Topping A70 Pro - impressions
Jan 7, 2024 at 6:53 AM Post #151 of 211
I'm currently have an a90d as a WfH setup. I want to get another amp for my gaming PC.

Both the a90d and a70 pro are priced the similar in a local shop.

2 things that I like about the a90d is the simplicity of the display (don't really care for the fancy Aurora display sincei hardly look at the amp).

I don't have phones that can take advantage of 17W output

Thoughts? Thanks

Watch this review, I trust iiWi and I think he is bang on here,

Also you mention that you don't have phones that will take advantage of the 17w output, but actually at higher ohms the a90d is closer to the a70pro than you might think, a90d @ 300 ohms is 1w vs a70pro @ 300 ohms is 1.37w which is quite surprising really when you consider the a70pro is rated at nearly 10w more power.
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Jan 7, 2024 at 12:58 PM Post #152 of 211
It seems that topping webpage is down, I can't find firmware 2.02 or later.
Can anyone direct me to topping latest firmware for A70 pro (mine still on 1.07) download page?
Jan 8, 2024 at 10:45 AM Post #153 of 211
It seems that topping webpage is down, I can't find firmware 2.02 or later.
Can anyone direct me to topping latest firmware for A70 pro (mine still on 1.07) download page?

The download here works:

Both of them uses relay volume control? (Since you said the a70pro a better amp)

They do indeed. The A70 Pro is a tiny bit better than the A90/A90D in addition to being more powerful and having a lower retail price, so that's what I'd get.
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Jan 9, 2024 at 6:42 PM Post #154 of 211
To be honest they are all so different, the A90 is like the most dead neutral which some people would call sterile but it's definitely not bad by any means and some people prefer it as it doesn't add any coloring.
The A90D has more flavor especially on the lower end and it's a more modern looking device.
The A70 Pro is warmer and has a mid bass bump that is good for some headphones though I know a lot of people who prefer the A90D.
Jan 9, 2024 at 8:02 PM Post #155 of 211
To be honest they are all so different, the A90 is like the most dead neutral which some people would call sterile but it's definitely not bad by any means and some people prefer it as it doesn't add any coloring.
The A90D has more flavor especially on the lower end and it's a more modern looking device.
The A70 Pro is warmer and has a mid bass bump that is good for some headphones though I know a lot of people who prefer the A90D.
Amir measured the A70pro and said it was “exceptionally flat too 100khz” but you say it has a mid bass bump? Wouldn’t that show up on his graph? Genuinely confused.
Jan 9, 2024 at 8:09 PM Post #156 of 211
Amir measured the A70pro and said it was “exceptionally flat too 100khz” but you say it has a mid bass bump? Wouldn’t that show up on his graph? Genuinely confused.

Yes, unless you were hearing some kind of distortion spike but that's of course a nonissue with the A70 Pro. Or unless you're in a situation where you need more power than what the A90s deliver. I'd suggest blind testing with matched volume.
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Jan 9, 2024 at 8:12 PM Post #157 of 211
Amir measured the A70pro and said it was “exceptionally flat too 100khz” but you say it has a mid bass bump? Wouldn’t that show up on his graph? Genuinely confused.
I also read the review before buying but I can 100% tell you that it's warmer and has more mid bass present and slam compared to the A90D and A90.
I know all these amps very well and I always prefer to listen before imagining how something sounds. Actually on Soundnews he described the profile of the A70 Pro exactly as I heard it.
Jan 10, 2024 at 12:46 AM Post #158 of 211
To be honest they are all so different, the A90 is like the most dead neutral which some people would call sterile but it's definitely not bad by any means and some people prefer it as it doesn't add any coloring.
The A90D has more flavor especially on the lower end and it's a more modern looking device.
The A70 Pro is warmer and has a mid bass bump that is good for some headphones though I know a lot of people who prefer the A90D.
No way. The a70 pro has way less warmth. I spent all evening a/b testing them. Way less sound stage, bass, and depth.
Jan 10, 2024 at 12:59 AM Post #159 of 211
No way. The a70 pro has way less warmth. I spent all evening a/b testing them. Way less sound stage, bass, and depth.
On a good recordings A70 Pro makes my LCD2 2021 slam like some kind of bass boost or eq is enabled and low mid warmth is present as well. Yesterday was listening to it with D70 Pro Octo, soundstage is bigger than on M17 (volume matched A/B), and stack I liked little more how it sounded. Still M17 is great device and sounds wonderfull with iems and hp, but to really extract every drop from headphones stack is there obvious choice.
Jan 10, 2024 at 5:00 AM Post #160 of 211
No way. The a70 pro has way less warmth. I spent all evening a/b testing them. Way less sound stage, bass, and depth.
I honestly didn't have the same results having both of them connected to a Gustard R26 DAC, the A70Pro is warmer especially on the lower frequencies and has more punch and slam which of course is not everyone's cup of tea.
Jan 11, 2024 at 6:05 AM Post #161 of 211
No way. The a70 pro has way less warmth. I spent all evening a/b testing them. Way less sound stage, bass, and depth.

Very strange, in terms of dead neutral to warm it's A90>A90D>A70Pro, I was quite shocked how warm the A70 Pro was when I was testing it, especially in the bass/mid-bass aera.
Jan 15, 2024 at 7:18 PM Post #163 of 211
Elevated bass level would naturally show up in an FR graph, or if you're hearing distortion then that can show up in a THD vs frequency graph. Anything else I think comes down to headphone seal inconsistencies between test, or some element of psychoacoustics which fast and level matched blind testing would help rule out.
Feb 5, 2024 at 1:27 AM Post #164 of 211
I also read the review before buying but I can 100% tell you that it's warmer and has more mid bass present and slam compared to the A90D and A90.
I know all these amps very well and I always prefer to listen before imagining how something sounds. Actually on Soundnews he described the profile of the A70 Pro exactly as I heard it.
So which would be better for HeKs and HeKse? I listen to modern music, oft bass heavy, i like punch and slam but not at the cost of imaging. And lower bass/sub bass > mid-bass.
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Feb 5, 2024 at 11:18 AM Post #165 of 211
So which would be better for HeKs and HeKse? I listen to modern music, oft bass heavy, i like punch and slam but not at the cost of imaging. And lower bass/sub bass > mid-bass.
Honestly the A70Pro is awesome with my HE1000SE adding a bit of extra punch in the midbass but the A90D is also a lovely match being more neutral.

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