Warwick Acoustics APERIO and BRAVURA
Feb 5, 2023 at 3:44 AM Post #212 of 913

What a great summary of your impressions of the Aperio! I am wondering if you had the opportunity to use the line out/pre-amp function of the Aperio during your test?

I have been using the Aperio headphones all the time during my audition, so I did not.

In case I purchase the Aperio, I would indeed use its line out to drive my AIC-10 when listening to the Valkyria. Based on the comparison between the internal DAC of the Aperio and the MPD-8 I am under the impression that the Aperio DAC is a very good quality one.

Good review! Have you tried other stunning sources on that audio rack?

How would you compare APL10& AIC10& Soulnote system with Aperio? @simorag

I was tempted to try the MSB, CH Precision, APL as you can imagine (I was feeling like a kid in the candy store at Perfect Sense), but I wanted to focus on the Aperio as a stand-alone system, which is - financially-wise - my only option at the moment. Testing it with external high-end DAC was primarily aimed to assessing its own internal DAC by comparison ...

I would love to hear a APL-10 / AIC-10 + Soulnote D3 DAC system, but I have never had the chance.

In the end I believe that - at this level of gear - the transducer (the headphones in this case) would be the major differentiator in terms of sound signature. For my tastes, if I had the Aperio I would still need a complementary sound presentation (and Valkyria comes to mind as the ideal yin-yang combo).
I could not see myself tasting Dom Pérignon champagne on a daily basis, I would miss the joy of a hefty Amarone red :darthsmile:.
Feb 23, 2023 at 3:00 PM Post #213 of 913
Received and set up my long awaited Warwick Acoustic Aperio System. Comes in a massive Pelican case weighing around 45 pounds. It will take days or even weeks to discern the nuances of of what this system can do. I hope to be able to make a few useful comments along the way as I discover the uniqueness of what this system offers. After this, I am declaring a moratorium on headphone purchases for quite a while!
Feb 26, 2023 at 6:15 PM Post #215 of 913
Bravura is full, rich and smooth top to bottom. No thinness in the sound. Whereas the x9000 has outstanding spacial and layering qualities.
I probably need both, then :/ Or Aperio? :thinking:
Feb 26, 2023 at 6:39 PM Post #216 of 913
I probably need both, then :/ Or Aperio? :thinking:
I just started listening to the Aperio. At this stage I can say it is similar to the Bravura but improved in every way. I have really been enjoying exploring what the Aperio can do. Honestly, this could be the only headphone I need, especially since it’s a complete amp, preamp and dac system. If you get the chance it’s worth a listen.
Mar 3, 2023 at 8:11 AM Post #217 of 913
I know that some of you are curious about the Aperio so here are some very initial thoughts after living with the Aperio for a little more than a week.

They fit snuggly to my head, but the clamping force is just right. According to the manual, a good seal helps to create the deep bass it is capable of. The pads are deeper than those on the Bravura and they are perforated to lessen heat build up. I have experienced no tension or fatigue while wearing them.

There are several digital and analog inputs, easily selectable with a rotary dial. There is also a line out function. I am using this to send output from the Aperio to a carbon cc and to the analog in of my T+A HA200. It works well and is very convenient.

The manual says that a goal in creating the Aperio was to design the unit to transparently resolve the most minute detail without introducing distortion or coloring the sound. In my listening it does this brilliantly. I have a set of classical pieces that I know well, and have listened to with each headphone I have acquired. The Aperio has the ability to position instruments in space and create distinct layers for different types of sounds in a way that is just better than other headphones I have heard. The smoothness and refinement that I hear in the Bravura is taken to a much higher level with the Aperio. I am finding these to be so musical and enjoyable that I can’t wait to listen every day.

I think this is a unified system benefiting from the inherent synergies of components that are designed and optimized to work as a single unit. The actual transducers in the headphones are probably another major factor contributing to the excellence of the sound quality. Ultimately, my measure of headphones comes down to musicality, clarity and evenness across all registers, enough bass when needed, and fun factor. The Aperio has all of this and more. Right now, this system is all I need. My other components can connect to it, through it or work along side it. It’s a hub for anything I need to do sound wise. Finally, I will acknowledge that this is a major investment. But, life is fleeting and I need to spend time doing what makes me happy. The Aperio makes me happy, and I can’t put a price on the feeling of joy I have when I’m listening to them.
Mar 4, 2023 at 7:30 PM Post #220 of 913
Damn, you also have a Shangri-La Senior. Would love a short comparison between those two. Maybe also the Susvara if it doesn't make me feel too sad haha (i also will have a reference point like probably many others). Also: Don't you think you're limited by the internal DAC and want to use something better?
Mar 4, 2023 at 8:24 PM Post #221 of 913
Damn, you also have a Shangri-La Senior. Would love a short comparison between those two. Maybe also the Susvara if it doesn't make me feel too sad haha (i also will have a reference point like probably many others). Also: Don't you think you're limited by the internal DAC and want to use something better?
The Aperio allows for any DAC you want to plug in through the analog inputs, but why would I want to do this? I am confident that at this price level Warwick's DAC architecture would be as excellent as everything else. I have never had a profound interest in DACs anyway. Every aspect of the Aperio design and component selection is such that the system is built from the ground up with no compromises. Plus, an external DAC could significantly degrade the sound. Many will disagree, but I won't spend large sums on a DAC. Every day I ask myself, what could be better than this Aperio? No, external DACs are not on my radar. As far as the Shangri La Sr goes. It's excellent. No question. I haven't listened to it since getting the Aperio. It would be interesting to focus on how they're alike or different. I like the Susvara, a lot. But, I don't know if I could do a fair comparison. I'll leave that to others who have the analytical vocabulary. My reactions to equipment tends to be more subjective and emotional than technical. I wish I had more a precise knowledge of this stuff, but I've only been into this hobby since the pandemic. But, it's all good. I love reading others detailed and technical descriptions of what they hear in a particular set of headphones. I learn a lot from the members of this forum.
Mar 4, 2023 at 8:28 PM Post #223 of 913
No problem at all, thanks. Just take your time and do a quick summary of:
If you would HAVE TO part with either the Shangri-La or the Aperio, what would you keep and why? Or to rephrase the question: Which one would you buy again (first)? Subjectivity is completely fine :)
A lot of reviewers just tend to agree that the internal DAC is nowhere near the quality of a Holo Audio May or something of that caliber, but i can totally understand you.
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Mar 15, 2023 at 10:03 PM Post #224 of 913
I am quite sad today as I powered on my M1 amp today and it went pop and produced a large arc visible through the top grill of the energizer. So, no Bravura listening for a while as this gets sorted out.
Mar 16, 2023 at 5:53 PM Post #225 of 913
Just checking into this thread. I bought the Bravura that was for sale here on head-fi. When I first received the unit I immediately plugged it in and listened to it while cold and was concerned that it was a bit bright and edgy and was concerned that I would not be able to live with that type of sound. Letting it warm up totally changed that and I've been using it very happily in heavy rotation with my Susvara (and to a lesser degree my Caldera). The Bravura does not surpass my Susvara chain (Holo May KTE, Viva Egoista 845 with Melz 1578 and Elrog 845 tubes), Norne Vykari cable, Susvara with Dekoni Elite Fenestrated pads ), but at the price point and convenience factor of an all-in-one, the Bravura system is very impressive and enjoyable.

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