Tralucent Audio 1Plus2 IEM (Now With 'New' 1Plus2.2!) Impressions Thread
Jul 9, 2013 at 4:46 AM Post #3,061 of 6,416
Yep, you and I definitely disgree on what we hear there on our respective RDB+ v1 & 1Plus2. I own both too - and the 2v1 even.For me they both do sound similar (but again, not the same). My comparisons are done using the same earphone cable even and only the IEMs themselves are switched. Naturally if I were to use the standard cable that came with the RDB+ v1 and the Tralucent Silver/Gold or Silver even on the 1Plus2, the difference is significance. I've mentioned previously that I personally believe the Tralucent cable plays a big part in how the whole 1Plus2 sound in the first place.Edit: One more thing I'd like to add is that in the tests I've done with cable switching between these pairs of IEMs is that on a generic RDB+ v1 standard cable (or even Tralucent's silver cable) on both IEMs, they sound similar as I've mentioned above. However, on the Uber cable, although both improve a lot, the disparity between the two start to widen considerably. In other words, I've found that the RDB+ v1 can improve and scale up to a certain point and hits a ceiling whilst the 1Plus2 can continue to scale upwards.Flymetothemoon, congrats on your Uber cable :wink:.

Thanks Anak.
Jul 9, 2013 at 5:08 AM Post #3,062 of 6,416
Yes I agree, the 1P2 bass do have more slam with a more pronouce sub bass than K3003 . For casual listening, they sound awfully similar tonality, I would say K3003 has a slightly wider soundstage while 1P2 have a deeper soundstage and both produce pin point imaging accuracy. I don't find the K3003 warm at all, just for comparison, I would consider HD650, TG334 even LCD-2 warm but K3003 would be more on the neutral balance sounding with nothing sticking out in particular which is why it may be a little boring.
I often use K3003 for sanity checks for its very balance nature, more like a portable reference IEM, the treble details are excellent due to its brassy tonal quality, some find it grainy and peaky though. K3003 is also less U shape than 1p2, although I personally don't find 1p2 U shape at all as many mention here. I think the 1P2 and tube amp are a match made in heaven. Everything just scale way better with tube amp. A romantic amp is what 1p2 love.. IMO

I still have a hard time considering the AKG3003s boring. They were anything but boring for me. The treble was too aggressive/brassy to be considered boring :). The signature was more on the neutral/reference side though and I guess people can consider it more boring based on that. But I just didn't find them boring personally. I'd generally listen to them at slightly lower volumes due to the treble as well.
Jul 9, 2013 at 5:32 AM Post #3,063 of 6,416
I still have a hard time considering the AKG3003s boring. They were anything but boring for me. The treble was too aggressive/brassy to be considered boring :). The signature was more on the neutral/reference side though and I guess people can consider it more boring based on that. But I just didn't find them boring personally. I'd generally listen to them at slightly lower volumes due to the treble as well.

So, you auditioned the K3003s a year ago and now they have aggressive/brassy treble and, as per your post yesterday (or the day before), they now also have grainy treble? Here's what you posted a year ago, when you had the K3003 loaner: "From a technical standpoint the AKG 3003s are good in all 3 areas (treble, mid-range, bass). I feel they excel the most in the treble area particularly." So, if your current take on the treble of a phone you haven't heard for a year is that its treble is aggressive/brassy AND grainy, then by now, I guess, the bass & mids must seriously suck BIG time.
Jul 9, 2013 at 5:37 AM Post #3,064 of 6,416
So, you auditioned the K3003s a year ago and now they have aggressive/brassy treble and, as per your post yesterday (or the day before), they now also have grainy treble? Here's what you posted a year ago, when you had the K3003 loaner: "From a technical standpoint the AKG 3003s are good in all 3 areas (treble, mid-range, bass). I feel they excel the most in the treble area particularly." So, if your current take on the treble of a phone you haven't heard for a year is that its treble is aggressive/brassy AND grainy, then by now, I guess, the bass & mids must seriously suck BIG time.

Is this not a kind of natural relativity curve though? Yes I know I am not very experienced with headphones, but I find as I get "better" headphones, what I thought WAS good, all of a sudden relatively changes?
When the benchmark is shifted then what came before it will also
Jul 9, 2013 at 5:38 AM Post #3,065 of 6,416
So, you auditioned the K3003s a year ago and now they have aggressive/brassy treble, and as per your post yesterday (or the day before) they now also have grainy treble? Here's what you posted a year ago, when you had the K3003 loaner: "From a technical standpoint the AKG 3003s are good in all 3 areas (treble, mid-range, bass). I feel they excel the most in the treble area particularly." So, if your current take on the treble of a phone you haven't heard for a year is that its treble is aggressive/brassy AND grainy, then by now, I guess, the bass & mids must seriously suck BIG time.

Just because I found the treble to be on the aggressive/brassy side does not mean it was bad. I'm not sure what you are trying to get at here either? My point is I never found them boring in the slightest bit. The treble was too aggressive to consider them boring and I'm not the only one who did find the treble on the aggressive side. In terms of smooth treble I've heard IEMs that take that approach much further in comparison. Also while I did find the treble to be fatiguing at higher volumes it wasn't a major issue. Just simply listen at lower volumes (although some may not like that aspect of them). I even appreciated them with certain music with the treble filters on opposed to the reference filters. The sound to me was more coherent this way. But depending on the material you are listening to things could become more so of a problem with that added emphasis on treble (less forgiving).
Is this not a kind of natural relativity curve though? Yes I know I am not very experienced with headphones, but I find as I get "better" headphones, what I thought WAS good, all of a sudden relatively changes?
When the benchmark is shifted then what came before it will also

You also have a good point Vespertine. As you hear better gear with time your opinions are bound to change on previous purchases. It comes with the territory of upgrading. If this were not obviously the case then people wouldn't be selling/moving on from said gear to begin with :wink:.
Jul 9, 2013 at 6:02 AM Post #3,066 of 6,416
Is this not a kind of natural relativity curve though? Yes I know I am not very experienced with headphones, but I find as I get "better" headphones, what I thought WAS good, all of a sudden relatively changes?
When the benchmark is shifted then what came before it will also

It is indeed (bolded text), but when you have, for instance, a very credible and experienced HF'er recently doing a direct comparison of the 1p2 & K3003s, plus Audiowood's comments (he owns both phones), and yet another HF'er, toads, who bought both phones and kept the K3003s (he rarely posted in this thread, and just moved on), well, their comments seem, at least to me, to carry (much) more weight.
Speaking of phones we haven't heard for a long time can be deceptive AND misleading as our auditory memory is pretty poor, let alone other variables that come into play when we talk about gear we no longer have in our possession. (I've not heard the 1p2s myself, so can't comment on them.)

I will leave it at that as there's a lot more I could say on the subject of the K3003s (and other phones), about people's real experience with gear, their credibility, biases, exaggeration, hype, parroting, and so on.
Jul 9, 2013 at 6:05 AM Post #3,067 of 6,416
I still have a hard time considering the AKG3003s boring. They were anything but boring for me. The treble was too aggressive/brassy to be considered boring :). The signature was more on the neutral/reference side though and I guess people can consider it more boring based on that. But I just didn't find them boring personally. I'd generally listen to them at slightly lower volumes due to the treble as well.

i agree the treble of the K3003 is a bit aggressive but i don't find it was boring. it's one of the best treble I've ever heard from an IEM.... really brilliant and extended. i love the k3003 a lot , the only thing make me reluctant is un-detachable cable, i found the cable isn't durable at all. the level of comfort also not good at all
@: btw, can't wait to give the 1+2 a try. it will arrive at my friend's house in one more week. :D
Jul 9, 2013 at 6:13 AM Post #3,068 of 6,416
i agree the treble of the K3003 is a bit aggressive but i don't find it was boring. it one of the best treble I've ever heard from an IEM.... really brilliant and extended. i love the k3003 a lot , the only thing make me reluctant is un-detachable cable, i found the cable isn't durable at all. the level of comfort also not good at all

I agree. Even the 1Plus2 itself is on the aggressive side. In no way laid back. I'm not sure what the posters MO is above but he isn't going anywhere fast. As I mentioned above regarding the brassy sound. It was quite nice. The note weight of the treble and how it lingered (the energy to it). On tracks that were mastered well I really enjoyed how it sounded with the treble filter on. It had more clarity and extension that way. Still not suitable for most genres like the reference filters were. But on the tracks it worked well with the AKG3003s sounded best with these particular filters IMO :). The cable was also a factor in me not getting  a pair for myself. Regarding comfort I'm also on the same page with you. My ears would get sore from the metal housing. But they sounded good enough for me that I'd make compromises. There was something about their sound that really engaged me while out in public. It just made me pay attention to the music even when being distracted. That was one of my favorite aspects about them.
Congrats on the 1Plus2. Keep us posted on your thoughts :).
Jul 9, 2013 at 8:24 AM Post #3,070 of 6,416
They made a smaller RDB+ v1 though :).

How about K3003? I've hardly heard the K3003 but in many posts in this thread, there were quite a few ppl comparing the two - again, not exactly the same but are they close "same ball park"??

i see. wasnt following much. the last time i saw your comparison with 1p2. it was huge. :)

maybe we hear it differently. i using ipod touch 3g ibasso d4 topkit with cheap ibasso ic. just to clarify i do not own any of those. tried both for like 30 mins.

1p2 was joel's. i remember it is with gold cable new version? have not heard stock silver cable. maybe that is the reason. any thoughts?
Jul 9, 2013 at 8:47 AM Post #3,072 of 6,416
What makes you think it won't fit the 1plus2?? Most IEMs (Sennheiser, FitEar, AKG, Tralucent) use the same size nozzle. I don't know what size nozzle Monster uses but it may very well be the same.

I have two sets of triple flanges (one that came with Westone 3's and another that came with Shure SE535's) and both are small. Between the IEM's I have seen/owned, 1p2's have biggest nozzle.
And therefore, back to my original question - would be nice if anyone with experience of triple flanges that actually fit the 1p2s post source.
Jul 9, 2013 at 9:01 AM Post #3,073 of 6,416
i see. wasnt following much. the last time i saw your comparison with 1p2. it was huge.

maybe we hear it differently. i using ipod touch 3g ibasso d4 topkit with cheap ibasso ic. just to clarify i do not own any of those. tried both for like 30 mins.

1p2 was joel's. i remember it is with gold cable new version? have not heard stock silver cable. maybe that is the reason. any thoughts?

Really!? Could you please help me find the post? Was I using the same cables or different cables with each IEM?
These days I've been going back 'n forth between the 1Plus2 & the Kaede's. Whilst my Uber cable has gone walkabout around the world I've got a temporary silver cable loaner from Musica Acoustics.
Jul 9, 2013 at 9:57 AM Post #3,075 of 6,416
Talk about some serious ear rape lol. The 334 is a huge-ass IEM as is. I cannot imagine being violated by that monster with a triple flange extension :p.

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