Apr 15, 2017 at 3:31 PM Post #14,476 of 24,683
Checking with Royal Mail shouldn't be that difficult. If you were told it was shipped then they can track it down as all their deliveries should be insured.
It's either had been shipped or not. If it was you should be able to get it investigated and ask for a copy of the shipping label, but if it hasn't then it's a totally different story.   

Well, after several Mails, Jake told me it hadn`t shipped, but was supposed to ship next week, or the next week (don`t remember which next week that was :)). So, I guess it hasn`t shipped. Well, I think Jake should know, or I hope he knows. If not him, who does.
Apr 15, 2017 at 3:50 PM Post #14,477 of 24,683
  Well, after several Mails, Jake told me it hadn`t shipped, but was supposed to ship next week, or the next week (don`t remember which next week that was :)). So, I guess it hasn`t shipped. Well, I think Jake should know, or I hope he knows. If not him, who does.

I think, if there's one thing in this damn thread we can be absolutely certain of, its that until we start seeing airs, PM6, ect - NOTHING has shipped regardless of what Jake has said. Whether or not he actually knows is besides the point, they've clearly been driven to the point of damage control and have simply been answering emails with whatever will pacify justifiably irate customers - regardless of the truth. Now, that's not how I or most people would handle this situation, but it's pretty clear that is what has been happening. We can all agree they have bitten off more than they can chew, and that they definitely could have handled it better from the get-go.
Honestly at this point, if you're staying on board just treat this like an order from a questionable aliexpress seller. It'll show up when it shows up. "shipped" and "dispached" are questionable terms.
edit: I myself am currently on the fence. On one hand I've not invested half as much time as some of you patient fellas. On the other hand there's plenty of other IEMs on the market and I ain't sure I want to reward this business practice.
Apr 15, 2017 at 3:53 PM Post #14,478 of 24,683
They aren't being shipped in order of purchase. This been answered in this thread like a thousand times. 

Thank,I have actually read the thread, and even remember several hundred pages back when Jake was saying backer number and Bob was saying not. I even shared my email from Jake and believe I was one of the 1st to.

My question was relating to how orders are selected to be sent out eg via country / random / other.
Apr 15, 2017 at 4:53 PM Post #14,480 of 24,683
I could be wrong, but there seems to be no particular order. Actually, it seems there is no order at all, imho. But I can't really remember Bob's words. Maybe someone else can elaborate on that.

something about orders sent as they're picked from 'the sheet'.
must be a bit too high tech for us to understand.
Apr 15, 2017 at 8:21 PM Post #14,483 of 24,683
Transparency is key and l think at this point, 9 weeks into shipping it's time that Trinity sheds some light because things just stopped making sense.  If there is a huge backlog Bob should just say it, but if Jake keeps saying stuff is being shipped this week and next week yet no one here has received the Hunter, PM6, Air or Delta Atlas then it's time to clear the Air then this is wrong. 
The change of specs, ETA times and shipping info have all been pretty bad. It's unfortunate that people here are cancelling orders and Trinity now has a stain with everything that has been going on. It's really too bad.  
Apr 15, 2017 at 8:42 PM Post #14,484 of 24,683
If you really think that telling lies to customers is a good business practice, and the platform where it's partly happening has nothing to do with it - you're right -  we can't expect too much. 
I don't think it's a scam but honesty and integrity is definitely is on the line.
Apr 15, 2017 at 8:45 PM Post #14,485 of 24,683
If you really think that telling lies to customers is a good business practice, and the platform where it's partly happening has nothing to do with it - you're right -  we can't expect too much. 
I don't think it's a scam but honesty and integrity is definitely is on the line.

Where on Earth did I say it's good business practice to lie to customers? Hint: I didn't, and I have been critical of Trinity in this thread. I'm just telling you that the moderators can't force Trinity to do a better job, so I'm not sure what you're angling for, other than stirring up the pot for its own sake.
Apr 15, 2017 at 8:49 PM Post #14,486 of 24,683
Hello all, I have talked with Bob several times and I am still confident I will receive my products. However I have a question for those that have received their vyrus. This is the update page I received March 28th. I am wondering if anyone has ordered from Canada before and how long it took. I have been assured that they are on the way and I trust this. I am just wondering how long I should wait until I put in a service ticket with Canada Post or Royal mail.

Apr 15, 2017 at 8:56 PM Post #14,487 of 24,683
Hello all, I have talked with Bob several times and I am still confident I will receive my products. However I have a question for those that have received their vyrus. This is the update page I received March 28th. I am wondering if anyone has ordered from Canada before and how long it took. I have been assured that they are on the way and I trust this. I am just wondering how long I should wait until I put in a service ticket with Canada Post or Royal mail.

Been wondering about shipment from Trinity to Canada myself... Never got a clear answer. Chances are it ships from the UK through royal mail. By my experience, tracked royal mail takes a week or sometimes two... Other than that, don't have experience with untracked.
Apr 15, 2017 at 8:56 PM Post #14,488 of 24,683
Hello all, I have talked with Bob several times and I am still confident I will receive my products. However I have a question for those that have received their vyrus. This is the update page I received March 28th. I am wondering if anyone has ordered from Canada before and how long it took. I have been assured that they are on the way and I trust this. I am just wondering how long I should wait until I put in a service ticket with Canada Post or Royal mail.

Do you have a tracking number? According to Royal Mail worldwide shipping is 5-7 business days.
The Vyrus are in stock and people here got them fairly quickly.
Apr 15, 2017 at 8:58 PM Post #14,489 of 24,683
Do you have a tracking number? According to Royal Mail worldwide shipping is 5-7 business days.
The Vyrus are in stock and people here got them fairly quickly.

No I didn't get a tracking number as the only shipping method was untracked when I put my order in.
Apr 15, 2017 at 9:14 PM Post #14,490 of 24,683
Where on Earth did I say it's good business practice to lie to customers? Hint: I didn't, and I have been critical of Trinity in this thread. I'm just telling you that the moderators can't force Trinity to do a better job, so I'm not sure what you're angling for, other than stirring up the pot for its own sake.

From my point of view the dishonesty "stirred up this pot" very long time ago and not those who called them out.
(.... but from space a lot of things look different.)

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