Warwick Acoustics APERIO and BRAVURA
Oct 9, 2023 at 5:41 PM Post #467 of 913
I’ll let someone maybe a bit wiser than me reply if there is a great solution, but as far as I’m concerned, it shouldn’t matter too much if you are just using a straight streamer/transport. The use of an external dac isn’t advised for the Bravura because it would have to do an AD conversion then back to a DA conversion before being output. That additional conversion could degrade the sound quality more than it helps (possibly).
Thanks for the explanation. I don't want to run the cable from the main DAC/streamer and use it in the bedroom.
Oct 9, 2023 at 6:54 PM Post #469 of 913
I would love to hear some comparisons in progressive rock music. always wanted to know which headphones does it great.
good tracks are : Psychotic Waltz : Butterfly,
Long distance calling: Getaway,
Dream Theater: 6:00
Edge of Sanity: Crimson
and of course some opera would be nice too (Cavaleria Rusticana or Rigoletto would be awesome)
thanks for the great review again.
Sure, I can add some progressive rock & opera as well :)

Awesome! I always love discovering new music, too. It’s not always my cup of tea, but usually I am quite receptive to them most of the time! And, expanding my horizon is always fun. I have so many “representative” tracks and made a playlist for Can Jam with a lot of them. That ended up being 135 tracks! 😂 It’s so hard to choose and of course I didn’t get to most of those.
Indeed, it was very hard to shorten my list, but keeping it at just 20 really helps when comparing. It's also a good sign when I'm enjoying the songs as much as the first time (after all I'm listening to just 20 songs ~12hrs a day for weeks)

So the Bravura headset and Sonoma system came in today, much earlier than anticipated, and my first impressions of Bravura are very... mixed
Keep in mind these are just a first impression(~3hrs) on mostly pop adjacent music, so it might change:
detail retrieval: Bravura >= LCD-5 >= Susvara
soundstage: Susvara >> LCD-5 (Bravura has VARIABLE soundstage, bass heavier tracks similar to like LCD-5, airy tracks stage bigger than Susvara)
imaging: LCD-5 >= Susvara >= Bravura
natural tone: Susvara >> LCD-5 >> Bravura
bass impact: LCD-5 >> Susvara >> Bravura
bass texture: LCD-5 >= Bravura >> Susvara
vocal texture: Susvara >> LCD-5 == Bravura

Detail-wise nothing touches Bravura, but my surprise was it didn't image as well as LCD-5 or Susvara to my ears. Perhaps my opinion will change after listening longterm. The other surprise: the sheer resolution and separation on Bravura made it very enjoyable to listen to Metal. (Not that I normally listen to Metal)

Important notes: Chain for other HP is iBasso dx320 (ROHM dac thru line out on new AMP12exn-s) -> iFi 4.4 to XLR cable -> iFi pro iCan signature (solid state) -> Susvara: stock cable -- LCD-5: ZMF OFC cable (I usually use a Viking weave ansuz cable on my LCD-5, which somehow improves soundstage, imaging, and tone slightly)

For the full review, I'll also add a "by genre" comparison: (this will include Atrium and Utopia)
vocal heavy pop
"trashy" pop
progressive rock
choral and a capella
any other genres?

Updated in green!
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Oct 9, 2023 at 7:17 PM Post #470 of 913
Sure, I can add some progressive rock & opera as well :)

Indeed, it was very hard to shorten my list, but keeping it at just 20 really helps when comparing. It's also a good sign when I'm enjoying the songs as much as the first time (after all I'm listening to just 20 songs ~12hrs a day for weeks)

So the Bravura headset and Sonoma system came in today, much earlier than anticipated, and my first impressions of Bravura are very... mixed
Keep in mind these are just a first impression(~3hrs), so it might change:
detail retrieval: Bravura >> LCD-5 == Susvara
soundstage: Susvara >> Bravura == LCD-5
imaging: LCD-5 >= Susvara >> Bravura
natural tone: Susvara >> LCD-5 >> Bravura
bass impact: LCD-5 >> Susvara >> Bravura

Detail-wise nothing touches Bravura, but my surprise was it didn't image as well as LCD-5 or Susvara to my ears. Perhaps my opinion will change after listening longterm. The other surprise: the sheer resolution and separation on Bravura made it very enjoyable to listen to Metal. (Not that I normally listen to Metal)

Important notes: Chain for other HP is iBasso dx320 (ROHM dac thru line out on AMP 12) -> iFi 4.4 to XLR cable -> iFi pro iCan signature (solid state) -> Susvara: stock cable -- LCD-5: ZMF OFC cable (I usually use a Viking weave ansuz cable on my LCD-5, which somehow improves soundstage, imaging, and tone slightly)

For the full review, I'll also add a "by genre" comparison: (this will include Atrium and Utopia)
vocal heavy pop
"trashy" pop
progressive rock
choral and a capella
any other genres?

Awesome. Keep the impressions coming!

The thing I love about this hobby is how personal it is. There’s literally something for everyone.
Oct 9, 2023 at 7:43 PM Post #471 of 913
I would love to hear some comparisons in progressive rock music. always wanted to know which headphones does it great.
good tracks are : Psychotic Waltz : Butterfly,
Long distance calling: Getaway,
Dream Theater: 6:00
Edge of Sanity: Crimson
and of course some opera would be nice too (Cavaleria Rusticana or Rigoletto would be awesome)
thanks for the great review again.

I didn’t listen to Cavaleria Rusticana or Rigoletto, but I listened to some passages by Lawrence Brownlee in the opera genre. One of my favorites of his is “Ah! mes amis“ from La file du regiment. Just one of the things that stands out for me for vocals is sibilance. Generally, the neutral/detailed headphone I listened to prior, including the Susvara, Utopia (2022), etc. all have a touch of unnatural bite to those plosive consonants. They’re not excessively bright and overall stay juuuuuuust on the right side of sharp, but still don’t quite sound natural to my ears for vocals. The Bravura sounds much closer to natural than any others that I’ve heard. This is especially true for unamplified vocals, like opera, choral, a capella music.

Not sure if anyone’s heard of Jacob Collier. He’s like this music genius savant. Honestly, probably today’s equivalent to a Mozart, Beethoven,Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Haydn, etc. His music theory comprehension is beyond ridiculous. He plays so many instruments and his Logic program knowledge is insane. He’s not the most amazing singer, BUT he’s got a vocal range that is so, so impressive. Oh, and he’s only 29 years old! That all said, he’s got a very eclectic collection of music that have influence from so many genres. I mention that because many of his songs have so much layering, vocals, instruments, percussions, plus sound samples. With that, all the layers and details can get lost, but that’s not the case here. I’ve been listening to his music all afternoon and am so impressed by the amount of detail separation, instrument separation, that I’m getting on the Bravura. It really doesn’t miss a beat even with the amount of complexity in Jacob Collier‘s songs.
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Oct 9, 2023 at 8:06 PM Post #472 of 913
I didn’t listen to Cavaleria Rusticana or Rigoletto, but I listened to some passages by Lawrence Brownlee in the opera genre. One of my favorites of his is “Ah! mes amis“ from La file du regiment. Just one of the things that stands out for me for vocals is sibilance. Generally, the neutral/detailed headphone I listened to prior, including the Susvara, Utopia (2022), etc. all have a touch of unnatural bite to those plosive consonants. They’re not excessively bright and overall stay juuuuuuust on the right side of sharp, but still don’t quite sound natural to my ears for vocals. The Bravura sounds much closer to natural than any others that I’ve heard. This is especially true for unamplified vocals, like opera, choral, a capella music.

Not sure if anyone’s heard of Jacob Collier. He’s like this music genius savant. Honestly, probably today’s equivalent to a Mozart, Beethoven,Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Haydn, etc. His music theory comprehension is beyond ridiculous. He plays so many instruments and his Logic program knowledge is insane. He’s not the most amazing singer, BUT he’s got a vocal range that is so, so impressive. Oh, and he’s only 29 years old! That all said, he’s got a very eclectic collection of music that have influence from so many genres. I mention that because many of his songs have so much layering, vocals, instruments, percussions, plus sound samples. With that, all the layers and details can get lost, but that’s not the case here. I’ve been listening to his music all afternoon and am so impressed by the amount of detail separation, instrument separation, that I’m getting on the Bravura. It really doesn’t miss a beat even with the amount of complexity in Jacob Collier‘s songs.
I'll try those genres and compare the tonality. So far I have just compared the music I mostly listen to, but it might change for pure vocals!
Oct 9, 2023 at 9:33 PM Post #473 of 913
I'll try those genres and compare the tonality. So far I have just compared the music I mostly listen to, but it might change for pure vocals!

It’s all subjective anyway! What sounds correct is up to the individual. Still want to hear your thoughts.

I’ve only briefly heard the LCD-5, HE1000SE (or was it the V2, I forget), so not enough to get a good feel for them. I’ve had more experience with the Utopia and much, more experience with the Susvara. No experience with the Atrium, though.

Also, speaking of the metal genre - I just listened to my favorite album of all time 10,000 Days by Tool. Prior, I had only listened to “The Pot” from that album on the Bravura, but now the whole album in its entirety. The articulation of the Bravura was phenomenal for it. It also had just the right amount of thickness and heft to thump to not oversaturated/muddy the rest of the detail. Loved the tonality throughout. Maynard’s voice sometimes can sound a bit strident on other headphones, but not the case here, either.

If there was something that could be improved, though, it would be the macro dynamics.
Oct 10, 2023 at 6:40 AM Post #474 of 913
I just want to point out that one of the great aspects of the Aperio is that if you want more warmth or any other modification of the sound you can always run an external DAC through it or, as I do, you can run it in analog mode connected to an amp/preamp with tone controls and modify the sound to your taste. It's thoroughly flexible. Of course, it sounds fantastic as is but tastes vary. The Aperio allows you to modify and tinker as much as you like, not to mention what can be achieved with skillful EQ.
Hi, just want to clarify a point. I am using a Lina DAC with Aperio. I also had a Lina Amp. Are you saying I can also connect my lina amp to Aperio? I thought you could only use energizer amp with Estat's? If you can use the Lina amp, how would you hook it up? Sorry may be simple question (analog mode is what shows on my Aperio screen now?)
Oct 10, 2023 at 7:20 AM Post #475 of 913
Hi, just want to clarify a point. I am using a Lina DAC with Aperio. I also had a Lina Amp. Are you saying I can also connect my lina amp to Aperio? I thought you could only use energizer amp with Estat's? If you can use the Lina amp, how would you hook it up? Sorry may be simple question (analog mode is what shows on my Aperio screen now?)
No, sorry for misunderstanding. I connect my DAC analog out XLR into Aperio analog in, bypassing internal DAC or DSP. I didn't mean to imply anything else.
Oct 10, 2023 at 9:41 AM Post #476 of 913
No, sorry for misunderstanding. I connect my DAC analog out XLR into Aperio analog in, bypassing internal DAC or DSP. I didn't mean to imply anything else.
Thank you, it was my misunderstanding. I do the same with the Lina DAC. I think the high end comment you hear ( the higher up the summit-fi chain you go things don't necessarily get better but different) I kind of am learning to agree with that. The Aperio is so good I sometimes feel guilty offering criticism. It's at this level just a matter of musical preference I believe. IMO on a critical listing approach it is hard to find anything that sounds as good as Aperio. On the musicality of it, I find it depends on the genre of music you listen to. I find it not as optimal for older forms of "classic rock" for example. That said I think sometimes I may be trying to find performance out of it that it is just not in its wheel house. Thanks for your time and responses.
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Oct 10, 2023 at 9:46 AM Post #477 of 913
Thank you, it was my misunderstanding. I do the same with the Lina DAC. I think the high end comment you hear ( the higher up the summit-fi chain you go things don't necessarily get but but different) I kind of am learning to agree with Aperio is so good I feel guilty offering any criticism. It's at this level just a matter of musical preference. IMO on a critical listing approach it is hard to find anything that sounds better. On the musicality of it I find it depends on the genre of music you listen to. I find it not as optimal for older forms of classic rock for example. That said I think sometimes I may be trying to find performance out of it that it is just not in its wheel house. Thanks for your time and responses.
Agreed! At this level it’s all a matter of taste and preference.
Oct 10, 2023 at 10:54 AM Post #478 of 913
How would you generally characterize the difference between the Aperio and the Lina stack (with clock?)?

And sorry if this has already been asked but what is your source?

I actually have the Bartok and the Bravura.

Thank you!
Oct 10, 2023 at 6:47 PM Post #479 of 913

This is a question for people who own the Aperio or have listened to it. I currently own the Bravura and love it although my main setup for music listening is Holo May KTE -> WA33 EE with KR and 417a tubes -> AB 1266 TC. Lately I have been pondering the idea of selling my current chain, maybe except the May, and get an Aperio as I love the Bravura and would like to experience the next level. I have read and watched every review on it and I'm talking with Warwick to see if I can audition one in my area since going to a canjam is not possible for me at the moment.

So my question after the long intro is, would you pull the trigger on this? If you have listened to the 1266 TC on a good chain and the Aperio what is the main difference you noticed?

Oct 10, 2023 at 7:16 PM Post #480 of 913

This is a question for people who own the Aperio or have listened to it. I currently own the Bravura and love it although my main setup for music listening is Holo May KTE -> WA33 EE with KR and 417a tubes -> AB 1266 TC. Lately I have been pondering the idea of selling my current chain, maybe except the May, and get an Aperio as I love the Bravura and would like to experience the next level. I have read and watched every review on it and I'm talking with Warwick to see if I can audition one in my area since going to a canjam is not possible for me at the moment.

So my question after the long intro is, would you pull the trigger on this? If you have listened to the 1266 TC on a good chain and the Aperio what is the main difference you noticed?

Interesting as I currently have an Aperio in Auction on Audiogon running for a couple more days. I will paste below the review of my honest experience with Aperio on line at a customer site. I think it expresses what I feel about it and may answer some of your thoughts about it. I have had a 1266 twice in the last couple of years with different chains. I also loved 1266 especially on my Lina Stack. I don't know if you have ever heard Susvara which I also had. Aperio is like an E-Stat version of a Susvara but on steroids it includes a Dac, Amp and Streamer , energizer and headphones and all the cables in one unit. As I mention in my review comments below. If you enjoy critical listening you won't do much better than Aperio at any price again IMO. If that's not your musical taste you may not as much as it is different in its presentation. Most units at this level are no longer a question of better or worse but each has a different approach to their presentation. Either system is some of the best listening experiences I have had and I have been into audio for six decades. Mostly two channel until the last five years. The Aperio Performance quality is unique experience . Please understand as an E-Stat however a different experience in presentation than Planars.............So if you understand that distinction and like the presentation of E-Stats , The Aperio IMO is a TOTL experience that is somewhat unique. Enjoy researching . There is really no bad choice at this level with the units you are looking at. Just your preferences in music listening.

Aperio- Everything else works backwards from here...................​

Imagine starting to research your music system purchase. You start reading about all the TOTL Dac, Amp, Streamers, Headphones, cables etc in consideration of assembling your audio system. You want it to be Highly transparent and neutral. You want what the musicians created the way they created it. You want to be in the room with them when they record their sound. Well then you want "Aperio" What's amazing here is all that is in one of the most compact, efficient audio components on the market today. Aperio's signature leans analytical in presentation. That said know that Aperio has the ability to provide you with listening sessions that at times you know you are hearing your music in ways you have never experienced before. You can actually become transcended into an almost out of body experience when deep into a listening session. ( not an exaggeration) . IMO Aperio is the TOTL critical listening experience. (Only you know if that's your thing or not). So when you consider the cost of Aperio, remember all the system offers in one compact audio piece. If this type of performance sounds like your music listening preference, you will not be disappointed. In fact IMO Aperio is the type of component you will want to hand down in the family to your next generation Audiophile. You just get that feeling that Audiophiles years into the future will still be referencing Aperio. It's quite a unique and extraordinary music listening experience.

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