The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
May 2, 2024 at 6:30 PM Post #88,216 of 91,272
In couple more years $2,500 will become budget-fi. RIP passive/pension income. Lol
TIL what I lose in taxes every month is budget fi
May 2, 2024 at 6:37 PM Post #88,217 of 91,272
So im interested in getting the most out of the Jewel (and ofc my other IEM’s). Plus I still need an amp that can power headphones, but especially the Meze Elite. IEM’s are more important but to give my ears some rest, I like the alternative.

Im still eyeballing the enleum hpa 23rm, but its basically the only 1 I can audition locally. And only single ended -_- which for my cables is not ideal.

How has an amp changed/improved your experience? And which would you feel is one of the best right now (and what combo)?

I might have to blind buy stuff just to test it, but rather not.
Amps are huge, night and day difference especially with power hungry sets. I think an amp done right can easily exceed the performance of a good DAC but the sort of amps that due that are very expensive in my experience. In other words, it's my take that you can feed a great amp with a decent DAC and get exceptional results.
May 2, 2024 at 6:44 PM Post #88,218 of 91,272
Honey, it's just an entry level earphone called Trailli, there are a few tiers above it so relax!
Ok. Blinks innocently. As long as it is only entry level. Nothing beyond that. Do not want you spending all of your money. We need some to go on vacations with the kids.

How many people has this happened to? It sounds so familiar. I just can not place where.
May 2, 2024 at 7:02 PM Post #88,219 of 91,272
To me, they are two different types of beasts. Both can arguably offer some of the best experiences you can find in the IEM market.

The Viking OG is basically a technical powerhouse—it's the most resolved IEM I've heard to date. When I listen to orchestra/movie soundtracks, I can easily identify the position of each instrument and their textures, all wrapped in a wide soundstage. But I must say, I don’t like the Viking OG for every track. It excels with high-quality recordings, especially orchestras, violins, and movie soundtracks (like those by Hans Zimmer), but it doesn't perform as well with pop tracks, where you might notice some sibilance.

On the other hand, the Amber Pearl is a solid, well-tuned all-rounder, probably a “one-and-done” IEM for most folks when driven through an N30LE AP. The sound reminds me a bit of the “Multiverse Mentor Pro Max”—it has a great holographic BCD soundstage and balanced tuning, in which AP can cover a wide genre of music on a very high level. However, I found that the stock cable doesn't do it justice. I prefer to swap it out for an Orbitsaga/Erua Type 7 for added resolution and energy.

Compared to the Viking OG, the Amber Pearl sounds a bit less resolved and less bright as trade off, but has its unique BCD effect, as well as more bass quantity. They just offer two different types of experiences for enjoying the music we all love.🥰
Thanks for your honest opinion!
If, in the future, you would like to sell the Noble Viking, please send me a message; I'm interested. Thanks
May 2, 2024 at 7:27 PM Post #88,220 of 91,272
So im interested in getting the most out of the Jewel (and ofc my other IEM’s). Plus I still need an amp that can power headphones, but especially the Meze Elite. IEM’s are more important but to give my ears some rest, I like the alternative.

Im still eyeballing the enleum hpa 23rm, but its basically the only 1 I can audition locally. And only single ended -_- which for my cables is not ideal.

How has an amp changed/improved your experience? And which would you feel is one of the best right now (and what combo)?

I might have to blind buy stuff just to test it, but rather not.

Is a large desktop unit in consideration?

From all those I tried, the Auris Nirvana (a transformer coupled tube amp), immensely powerful yet with astonishingly dark noise floor, is the best I’ve heard my IEMs. It can also drive all headphones up to Susvara with ease and lots of headroom to spare.
May 2, 2024 at 7:49 PM Post #88,221 of 91,272
b) Have installed all my music apps and have downloaded music. Keeping the device clean of email apps, etc. As I want to keep this media centric, no distractions with notifications, etc.
Have you tried UAPP by any chance? This is my favorite music app for Android.
Also, what about Roon? I would love to be able to use this little guy as Roon control interface. I will not even bother installing a SIM card :wink:
May 2, 2024 at 8:27 PM Post #88,222 of 91,272

Empire Ears Odin arrived today.

First Impressions:

Wow! I described Aroma Audio’s Jewel as boring in a good way. Odin is exciting… also in a good way!

They almost couldn’t be more different, at least in presentation. Jewel was natural-neutral. Odin is hyper-real-neutral, where details are pushed as far forward as possible, before becoming grating.

And Odin does indeed walk that line. So does my current favorite headphone, the HiFiMan HE1000 Stealth. The detail presentation on the Stealth are a little more elegant than Odin, but it too walks that line of being too much. Odin inches even closer to the line, where many high notes get ever so slightly tizzy, but not necessarily what I’d call sibilant.

That was with my go-to tips, the JVC SpiralDots. But once I switched to the stock Final Type E tips, the treble lost most of its tizziness, and I think the vocals became a little denser.

Speaking of vocals, Odin excels at textures. Singers are so richly rendered, every secret quality is laid bare. It goes beyond real, and struts boldly into hyper-real, where “S” sounds do pop subtly. It’s not a 100% natural sound, but it is a highly engaging one. This fine detail and texturing is just as impressive and apparent in instruments, as well. It’s a spectacular thing to behold.

Odin’s bass is the most similar to Jewel of all other aspects. Their elevation seems about the same. Maybe Jewel has slightly greater, but I’ll need more time to properly A/B them. Either way, I’m very satisfied with the bass on both these IEMs. They aren’t for teenage bassheads, but if you find yourself maturing out of that, but still have a deep love for a healthy low-end, you’ll love the amount of rumble and impact you get from both Odin and Jewel’s lower frequencies. However, I think I might say Odin’s bass is, again, a little more textured. Everything Odin does is so incredibly textured.

The soundstage is enormous. When I switched to the Final Type E tips, I believe I perceived an increase in depth. Odin’s stage also has surprising height for an IEM. I’m not ready to compare them with Jewel’s, but suffice to say, they are both very, very roomy listens.

Imaging is really as good as you could ever hope for. It presents a thoroughly comprehensive holograph with truly world-class separation and utterly astounding resolution.

If this is how good a 3-year-old TOTL sounds, I can’t imagine how the best of today’s champions perform.

PS. Fitment seems very comfortable for me. Already tonight I’ve put in a few hours, and I’m not in pain yet.
May 2, 2024 at 8:37 PM Post #88,223 of 91,272
If this is how good a 3-year-old TOTL sounds, I can’t imagine how the best of today’s champions perform.

I'd say keep your expectations realistic... a lot of sets that would be considered "old" are very much still relevant now. There's so much for you to try though!
May 2, 2024 at 8:38 PM Post #88,224 of 91,272
Have you tried UAPP by any chance? This is my favorite music app for Android.
Also, what about Roon? I would love to be able to use this little guy as Roon control interface. I will not even bother installing a SIM card :wink:
Have not used UAPP, will give it a try. Have looked at Roon but never had taken the step to commit to another ecosystem.
May 2, 2024 at 9:13 PM Post #88,225 of 91,272

Empire Ears Odin arrived today.

First Impressions:

Wow! I described Aroma Audio’s Jewel as boring in a good way. Odin is exciting… also in a good way!

They almost couldn’t be more different, at least in presentation. Jewel was natural-neutral. Odin is hyper-real-neutral, where details are pushed as far forward as possible, before becoming grating.

And Odin does indeed walk that line. So does my current favorite headphone, the HiFiMan HE1000 Stealth. The detail presentation on the Stealth are a little more elegant than Odin, but it too walks that line of being too much. Odin inches even closer to the line, where many high notes get ever so slightly tizzy, but not necessarily what I’d call sibilant.

That was with my go-to tips, the JVC SpiralDots. But once I switched to the stock Final Type E tips, the treble lost most of its tizziness, and I think the vocals became a little denser.

Speaking of vocals, Odin excels at textures. Singers are so richly rendered, every secret quality is laid bare. It goes beyond real, and struts boldly into hyper-real, where “S” sounds do pop subtly. It’s not a 100% natural sound, but it is a highly engaging one. This fine detail and texturing is just as impressive and apparent in instruments, as well. It’s a spectacular thing to behold.

Odin’s bass is the most similar to Jewel of all other aspects. Their elevation seems about the same. Maybe Jewel has slightly greater, but I’ll need more time to properly A/B them. Either way, I’m very satisfied with the bass on both these IEMs. They aren’t for teenage bassheads, but if you find yourself maturing out of that, but still have a deep love for a healthy low-end, you’ll love the amount of rumble and impact you get from both Odin and Jewel’s lower frequencies. However, I think I might say Odin’s bass is, again, a little more textured. Everything Odin does is so incredibly textured.

The soundstage is enormous. When I switched to the Final Type E tips, I believe I perceived an increase in depth. Odin’s stage also has surprising height for an IEM. I’m not ready to compare them with Jewel’s, but suffice to say, they are both very, very roomy listens.

Imaging is really as good as you could ever hope for. It presents a thoroughly comprehensive holograph with truly world-class separation and utterly astounding resolution.

If this is how good a 3-year-old TOTL sounds, I can’t imagine how the best of today’s champions perform.

PS. Fitment seems very comfortable for me. Already tonight I’ve put in a few hours, and I’m not in pain yet.
Have you tried Vision Ears Erlkonig or Black Erlkonig? If you do let us know how it compares with the Odin?
May 2, 2024 at 9:21 PM Post #88,226 of 91,272
Have you tried Vision Ears Erlkonig or Black Erlkonig? If you do let us know how it compares with the Odin?
Sadly, I have not heard either of those.
May 2, 2024 at 9:34 PM Post #88,227 of 91,272
Hello Watercooler friends, I am here to share a shoddy ad hoc review. Be warned, I'm gonna gush for a bit here...

The Canpur CP54E deserves more attention.

I have owned many IEMs and continued to climb the tiers as I've gotten into the hobby. I started with some Westone (respectable IEMs but definitely not amazing), moved on to u12t (fun, competent but not the most exciting) and then finally started to play in the top end of the IEM tiers. Namely, the bird, Anni 23 and a few others.

The kind folks at Musicteck offered an audition of the Canpur CP54E and at first I wasn't sure what to make of it. It was not your standard tuning. It was technically top shelf but the bass (which is undoubtedly the best BA bass I've ever heard) sort of grabs you first. You could quickly conclude: well that's just a big pillowy bass. But then after some time, the rest of experience reveals itself. I'm not a reviewer by any means and @F700 sums it up beautifully with the recent review. It's a world class IEM.

It is an impeccably tuned, highly technical IEM. Deeply satisfying bass, amazing cohesion across the FR and highs that are right up there with the best of them. The tuning is the star of the show here. It is a wonderfully satisfying and addictive IEM. I have a bit of an aversion to what I call muscular IEMs. IEMs that just try too hard to impress you. I tried the 622B at Canjam and it fell into that camp for me. The CP54E is Canpur doing it right. An inoffensive, yet detailed, revealing and really fun IEM. Imagine the Trifecta tightened up across the highs and mids and bass that slams but doesn't go out of control.

The CP54E is one of those IEMs that will likely go unnoticed. In my opinion, it deserves - at the very least - a cult following.
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May 2, 2024 at 9:54 PM Post #88,228 of 91,272
Hello Watercooler friends, I am here to share a shoddy ad hoc review. Be warned, I'm gonna gush for a bit here...

The Canpur CP54E deserves more attention.

I have owned many IEMs and continued to climb the tiers as I've gotten into the hobby. I started with some Westone (respectable IEMs but definitely not amazing), moved on to u12t (fun, competent but not the most exciting) and then finally started to play in the top end of the IEM tiers. Namely, the bird, Anni 23 and a few others.

The kind folks at Musicteck offered an audition of the Canpur CP54E and at first I wasn't sure what to make of it. It was not your standard tuning. It was technically top shelf but the bass (which is undoubtedly the best BA bass I've ever heard) sort of grabs you first. You could quickly conclude: well that's just a big pillowy bass. But then after some time, the rest of experience reveals itself. I'm not a reviewer by any means and @F700 sums it up beautifully with the recent review. It's a world class IEM.

It is an impeccably tuned, highly technical IEM. Deeply satisfying bass, amazing cohesion across the FR and highs that are right up there with the best of them. The tuning is the star of the show here. It is a wonderfully satisfying and addictive IEM. I have a bit of an aversion to what I call muscular IEMs. IEMs that just try too hard to impress you. I tried the 622B at Canjam and it fell into that camp for me. The CP54E is Canpur doing it right. An inoffensive, yet detailed, revealing and really fun IEM. Imagine the Trifecta tightened up across the highs and mids and bass that slams but doesn't go out of control.

The CP54E is one of those IEMs that will likely go unnoticed. In my opinion, it deserves - at the very least - a cult following.
Couldn’t agree more my friend. I sold this set and still kicking myself. I will have it again soon though :wink: Thank you for your impressions. They have a 74E releasing soon as well. I’m curious about that one also.
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May 2, 2024 at 10:02 PM Post #88,229 of 91,272
Couldn’t agree more my friend. I sold this set and still kicking myself. I will have it again soon though :wink: Thank you for your impressions. They have a 74E releasing soon as well. I’m curious abut that one also.
Pulling a damz hurst, are you?

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