Tube rolling thread | UltraSonic Studios
Jan 29, 2024 at 12:31 PM Post #3,271 of 3,842
I said I will dwell for a while in the P8A territory, purpose being to understand more about EL3(N) and different available versions and equivalents. And the reason is that everywhere you read about these everyone praises or uses the WIRAG version while not speaking too much about others. Here and there you can find a word or two about Tungsram which everyone sees as a lesser version. But no problem, as a preparation for the pentode tribute amp I have to convince myself about the situation.

Here we are, Tungsram EL3 (as written on the top of the tube) with Philips EL50. I let them as output because I already know quite well the situation of those with WIRAG EL3N and recently played them quite a while with the RT EBL1 which is, in fact, another EL3N pentode disguised.


Now, I have seen some black glass ones without any red coating and some like these with grey glass and red coating on base. The shape of the glass is smaller, like a kind of dwarf EL3 compared with the more beautiful Wirag (and also RT). But are these so bad as others are saying? Honestly they are not so terrible, what I heard from the beginning is that these are much warmer and an idea less clear than the WIRAG. More bass, less separation, less rich tone than the WIRAG. But not terrible, I have tubes which are much worse than these. What to say, for me EL50+EL3N is a match made in heaven and maybe it puts an advantage on the Tungsram EL3 making it more bearable, but I was expecting to be much worse.

I will spend more with these, my plan is to evaluate a "low cost" scenario of Tesla 4654 with Tungsram EL3. A kind of response of the Eastern Europe to our nice pentodes from western side. As a first step I wanted to compare them a little bit.

So the community was, in general, right, these are under the level of the WIRAG EL3N. But my expectation was that they are not listenable, here I would say I could live with these if not other were available. And I think not the warmer nature and bass makes me dislike them, they are somehow congested and the separation is problematic, also an idea "dull" sounding.

2024-01-29 19.27.33.jpg
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Jan 29, 2024 at 2:59 PM Post #3,273 of 3,842
They are good lookers and with time on duty they might change for the better.
I do not see a lot of potential in them, but that bass makes planars sound nice. I left it on the amp this evening. In the end, as someone wiser said, music does not necessarily mean true corectness of the tone. I know it's wrong but it's fun on planars.
Jan 30, 2024 at 11:23 AM Post #3,279 of 3,842
When I first tried one of the tubes which became later a part of my top of preferences, the 4654K, I observed that 5 or L-codes sounded quite close. Later when discovering EL50 I observed that I had 3 types of construction but all of them sounded close, even if I was suspecting that they were manufactured in different factories. More than this, I was able to try a Valvo pair which sounded almost the same. Then, when starting to use some RT EBL1 in place of WIRAG EL3N, at first, I said that the RT is somehow brighter and more relaxed (contrary to the expectation, when discussing about a RT tube) but in time I was unsure if indeed there is a big difference. So now in my mind comes the question: why I feel that all these european pentodes sound quite close even if, they are not identical nor manufactured in the same factory? It seems only the tube type matters, the rest not so much (except Tungsram which is different than the others EL3(N) I have tried). Are they made from the same materials? Are they made on Philips equipment even if in different locations? What is the secret of them? I have no idea, I just tell my story.

But one thing is for sure, I will still try a few of them to understand a little bit what's going on. So, in the next days I'll try some "Siemens" EBL1.


These came in some standard Siemens boxes, nothing unusual:


If we look on the base, G might mean Loewe Opta? I do not know enough about this one.


But one thing I know for sure, if you look at the glass shape these are not all identical. And this shape of the "Siemens" EBL1 looks close to my Valvo 4654 "grey coated" base pair I tried and said it sounds the same with my 4654/EL50 "red coated" base ones. So if that one was Valvo, these are also german? And then, are these sounding the same as other EL3(N)/EBL1? Definitely something I'll need to clarify.


I see some codes on the boxes but I guess have nothing to do with the manufacturing dates. Where were these made and how these are sounding? A "to do" task for me to find out. At the moment I still enjoy the Tungsram EL3 with Philips 4654/EL50. Wrong sound, fun moment.
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Jan 30, 2024 at 11:53 AM Post #3,280 of 3,842
And in order to help you understand what I am trying to say here, that a major clue to identify more about the manufacturing place of these old european pentodes is the shape of the glass, I have to show you a group photo. Let's look here:


We start from left.
First one is the Tungsram EL3, unique looking and unique sounding. Lower audio quality than the rest of the EL3(N) but still a fun tube.
Second one is the most common used and widely appreciated WIRAG EL3N (A-code, made in Wien)
Third one is an EL3N I suspect it's made by RT, gorgeous dark brown base as the SFR tubes.
Fourth one is our RT EBL1 double diode-pentode.
Fifth one is the Siemens EBL1.
Sixth one is the Valvo 4654 "grey coated base".
Last but not least, a Philips 4654/EL50 tube.

Look at the glass shape. 3rd and 4th position are slimmer and similar, rounded top glass, right? Both french.
5th and 6th are different shape, both german.

Is the shape of the glass a key to where a tube was manufactured? I think so. One by one pieces of the puzzle are gathering and hopefully one day I will understand something. One thing is for sure, the ride for the Old European Pentode Tribute Amp was one of the most rewarding things I have done. I have no idea if someone will build that amp one day, for sure it will be something. Until then, let's try to decypher what is the situation with these.
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Jan 30, 2024 at 1:19 PM Post #3,281 of 3,842
Now, one thing we needed to do is to try the Siemens EBL1.


From the first minute, these are another level than the Tungsram EL3. These are in the league of WIRAG EL3(N) or RT EBL1. Again close in my view in signature. All are rich, aristocratic sounding and most probably the differences are somewhere in the nuances. It will take me years to understand these, but I have to admit it's no priority. All I know is that all sound spectacular and I like them. Time will tell if I will be able to make a statement regarding their differences.

At the moment I think I'll store these Siemens EBL1 and remain on the RT. I have no strong reason to start using all. I am fully confident these will find a place on my amps on one day. At the moment I am glad I was able to add a few more nice tubes to my collection. I'll put back the Tungsram, indeed inferior but decently fun to let me enjoy them.

My conclusion is that you cannot go wrong with WIRAG/RT/Siemens(Valvo?) EL3N or EBL1. All are at the same level. The same for the Philips/Valvo 4654 ST shaped. For sure are some differences and more experienced users will find them easier than me. I can only say that for me, all these are somewhere at the same level and the differences are nowhere as perceptible as for example between a Sylvania and a Ken-Rad of another type.
Jan 30, 2024 at 1:56 PM Post #3,282 of 3,842
When I first tried one of the tubes which became later a part of my top of preferences, the 4654K, I observed that 5 or L-codes sounded quite close. Later when discovering EL50 I observed that I had 3 types of construction but all of them sounded close, even if I was suspecting that they were manufactured in different factories. More than this, I was able to try a Valvo pair which sounded almost the same. Then, when starting to use some RT EBL1 in place of WIRAG EL3N, at first, I said that the RT is somehow brighter and more relaxed (contrary to the expectation, when discussing about a RT tube) but in time I was unsure if indeed there is a big difference. So now in my mind comes the question: why I feel that all these european pentodes sound quite close even if, they are not identical nor manufactured in the same factory? It seems only the tube type matters, the rest not so much (except Tungsram which is different than the others EL3(N) I have tried). Are they made from the same materials? Are they made on Philips equipment even if in different locations? What is the secret of them? I have no idea, I just tell my story.

But one thing is for sure, I will still try a few of them to understand a little bit what's going on. So, in the next days I'll try some "Siemens" EBL1.


These came in some standard Siemens boxes, nothing unusual:


If we look on the base, G might mean Loewe Opta? I do not know enough about this one.


But one thing I know for sure, if you look at the glass shape these are not all identical. And this shape of the "Siemens" EBL1 looks close to my Valvo 4654 "grey coated" base pair I tried and said it sounds the same with my 4654/EL50 "red coated" base ones. So if that one was Valvo, these are also german? And then, are these sounding the same as other EL3(N)/EBL1? Definitely something I'll need to clarify.


I see some codes on the boxes but I guess have nothing to do with the manufacturing dates. Where were these made and how these are sounding? A "to do" task for me to find out. At the moment I still enjoy the Tungsram EL3 with Philips 4654/EL50. Wrong sound, fun moment.
If they were made before 1954 and G is factory code this means Mullard Fleetwood. So what are they?
Jan 30, 2024 at 2:40 PM Post #3,285 of 3,842
We have no evidence for that the letters on sockets are factory codes, do we? We can just make guesses so far. So shape could be as strong as letters...
Indeed, no proof but assumptions. I usually take Philips books of codes to decypher Philips or european tubes but well... I do not know nothing. What I know is that I love the combination of EL50 and EL3. With or without N. One day we will know more.

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