Tin HiFi Impressions Thread
May 11, 2021 at 3:09 PM Post #498 of 682
Has anyone else tried u/oratory1990's EQ settings on their T2+? They cut down on the aggressive upper mid/lower treble that can lead to female vocals in particular being too shouty. They also smooth out the treble and bring up the bass a touch, sounds a lot more refined.
I have tried his Harman correction curve on BL03, T2, and T2+.

I must say his correction curves are real deal. My T2 sounds nothing like bright neutral. In fact, now it sounds very much closer to my preferred neutral signature which is Harman Target with slightly elevated mids.

On T2+, I only had to liven up treble as everything else was perfectly fine for me. Tbh, I've never found T2+ shouty. Maybe our hearing perceptions are somewhat different and hence the reason. I am using T2+ with Spiral Dots and find them very pleasing and transparent in nature. The one where I saw marked improvement was T2, it sounds like a top tier IEM. Refined, agile bass, clean transients and controlled treble with perfect mids.
May 12, 2021 at 2:07 AM Post #500 of 682
I've ordered the tin T5 😁

Thanks for taking one for the team, even though reviews have been equivocal. Let us know how it is!
May 12, 2021 at 7:24 AM Post #501 of 682
Tin HiFi T1 Plus Be-coated driver:



Rest in pieces (CD: mauled by Siberian Husky). You were the most earbud-like IEM I heard, including all it's flaws.
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May 12, 2021 at 8:21 PM Post #502 of 682
I thought I was right haha.

They should determine which is the correct info and further down that Drop listing it also states again it is Titanium.
So is it Aluminium or Titanium? I will leave my video, thumbnail and description as is until confirmation.
I strongly suspect it is not Titanium. Titanium is very hard to work with and any product made out of titanium I ever encountered was very expensive. I think 130 dollars headphones from titanium is just unrealistic.
May 12, 2021 at 9:25 PM Post #503 of 682
I strongly suspect it is not Titanium. Titanium is very hard to work with and any product made out of titanium I ever encountered was very expensive. I think 130 dollars headphones from titanium is just unrealistic.
May 13, 2021 at 6:02 PM Post #505 of 682
I have had it confirmed and the housing is Aluminium so I have removed it in the description and thumbnail of the T5.
Yes, false advertising on DROP’s part.
May 17, 2021 at 9:48 AM Post #506 of 682
I have had it confirmed and the housing is Aluminium so I have removed it in the description and thumbnail of the T5.

I knew right away it was not titanium. Titanium is rare and extremely difficult to machine. My best two shells for an iem would be at least a thousand dollars. Not because of the price of titanium but because it is extremely difficult to work with.
May 25, 2021 at 8:23 PM Post #507 of 682
After spending some time with the T5, here's my 2 cents on it.

Screenshot 2021-05-25 at 20.16.10.png

For me, they do have their shortcomings in some areas, but i think they're still pretty decent in their own way. They can be quite enjoyable given the right tracks, and the build quality, design, and fit are a 10/10 for me. The shape of the shell fit my ears really well, and they're extremely comfortable to wear for long periods of time. I've been using them while lying in bed before sleep and because of the shorter nozzle and good fit, even when i turn my head a bit, i don't get the feeling like they're trying to dig deeper into my ears. the cable might not look the fanciest (compared to past Tin HiFi stuff) but they work well. the ear guide portion is soft and pliable enough to not cause too much discomfort. I normally prefer cable down over this type of over-ear style earphones, but these are nice.

Screenshot 2021-05-26 at 07.01.27.png

Packaging and accessories are nice as well, though i'm not sure about the colour of that case. lol. for me the black ear tips work better for my ears over the ones with the coloured stem. I find the coloured ones doesn't hold onto the shorter nozzle as well, and falls off quite easily compared to the other. The black ear tips has a sort of SpinFit-like design on the inside as well.

Screenshot 2021-05-26 at 07.53.56.png

Sound wise, they sound v-shaped to me. bass quantity is good, but quality leaves a bit to be desired. It's a bit on the boomy side, and I find the transients a bit on the weaker side for me. The attack sounds a bit blunted and on the softer side for me, and in tracks with a lot of drums for example, notes can sound a little smeared together, probably thanks in part to that mid bass hump too.

Mids have a slightly more airy and open presentation overall, especially the vocals. I think it makes male vocals sound a little unnatural, but I can see its appeal to some folks maybe. Upper mids and lower treble are not too shouty or hot to my ears, and sibilance to me seems pretty well controlled most of the time. however, there is a peak at 5 and 8KHz. I think those peaks are the ones giving them that airy presence, but they can also cause some issues to me in some areas. some vocals has the tendency to be a bit sibilant, and certain instruments like cymbals in particular that hit those frequencies can sound too emphasised and a bit tizzy.

I find that soundstage, imaging, and resolution seems decent for the most part, especially with that airy presentation, but it can struggle a bit when it comes to complex tracks, especially those with more bass. The bass and treble will crowd out the already relatively thin vocals, and cause them to sort of fade into the back of the mix. On simpler tracks, especially those that are vocals centric, they sound fine, and probably even good though.

So overall, i find that they can be a bit picky when it comes to the type of music they can handle well. They are able to shine in some tracks for me, especially those with bowed and wind instruments where the transients aren’t as important, or those with strong focus on vocals and simpler accompaniment. But for more complex tracks, they are just okay. It's also not the most natural sounding because of what I'm guessing to be stylistic choices when it comes to the tuning, but I still found it to be quite enjoyable for bedtime use where I'm mostly just listening to exactly the type of music that they excel in. Also I do like it more than the Tin T2 overall, especially with a bit of EQ to reduce the bass and 5/8KHz a bit.

So in the end, YMMV I guess. Just based on sound, they're not the best value for money to me because I would prefer something more versatile. But the rest of the earphones do feel like they're worth more than that though, especially the build quality and fit.

Screenshot 2021-05-26 at 07.51.36.png

May 30, 2021 at 3:47 PM Post #508 of 682
Jun 5, 2021 at 4:23 PM Post #509 of 682
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