Thinking about picking up the Eastsound CD-E5
May 30, 2005 at 2:38 AM Post #151 of 1,228
Well, I guess we need a side by side shoot-out with some top-gun sources and headphone amps eh

I did come across that thread on AA. It seems like a promising player. I have no doubt that good things can come from the FarEast.

We need a volunteer on US territory. Now it would be quite informative/purposeful if such a volunteer also had a few high end sources to compare to, like.... for instance... CreekCD53, MeridianG08, Wadia301, AckDack! hum who would that be .... Hirsch??!!
Do it man! take one for the team...
May 30, 2005 at 11:23 AM Post #152 of 1,228
how does E5 work with my setup?
Pimeta maxed out with AD8620 and Sr325i. Can I expect some kind of synergy with E5?
May 30, 2005 at 1:07 PM Post #153 of 1,228
Hard to say really... I used to own a PIMETA with AD8620 and it was quite fast and revealing. I would think that it should pair with the CD-E5 well, but in time you will want more.
May 30, 2005 at 7:18 PM Post #154 of 1,228
what you mean in time? I already want more, as reality hits, amp upgrades need to wait. maybe even a DIY M^3 or PPA.
May 31, 2005 at 1:32 AM Post #155 of 1,228
Sorry Philox. Was talking about the Meridian, Dack etc.

CD44. There was a shootout of sort with Creek and Eastsound at Audioholic. But not with the two players you mentioned. The Creek player in the shooout was the CD50mkII which might have replaced the CD53. The Eastsound player was the E3. The E3 is discontinued and sold for about 60% of the E5. E5 is based on the E3 but with some significant upgrades. They also compared the E3 to Lexicons universal player.

I would have felt like crying if I had spent $1500 for the Creek and read that it couldn't keep up with a $300 Chinese CDP.

Since its review I've noticed, the E3 has found its way into Audioholics reference system along with the $3500 Lexicon universal player. Add that to the E5 being used at Audioconstruzioni as their reference player and it speaks very well of Eastound. Especially since both can be had for well under a grand.

BW Maxx
May 31, 2005 at 12:54 PM Post #156 of 1,228

Originally Posted by MaxxC
Sorry Philox. Was talking about the Meridian, Dack etc.

There are more details in the Detroit Meet impressions thread. The only real 'shootout' that involved multiple people was with the Eastsouns CD-E5 and the Ack Dack... it is sort of funny, but neither I nor the owner of the Ack Dack compared the two.

I spent most of my time with the Wadia and my system and a fair amount of time with the Meridian 588. The Wadia and the Meridian were hooked up to basically the same amp [both had top of the line headroom electronics, different chassis though]. I would say that I would rank them as follows when listening to my K340's:

Wadia/Headroom >>> Eastsound/Dynahi >> Meridian/Headroom >>>>> My portable rig
May 31, 2005 at 4:40 PM Post #158 of 1,228
I have never compared them side by side, but I am not a big fan of the DAC-1 personally... I heard it at the Chicago Head-Fi meet and I did not like it one bit. I would rather listen to my AOS Flute. However, it is possible that it was the DAC-1's amplification section that I found lacking as I did not listen to it as a stand alone DAC.
Jun 22, 2005 at 12:46 AM Post #160 of 1,228
I have been curious about the davinci 9.8.I purchased a jungson special edition moon bay hdcd player some months ago and think i may try out something new now.I will prob put my moonbay on audiogon soon.

I have been considering the eastsound for awhile now .There are mixed feelings about the player ,but overall people seem to think it is outstanding .When someone picks it up in the usa the player will prob have a retail of $2500.

Now the davinci 9.8 also looks very nice and it uses a very nice transport.I'm not sure if they have a 115 v version or not.
Jun 22, 2005 at 3:12 AM Post #161 of 1,228
When I asked Snowy Law from Cattylink about the two players he said that he far preferred the Eastsound over the Davinci... and the Davinci is more expensive, so I appreciate his honesty.
Jun 25, 2005 at 9:44 AM Post #162 of 1,228

Originally Posted by philodox
Well, the Meridian was hooked up to a Headroom Desktop [with most of the Home upgrades] and my Eastsound was hooked up to my Dynahi so it may not have been the best test. However I would say that those two amps are very close and definitely around the same level of performance. The Meridian sounded quite dry and did not pull you into the music in the same way that the Eastsound does. This could just be their different presentation and sound though and I would need more side by side listening to say for sure. I do know what I like though.

Philodox Hi.

I think the whole Headroom line of amps is on the dry side, and as you said does not pull me into the music either(sp) by any chance did you have time in Detroit to listen to the HR-2 of Rays with the Meridian G08? Lush full midrange and lots of detail. To my ears. Or the Meridian of Mikhail’s (Singlepower) 508 hooked to the PPX3? Same thing lush musical etc. I was just wondering PS. I liked your setup.
Jun 25, 2005 at 8:20 PM Post #163 of 1,228

Originally Posted by markmaxx
By any chance did you have time in Detroit to listen to the HR-2 of Rays with the Meridian G08? Lush full midrange and lots of detail. To my ears. Or the Meridian of Mikhail’s (Singlepower) 508 hooked to the PPX3? Same thing lush musical etc.

I heard that first setup at the Chicago meet and from memory I would agree with your description. Although, from my memory of how that setup handled my K340's, I would say that my system is superior [at least for the K340]. I think the PPX3 that I heard in Detroit was hooked up to the 508... the bass was great and overall I liked it a lot, but I felt that there was a lack of detail when compared to my rig. Quote:

Originally Posted by markmaxx
I liked your setup.

Jun 26, 2005 at 9:50 PM Post #165 of 1,228
I'm pretty sure a tank could have rolled over my package and it would have been fine... pain in the ass to open it though.

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