Very preliminary impressions of the Audio-Technica ATH-W2002 headphones
Feb 14, 2002 at 4:07 PM Post #61 of 71

Originally posted by M Rael

Hi Bootman. Well I'm going to talk to them soon, one way or the other, because I will have tried their Little More Power amp and have decided what to do with it. When I do I will give Tyll (pronounced 'tile', though I still prefer 'till') the web address of my little site, and bend his ear about the W2002 in general. Perhaps at that point he will agree to test the W2002 just to be rid of me. Lets hope so.

But Tyll may not be sucked in by that, Bootman. Several of us agreed to even BUY the W2002 and we couldn't get rid of Mark.
Feb 14, 2002 at 4:32 PM Post #62 of 71
I did some more listening last night. This time I used a couple of concert DVDs on my Toshiba SD-4205 DVD player. I was still using my RKV II amp. I did try the MG Head but didn't care for the sound so I switched back to the RKV.

First up was the Godsmack Live DVD. With the 2002s the first thing I noticed was that I heard more of the accoustics of the concert hall they were playing in. It was like I had turned on some DSP mode on my Denon Receiver. Like I said before there is a lot of high end and low end energy coming from these headphones. It makes it sound like there is a suckout in the midband because it seemed like the vocals were now further back in the mix. Guitar had plenty of bite and drums had plenty of impact with good definition. I don't quite feel the low end though like I do when using my Beyer DT 770s even though the 2002s seem to go lower and the bass is better defined.

Next up was the Roger Waters "Live - In the Flesh" DVD. I could say the same for this DVD as I said above. Guitars come over with bite and clarity. The 2002s do provide very good separation and every instrument has it's own space. I do hear the hall ambiance in the mix which makes both of these DVDs sound live like they are. The bass is again well defined and can go very low. Voices again seem a little further back in the mix.

After this listening session I think the RKV is just not a good overall match for these headphones. I do have a line on a Melos dedicated headphone amp(not an SHA-1). I may purchase that today and see if that makes a better match.
Feb 14, 2002 at 5:08 PM Post #63 of 71
according to Tyll, Headroom will pay to have you ship your headphone over and get it measured.
Feb 14, 2002 at 5:33 PM Post #64 of 71
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Feb 14, 2002 at 6:43 PM Post #66 of 71

I've listenined to the W2002 with EQ and flat, and both are enjoyable. But I will say that with EQ added the 'well defined' characterization (though see Kurt's comments re his Lyle L. CD) doesnt suffer and in fact probably gains some extra roundness. I'm not so much promoting EQ as saying I find the W2002 can handle bass EQ without getting muddy sounding. My HeadRoom amp showed up just now-- gotta go!
Feb 14, 2002 at 8:18 PM Post #67 of 71

Originally posted by M Rael

My HeadRoom amp showed up just now-- gotta go!

Now this I really look forward to hearing about! I just love the way you break all these paths for us. Would you be so kind as to buy an EMP next?
Feb 14, 2002 at 8:40 PM Post #68 of 71
I just got off the phone with Tyll and they will be offering to test non-HeadRoom headphones in a couple of months. Whats happening is, they are in the process of revamping their testing and spec methodology, and that means retesting basically all the models they keep in stock. So thats why they want 'a couple of months'-- in order for them to finish their own in house testing first. For what its worth, Tyll asked me the address of my W2002 website and he checked it out while I was on the phone with him. I dont think he had seen the W2002 before that moment, so it was fun to hear him say, 'whoa!.. hey those are cool! ..where did you get those? we might like to have some here" But when I told him they were not meant for the US market and that were made in a limited number to boot, it was obvious that it wouldnt do him any good to track some down. Anyway, it was a good talk.

As far as the HeadRoom Little More Power goes, I've had it for less than an hour (but the amp must have been used; the cord had a split in it from prior damage) and I like it waaayyy better than the mint tin amp I have. Since I've only spent about 20 minutes listening with it I dont want to make any grand claims about it, but I'm liking the crossfeed, at least at the moment. The sound seems a tad clearer than it did before.. the low notes a hair more substantial than before.. its a nice feeling. While using the crossfeed you can hear an increase in low midrange compared to not using it. I think I read this somewhere about HeadRooms crossfeed before, and its true- using the crossfedd gives you a stronger bump in the lower mids. As far as detail goes, I noticed that at 1:04-1:05 in the Led Zeppelin song 'Ramble On' theres a word or sound someone says.. its way down in the mix and I'm sure not many floor speakers can resolve it, but its pretty obvious with the W2002 (you should hear it just to the right of Plants voice) Its not part of the main vocals, its just a.. well.. check it out yourself!

Back to the cans!
Feb 16, 2002 at 11:51 PM Post #69 of 71
I tried the 2002s with the Grado HPA-2 amp this morning and think the combo was great. With the HPA-2 the 2002s sounded smoother on top and had even more and clearer bass extension. There was a good synergy between them that made me just listen and enjoy the music. I loaded the CD player with 3 CDs thinking I would just test out different tracks. I ended up listening to the first CD, Gladiator Soundtrack, straight through because I was enjoying the music so much I didn't want to switch CDs. The more I listen to these headphones the more I like them. Do I like these headphones more than my Grado HP-2? No. But I think they are excellent headphones and deserve a spot next to the Grado HP 1000, RS-1 and Senn HD600 as one of the best headphones ever made. Too bad AT only made 1000 of these headphones because I think they could have sold a boatload of them. Somebody should call Vincent and tell him to open up the manufacturing plant again.
Feb 17, 2002 at 3:00 AM Post #70 of 71
"The more I listen to these headphones the more I like them. Do I like these headphones more than my Grado HP-2? No."

Uh-oh. Quick-- everyone look busy! Here comes MRael!


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