Vintage Video Game Consoles
Feb 9, 2005 at 1:57 AM Post #46 of 49

Originally Posted by mjg
You will keep seeing my disagree on this being "the golden era" because you are blanketing this terminology to encompass all of video gaming, rather then the "console golden era", or the "console" criticial mass you use this phrase well. Yea, this was the big bout that made home gaming the force to be reckonoed with, and ultimatly dismantled the arcade as the bastion of video gaming greatness, superiority, and it's entire instiution as a whole. Yea, this did happen in the mid 90's agreed.

Golden era of gaming? You are saying this so broad and using it to describe something that really deserves it's place in the mid to late 80's, when arcades developed their mommentum, and gaming became something that children couldn't live without. Yea, ADD became an issue around this time, as did alot of social and developmental problems kids are faced with nowadays. We are now zombies to video gaming as adults still? What happened? Where did gaming get all of this attention, when?

In the 90's, this is when gaming set it's course as a major industry as it is today, equalling if not surpassing the movie industry in development costs and grossing income at a similar capacity? The mid 90s?

Software houses such as square, konami, capcom, nintendo, sega (not the console divisions duh), hell even the framework for what they were, franchise familar characters, the notion of what an RPG is, hell even blazing graphics
and the idea of a home console.

You owe all of this to the 80's not the 90's. When i think of the 80's, it's unmistakable the rise of video game console as a home appliance definatly springs to mind. The 90's saw it develope into this critical mass, saw it split off into competitive practice, the demise of certain systems, the importance of blazing graphics, hell video game magazines? Who also can say that
online gaming and it's whole practice as utterly smashed the use of even a standalone console, and forced them to stick NIC's inside them to give people another justification that a console is even necessary in a home anymore...

Yea, the 90's saw it take a wierd crazy direction, the 80's were innocent, it was all new, and gaming was just very "special" at the time, it wasn't taken for granted, and gaming was all about the games. Also, apparantly we are arguing two things at once here,

snes vs genesis
when was this "golden era".

Just to address one vs the other, i think this all started when we disagreed about snes being the begining of this golden era.

hehe, we can go back and forth for the next decade on this. I definitely agree it comes down to personal thoughts though, i was born in '77 so we owned an Atari 2600, then a nes, snes, genesis, ps1 and a dreamcast. While the ps1 served me well, looking at the systems and thinking of the titles available, the nes did keep me busiest, spending countless hours playing games such as zelda and smb3. With the release of the snes, it continued, jumping to ff2, super mario world, chronotrigger, secret of mana. Yes, i base my choices on the quality (and quantity) of rpg's. I love those damn things, especially traditional console rpg's.

As you pointed out, the 90's we're critical mass for videogame consoles and that started with the Genesis (when Sonic came out) and the release of the snes...and with this followed games that put our minds to work for dozens of hours and displayed the best (gameplay my friend, gameplay) of each console, hence "Golden era." The PS1 grabbed the reins from the snes and hit a broader market thanks to Sony's foothold in global electronics sales (and the money to backup advertising and buying off publishers). IMHO, my claim of the "golden era" of gaming occured thanks to the timed released of the snes and Genesis, they just clashed so damn well, and we, the gamer, reaped the rewards of gaming goodness.

Look at the ps1 and it's main competitor, the Saturn...that was a joke eh? I thought so. Since then, it hasn't been the same for gamers, although, i'm sure many will disagree.
Feb 9, 2005 at 1:58 AM Post #47 of 49

Originally Posted by mjg
please excuse my terrible writing, my points are all there, but kinda scrambled up... I had alot to say about it, but didn't present it well, sorry.

It's ok, i think your argument is fairly well written. It's good to have a discussion and disagreement and not get down to low blows around here
Feb 9, 2005 at 2:44 AM Post #48 of 49

Originally Posted by gloco
Actually, i mentioned the Neo Geo in a thread i created about being bored...

Yep, that was the thread that inspired this one.
Feb 9, 2005 at 2:54 AM Post #49 of 49

Originally Posted by OneMalt
Yep, that was the thread that inspired this one.

yeah, i thought so do (gloating

Say, did you find of any help?

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