Tooby sounding SS amp for HD650's?
Sep 2, 2005 at 5:45 AM Post #16 of 36

Originally Posted by CRESCENDOPOWER
It’s possibly one of the finest solid-state audio products per dollar at this time, and the designer is a genius.


His designs are effective yet simple; I wouldn't exactly go so far as to say he is a "genius," from what I've seen of his circuit designs.

Sep 2, 2005 at 5:59 AM Post #18 of 36

Originally Posted by crazyfrenchman27

His designs are effective yet simple; I wouldn't exactly go so far as to say he is a "genius," from what I've seen of his circuit designs.


Circuit design means absolutely nothing to me. The only thing I care about it how the amplifier sounds, and how much I paid for it. Anyone who can make an amp sound this good for $875.00 is a genius in my book.
Sep 2, 2005 at 6:12 AM Post #19 of 36
Hmm. The hr2 is very good, but I certainly wouldn't consider it "tubey" with the stock opamps (no, I didn't try rolling them either). I thought the sr71 was very very similar sounding at nearly half the price, though the batteries will cost you in the long run. I really miss that sr71. Actually I'm not sure I've heard a SS amp yet that sounds a lot like tubes. The SS at-ha2002 is liquidy smooth magic with the w2002 but that's just an synergistic aberration.

Before someone recommends the Perreaux SXH-1, I owned it and didn't think much of it. The hr2 and sr71 are much much better.
Sep 2, 2005 at 10:27 AM Post #20 of 36
HR-2 w/ ad797, LT1028. The 797 can have a bit of grain w/ some material but incredible balance. The LT1028 struck me as the "toobiest" of the ones I've tried so far.
Now I'm gonna have to try the LT1115. Lovespuds indeed!

Pretty cool that you have so many choices with the HR-2. It really is a product for life. I've said it before: "When everything else is gone but the cockroaches, my HR-2 will still be there, pumpin' out the goods."
Sep 2, 2005 at 10:59 AM Post #21 of 36

Originally Posted by gsferrari
Go with a hybrid like the Rudistor RP5 / 5.1 or whatever his latest offerings are. I am a big fan of the sound of his amps.

Seconded, my RP5.1 sounds very good and I really love the size of it. No more 'Team Dinky Looking' for me
Sep 2, 2005 at 11:07 AM Post #22 of 36
The Headamp GS-1 is the best sounding solid state amp I have heard under $1k. Plus, the GS-1 has many more standard features like a loop out, gain control and an excellent preamp output.
Sep 2, 2005 at 1:04 PM Post #23 of 36
How about a tube hybrid? Happy with my Millet (for the price), it has some nice warmth and smooth midrange character that teams well with my MS2.

Dont let the tube voodoo scare you, its tubes run from 12-20 Volts and bias is easily adjustable with a DVM and screwdriver.... so its not like other tube gear where wrong bias will cause an instantaneous holocaust.

I considered the bada. I know it usses a mil spec tube that should last a couple decades... still the idea of a PCB soldered tube detered me from that design... Id be all over it if it were socketed.

I'm kicking myself for not demoing the headroom Millet with my MS2 at the san jose meet.

In the guitar amp world, tubes are finickey little things and you really need to know what youre doing with plate voltages stepped up that high. Here in headphone realm there are many amp designs centered around lower voltage tubes that are very user friendly.

Sep 2, 2005 at 2:02 PM Post #24 of 36

Originally Posted by sacd lover
The Headamp GS-1 is the best sounding solid state amp I have heard under $1k. Plus, the GS-1 has many more standard features like a loop out, gain control and an excellent preamp output.

I was waiting for your post! And this is coming from a guy who has heard a few tube amps
Sep 2, 2005 at 6:14 PM Post #25 of 36

Originally Posted by Thaddy
I was waiting for your post! And this is coming from a guy who has heard a few tube amps

For sure.... the GS-1 is a great buy too at $749.
Sep 2, 2005 at 6:17 PM Post #26 of 36

Originally Posted by sacd lover
The Headamp GS-1 is the best sounding solid state amp I have heard under $1k. Plus, the GS-1 has many more standard features like a loop out, gain control and an excellent preamp output.

All suggestions appreciated. A gain switch could be very handy. I have also found the crossfeed on my Pimeta to be handy but hit and miss depending on the recording (mostly useful on older recordings).

What no votes for the M^3?
Sep 3, 2005 at 12:16 AM Post #27 of 36
The Perreaux SXH-1 is a good tube-like SS amp, now out of production, but the new SXH-2 is available. I LOVED the SXH-1 with my 600's, went tube anyway but that was just the "sickness" at work.
Sep 3, 2005 at 12:32 AM Post #28 of 36
I have a GS1 and I find it anything but tubey...though I am using it with an HP1, so take that with a grain of neutral as hell salt.

Great amp though. A little bass shy, but great. With the 650 though that should not be an issue.
Sep 3, 2005 at 2:51 AM Post #30 of 36
I really think you would be better served picking up one of tube amps from singlepower, woo audio, eddie current or whatnot. I havnt really experienced any issues at all ever since I got my ppx3, and tube rolling really is just added fun - icing on top, so to say. With suggestions like SXH-1, you might end up paying more for something less tubey or to your liking.

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