W5000 have landed!
Dec 8, 2005 at 1:33 AM Post #121 of 278

Originally Posted by gurus
The King is dead (L3000)!

Long Live the King (W5000)!


Adding to Chefguru's comments above, let's be a little more even keeled on how we proceed. Understand you're the first person to pipe in on these vs. the L3000s and many are watching. They're not even broken in yet.
Dec 8, 2005 at 1:47 AM Post #122 of 278
Agreed bobeau and chefguru. While it's certainly conceivable that the W5000 is preferable or "better than" the L3000, the comparisons seem a little unequivocal. I'm certainly keen on hearing further comparisons posted down the line...being an L3000 owner. It's all good if the W5000s are great and/or better than the L3000s, but I'm also used to reading extensive comparative reviews by many of the elder statesmen, and will wait for more reviews and/or more lengthier reviews before drawing inferences.

- walk
Dec 8, 2005 at 1:48 AM Post #123 of 278
Dec 8, 2005 at 1:48 AM Post #124 of 278

Originally Posted by Chefguru
Not to effect the credibility of are friend guru... but the ear pads do not appear to be the same as the l3000's. The shape of the l3000's are sort of D like (thick part in the back), and the w5000 seem to be equally padded in all areas - As can be seen in the slide show of photos here http://www.audio-technica.co.jp/atj/sc/ath-w5000/ . On top of that what's with the "I think" additionally added to the last statement? The wing construction is clearly different then the l3000.... umm for some reason I question Guru's judgment on the w5000 vs l3000 , but I will refrain from saying much more, as I do hope (along with the rest of head-fi) that all he has said is true

I looked at the earpads again. And the earpad material and constructions looks to be exactly the same for both the L3000 and W5000. And 'I think' I am not an engineer and therefore the 'I think'. The wing construction definitely looks different. The L3000 the wings have an open area while the w5000 have a fully padded wing.

Chefguru , you need to get one (W5000) and get your facts straight, posseur.

Incidentally, this will be my last post re observations. Maybe Chefguru can continue on by posting some sound impressions by looking at the pics on the AT website.
Dec 8, 2005 at 2:20 AM Post #125 of 278

Originally Posted by gurus
Maybe Chefguru can continue on by posting some sound impressions by looking at the pics on the AT website.

Overly harsh, no?
Dec 8, 2005 at 2:32 AM Post #126 of 278
I don't see what all the fuss is about. gurus is just giving his impressions and he owns both the W5000's and the L3000's. I don't see whats wrong with what he is saying since its his opinion and he owns both. If anything we should be happy we are getting info on headphones that just came out first hand, but do keep in mind to each their own. In the end it almost seems like a lot of L3000 owner not very happy that quite possibly there is a better AT headphone out already.

Dec 8, 2005 at 2:35 AM Post #127 of 278
Uh oh there's gonna be a whole load of w5000 threads. I bet you the AT fanclub have already opened their wallets for the new FOTM.

$10 say they are "the best" until the new AT arrives. Who's in?
Dec 8, 2005 at 2:38 AM Post #128 of 278
I like the darker wood in the one set of pics I could see. The slightly reddish W2002 are nice too, but not quite as woody, I think.

Are the impressions changing with break in?
Dec 8, 2005 at 3:03 AM Post #130 of 278

Originally Posted by [AK]Zip
In the end it almost seems like a lot of L3000 owner not very happy that quite possibly there is a better AT headphone out already.

Yeah, it probably doesn't look so great that the people balking are L3000 owners

These are still expensive phones any which way you slice it. Putting out the word they're L3000 killers, at least prematurely, might get people who probably shouldn't be opening their wallets _that wide_ on board. FOTM. Etc, etc.
Dec 8, 2005 at 3:18 AM Post #131 of 278
Is it a purely a case of difference rather than better? THe L3000's are not exactl difficult to beat when you want a mean cleaner sound. The w5000's seems to suits Mr Gurus preferences although I am wondering if it is the case of a)The L3000's were not entirely to his preferences or b)Why didn't he just get the w2002 instead?
Dec 8, 2005 at 3:20 AM Post #132 of 278

Originally Posted by [AK]Zip
In the end it almost seems like a lot of L3000 owner not very happy that quite possibly there is a better AT headphone out already.

I'm a proud L3000 owner/fanboy (heh, in case that wasn't clear by now
) who admittedly is skeptical of this new W5000 hype. However, if the W5000's do end up besting the L3000, I will be not be unhappy - rather, ecstatic! I didn't think that kind of sound was possible anywhere near the $800 price point. I'm right on the verge of ordering the W5000; can't wait to judge them for myself.
Dec 8, 2005 at 3:23 AM Post #133 of 278

Originally Posted by mulveling
I'm a proud L3000 owner/fanboy (heh, in case that wasn't clear by now
) who admittedly is skeptical of this new W5000 hype. However, if the W5000's do end up besting the L3000, I will be not be unhappy - rather, ecstatic! I didn't think that kind of sound was possible anywhere near the $800 price point. I'm right on the verge of ordering the W5000; can't wait to judge them for myself.

You would order it if it was any good or not...AT geekclub
Dec 8, 2005 at 3:34 AM Post #134 of 278

Originally Posted by GoRedwings19
Is it a purely a case of difference rather than better? THe L3000's are not exactl difficult to beat when you want a mean cleaner sound.

Exactly. I'm just concerned about the multitudes of people who might have happened across an L3000 at some meet and fell for them - and then to acquire something that's a significant departure from that sound and end up dissapointed.
Dec 8, 2005 at 3:47 AM Post #135 of 278

Originally Posted by [AK]Zip
I don't see what all the fuss is about. gurus is just giving his impressions and he owns both the W5000's and the L3000's. I don't see whats wrong with what he is saying since its his opinion and he owns both. If anything we should be happy we are getting info on headphones that just came out first hand, but do keep in mind to each their own. In the end it almost seems like a lot of L3000 owner not very happy that quite possibly there is a better AT headphone out already.


Agreed. Considering that he posted the first impressions on these headphones out of the box take it with a grain of salt. However, you can't really fault anyone for saying how they feel about a particular headphone in comparison to another that they own, regardless of burn in time as a factor etc. I would only hope that gurus and others who purchase this phone keep posting impressions to give us a better idea of how this headphone sounds. Those who interpret any premature "out of the box" impressions to rationalize a purchase should be aware of the risks invovled.

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