I can be satisfied with either rig; for SE530 the D10 as source helped to clean up the bass; moreso than the DIYMOD. that sub-bass-snarl is actually more present with this rig and the dock doesnt hurt either

I can see how the style of IEMs may not appeal to others with a penchant for more smiley EQ. but why not just give them one, they respond to EQ very well; as you would expect

these are still early impressions and I actually didnt plan on posting this much, until I did some more comparisons. but I had to come on and give props to Doug.


Originally Posted by Bilavideo
Sorry guys. I wasn't trying to beat anyone into submission, just sharing some ideas. I've just deleted the better part of my posts here. May the discussion thrive without me.

man; dont worry about it, bring it on, i'm gonna be spouting a bit, so lets make it a party LOL
Jun 25, 2009 at 5:18 AM Post #1,230 of 4,413
Great review. Good to hear that you also found the UM3X's sound is natural. Looking forward for your serious and detailed reviews
. The D10 do sound magnificent. Mmmm.. thinking about the D10's topkit... mmmm ... mmmmm ...

Thanks again.

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