May 2, 2017 at 2:42 AM Post #16,022 of 24,683
Well, they used the word guaranteed to me. So no delivery, I ask full refund for everything and I will force for a KS refund as well. I am tired. I love the IEM from trinity i got so far, so i hope i get them :)
May 2, 2017 at 2:52 AM Post #16,023 of 24,683
No lol... That just means you won't be disappointed with their attempt to keep you from returning the item with their "tell-the-customer-1-week" policy.

We got an apology from BOB which basically admitted to the misinformation that continues to go on mixed in with what appears to be a phantom air debacle.... I might very well call it quits with the hunters if I don't get something solid in the next week....
Let's hope these new claims aren't.....wait for it......light as AIR :smile:

Don't worry guys! We still have approximately less than 30 weeks of next week!! Till next year. Keep your hopes up!!!
Keeping them hopes the AIR? :sweat_smile:

Alright, that's definitely enough Air puns for one post, arguably too many.
May 2, 2017 at 3:24 AM Post #16,029 of 24,683
@fpessolano not disputing you at all. Just pointing out that the description did change, and April has kind of been and gone. :frowning2:
So I'm just not even considering that May itself is even likely with all the outstanding orders and unquantifiable delays yet to be explained.

I know, but I am not expecting delivery of the icarus now, my statement is for air, hunter and pm6
May 2, 2017 at 7:10 AM Post #16,032 of 24,683
My understanding of the sound signature of the Icarus III - having seen the description of it at its page at the Trinity website, was the organic, 3d like sound, not the "fun", bass rich V signature.
Thick mids, in my opinion, nevertheless, should be a really good thing.

I think the only true test would be testing the both IEMs.
I have ordered a Master and a Icarus III for that reason: both great specs, great price, would love to know what the differences are to my noob ears. The fit might also be different..questions questions :grin:
Maybe I will hate one of them or love/hate them both..I'll find out later this year hehe
May 2, 2017 at 7:40 AM Post #16,033 of 24,683
Anybody else noticed that we don't even expect somebody to show up from Trinity in their own "Sponsor announcement" thread anymore?
Crazy absurd!

May 2, 2017 at 7:55 AM Post #16,034 of 24,683
Anybody else noticed that we don't even expect somebody to show up from Trinity in their own "Sponsor announcement" thread anymore?
Crazy absurd!

For the record, I fully expect Bob to show up sooner or later. I cannot predict exactly when; after the Hunter and PM6 have all been delivered, one would imagine.
Possibly after a period of Air investigation too (at this stage, I can't tell whether there is a mass issue or just some isolated cases). Anyway, would be good to see him. I'm still kind of regretting that I didn't order the Master and Icarus IEM's. I kept thinking that I don't really need them, but now I'm thinking that at the crazy discount prices (£60 and £75 respectively), it was pretty foolish not to at least try them...
Oh well, live and learn :beyersmile:

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