Waking up your GF
Feb 24, 2006 at 10:13 PM Post #61 of 92

Originally Posted by heaven
Tell her that if she wakes up and goes to class you will buy her something nice at night. (Shoes. cloth, lingerie, perfumes...etc, etc) That would TOTALLY work with me.

But I agree with the fact that this is not your responsibility. So, at night, try to talk with her and tell her that you need her to be responsible. She's a grown up and she needs to start acting like one. She doesn't have to stop reading; she just needs to change her schedule!

Oh! by the way...maybe this is not an appropriate advice, but you can have sex with her at night...really great sex...make her get "there" at least 3 times...that will totally put her to sleep...and maybe waking her up the next day won't be a total pain in the ass.

Good luck

Oh my god, I can't do that every night! Or can I...
Feb 24, 2006 at 10:16 PM Post #62 of 92

Originally Posted by chia-pet
Oh my god, I can't do that every night! Or can I...

not every nigh...just 5 times a week...she only has to go to class 5 times a week, doesn't she?
Feb 24, 2006 at 11:21 PM Post #63 of 92

Originally Posted by heaven
Tell her that if she wakes up and goes to class you will buy her something nice at night. (Shoes. cloth, lingerie, perfumes...etc, etc) That would TOTALLY work with me.

But I agree with the fact that this is not your responsibility. So, at night, try to talk with her and tell her that you need her to be responsible. She's a grown up and she needs to start acting like one. She doesn't have to stop reading; she just needs to change her schedule!

Oh! by the way...maybe this is not an appropriate advice, but you can have sex with her at night...really great sex...make her get "there" at least 3 times...that will totally put her to sleep...and maybe waking her up the next day won't be a total pain in the ass.

Good luck

If I had to buy my GF crap just so she'd wake up in the morning then I would no long have a GF, but that's just me
Feb 25, 2006 at 1:22 AM Post #65 of 92

Originally Posted by aerius
Sex. A good vigorous session at night and she should drop off to sleep quite nicely.

Yep, multiple sessions if necessary... then pillow talk, and sleep.
Feb 25, 2006 at 1:30 AM Post #67 of 92

Originally Posted by chia-pet
Oh my god, I can't do that every night! Or can I...

Yes, you can 3-10x every night...

...and screw the shower, just wash your sheets more often.
Feb 25, 2006 at 1:39 AM Post #69 of 92

Originally Posted by Naris
*Proceeds to read the thread* I am unsure how to wake up a heavy sleeper such as your gf, other than trying to press her into sleeping earlier. I just have to say that I think a lot of the members of head-fi are suffering from some sort of sexual repression based on what I've read so far.


Yeah, okay, it's been a while...

On the other hand, many people, myself included, enjoy a healthy sexual appitite that includes multiple sessions per day. For as many people as there are with a low appitite, there are people with very healthy appitites.
Feb 25, 2006 at 3:34 AM Post #70 of 92

Originally Posted by gtp
I'm really not trying to harp on this thing, and I am really trying to be helpful rather than hurtful. Further, this will sound cold-hearted, but I am really a nice guy (I promise). Anyhow, I just don't get it:

Bad grades = missing class = not waking up = staying up all night.

What is so hard to understand? If she really cared about getting good grades, she wouldn't stay up all night and she would get up. Maybe you care more about her grades than she does?

And again, you are like an enabler to an alcoholic (to take an extreme example). If you are responsible for getting her up, you are allowing her to be irresponsible in the first place. She is transferring the responsiblity (and hence the fault) to you, when you did nothing wrong and are just trying to do the right thing.

Everyone needs to learn personal responsibility at some point. If one acts a certain way, he/she needs to be ready for and accept the consequences.

This one speaks the truth, with wisdom beyond his years lol - seriously, this post is right on. You have to hold her accountable for her actions, it is NOT your responsibility to drag her out of bed, she is a freaking grown adult for god's sake.

I had a roommate who was like that - i felt obligated, angry, upset, and even held myself accountable for his not waking up. In due time I simply had to let go and he had to wake up on his own, he learned after a while and has much better habits now that I am not there to wake him up
Feb 25, 2006 at 3:46 AM Post #71 of 92

Originally Posted by Jasper994
On the other hand, many people, myself included, enjoy a healthy sexual appitite that includes multiple sessions per day.

Hmmm, how does that Astaire song go again......

Ah yes.....

Heaven, I'm in Heaven......
Feb 25, 2006 at 4:08 AM Post #72 of 92

Set up two loudspeakers (very loud) in the room. Play the following song through them (on a non-stop loop):

The Spicegirls : "Wannabe".

Play it as loud as possible, and make sure that the CD player is out of reach from the bed.

Guaranteed to wake her up.

No need to thank me.

P.S. If the Spicegirls don't do the trick, try Barry Manilow "Copa Cabana".
Feb 25, 2006 at 4:14 AM Post #73 of 92
Punch her in the forehead. She'll learn very quickly not to sleep in. Plus, going to class mad is better than not going to class at all.
Feb 25, 2006 at 5:03 AM Post #74 of 92

Originally Posted by lmilhan

Set up two loudspeakers (very loud) in the room. Play the following song through them (on a non-stop loop):

The Spicegirls : "Wannabe".

Play it as loud as possible, and make sure that the CD player is out of reach from the bed.

Guaranteed to wake her up.

No need to thank me.

P.S. If the Spicegirls don't do the trick, try Barry Manilow "Copa Cabana".

Somehow I don't think being lynched by his neighbors for subjecting them to such horrible music would help much.

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