May 29, 2016 at 8:39 AM Post #2,161 of 24,683
Brooko thank you so much for the impressions. I'm even more certain that i made the right choice.

Bobtrinity i really admire your passion for this and how dedicated you are to your customers, thank you so much :D

So on the Delta V II how do you know if you have the cable connected correctly?

The L and R spots must face backwards. I'm terrible describing these things lol they must face the rear of the iem.
May 29, 2016 at 8:41 AM Post #2,162 of 24,683
 sabre looks we know when it will ship please please please? :D
May 29, 2016 at 11:51 AM Post #2,165 of 24,683
@Brooko, you are correct the imaging would be awful if one ear was in phase and the other ear was 180 degree out of phase. I would switch both channels to keep them in phase with each other. A positive signal- say a drum whack, should move the speaker diaphrams forward for a positve pressure. If the absolute phase is reversed it would cause the speaker to suck in. This sounds different.

Unfortunately absolute phase can be screwed up while recording. Many componets reverse phase ( depends on how many gain stages are involved). Great recording engineers know to watch for this. It is tricky when you consider how many components are used in a studio. I have a chart chart that shows the proper phase 0 or 180 for many classical record labels. For more info:

Not a biggie to me. Thanks.
May 29, 2016 at 2:21 PM Post #2,166 of 24,683
Thanks Brooko for fielding all those questions.

But just to be clear (I'm not sure if I mentioned to Brooko or not) but the production 2 pin system is a little different for the phantom range, see this image.

Thanks Brooko for fielding all those questions.

But just to be clear (I'm not sure if I mentioned to Brooko or not) but the production 2 pin system is a little different for the phantom range, see this image.

Love the way this looks.  This little modification is a large improvement in aesthetics.
May 29, 2016 at 3:05 PM Post #2,167 of 24,683
Thanks Brooko for fielding all those questions.

But just to be clear (I'm not sure if I mentioned to Brooko or not) but the production 2 pin system is a little different for the phantom range, see this image.

@Bobtrinity, is this just an example of what the 2-pin end of the system is going to look like? Because I thought you said the jack was going to be a native right-angle on the Phantom range....
May 29, 2016 at 5:58 PM Post #2,174 of 24,683
I'll see how I go this weekend. Sabres were good with the Gun-metal.  For my personal taste, they are brilliant with the Purple.  I'll have to measure these now as I could swear when listening today that there is quite a bit of difference between the filters wrt bass (more than you've had previously with Atlas) - I could be wrong - still getting over head cold.
I can see now why you think Sabre is the sleeping giant in the collection.

Sleeping Giant.... OK I will drink the koolaid. Just ordered the Sabres 


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