The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Apr 15, 2024 at 12:01 PM Post #86,701 of 93,307
I haven't heard either of these myself, but I have noticed that his reviews of other IEMs are almost never in line with my own experience. Strange, because I generally find his taste in over-ear headphones and electronics aligns with mine.
I suspect he has sandworms in his ears, which munch on the stems of IEMs.
Apr 15, 2024 at 12:12 PM Post #86,702 of 93,307
I don’t have much metal in my library but it’s nice to know that the Scarlets are recommended for them. That’s the IEM I’m currently saving up for.
I should be getting my Scarlet Mini any day now...from my November order.
Apr 15, 2024 at 12:14 PM Post #86,703 of 93,307
Will be a quiet week for me on the Cooler as this week I'm reading @yaps66 inventory list on his About page! Hope to make it through before Sunday afternoon. Fingers crossed.

If you noticed, the culling has begun!
Apr 15, 2024 at 12:42 PM Post #86,705 of 93,307
If you noticed, the culling has begun!
Halfway through or so it seems 😆

Just an idea - even though it looks like a joke: What if you bought every new TOTL IEM, listened to it for a week, and sold it with a $50 discount to the next guy, who then repeats the process, et cetera? In 2 years a whopping 100 of us would have been able to demo the IEM for a week for just $50, with the advantage that they can hear all new top IEMs, try them for themselves for a week, and avoid any terrible buys on top of that.

Apr 15, 2024 at 12:57 PM Post #86,706 of 93,307
Sooner or later, depending on the retail cost of the item, one guy at the end of each chain would just buy it for $50 and then keep it. I'll take one for the team and volunteer to be the last auditioner for each item.
Apr 15, 2024 at 12:58 PM Post #86,707 of 93,307

3DD vs 3DD
$30 vs $3k(ish)
cca trio/campfire trifecta
with my henchmen of recently released kz/cca iems, i immediately rushed to compare them to some totl giants. i didn't have much time there as it was my first time going and i wanted to speedrun the whole thing in >6 hours.

listening to the trifecta made me realize how far kz has come along with their drivers. it took a couple attempts to get their multi-dd setups correct (duo and castor) and with a 220 ohm adapter they still produce clean, powerful bass. trifecta just doesnt cut it for me, it sounds blurry compared to the trio. I'm still in shock at how $30 can literally be endgame for anybody looking to just hit play and enjoy the music.
Apr 15, 2024 at 12:58 PM Post #86,708 of 93,307
idk how many people heard the new Meze IEM but it's really good, better than the Advar in almost every way aside from personal tuning preferences. Comes out some time in the next few months. It's not anywhere close to being flagship tier but it's absolutely worth a listen, especially for the couple of chi-fi tier appreciators here.
Apr 15, 2024 at 12:59 PM Post #86,709 of 93,307
Sooner or later, depending on the retail cost of the item, one guy at the end of each chain would just buy it for $50 and then keep it. I'll take one for the team and volunteer to be the last auditioner for each item.
Unless I buy it for $100 first....muahahaha
Apr 15, 2024 at 12:59 PM Post #86,710 of 93,307
The $150 one with the dongle? Alba I think it's called?
Apr 15, 2024 at 1:01 PM Post #86,711 of 93,307
3DD vs 3DD
$30 vs $3k(ish)
cca trio/campfire trifecta
with my henchmen of recently released kz/cca iems, i immediately rushed to compare them to some totl giants. i didn't have much time there as it was my first time going and i wanted to speedrun the whole thing in >6 hours.

listening to the trifecta made me realize how far kz has come along with their drivers. it took a couple attempts to get their multi-dd setups correct (duo and castor) and with a 220 ohm adapter they still produce clean, powerful bass. trifecta just doesnt cut it for me, it sounds blurry compared to the trio. I'm still in shock at how $30 can literally be endgame for anybody looking to just hit play and enjoy the music.
Bruh 💀😂 cmon man let’s not get too silly
Apr 15, 2024 at 1:01 PM Post #86,712 of 93,307
Apr 15, 2024 at 1:12 PM Post #86,715 of 93,307

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