The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Apr 14, 2024 at 4:29 PM Post #86,671 of 93,307
I cannot compare them as I’ve never heard either, but I set the AE set down with the R8II playing and I could hear Shara Nelson (Massive Attack’s “Safe from harm”) singing “you can free my mind” from the other room. Downtown Chicago. Traffic and the train not far from my (closed) windows. Not a fault as far as I’m concerned. But I would not get into bed next to my partner while wearing them if I didn’t want her to leave for the couch or banish me there instead.
The sound leakage is that "Bad" that makes it a non-starter in my house. :weary::weary:
Apr 14, 2024 at 4:36 PM Post #86,672 of 93,307
I was debating between 1AM2 and 1Z OG for a while before finally bought 1AM2. I am wondering next level, by how much? :)
Someone beat me to it 😅
1AM2 is very close to the sound quality of 1Z OG. The analog sound quality is unique to that copper chassis 1Z. Plus 1Z is slightly more resolving and 1Z pairs very well with different iems (more so than 1AM2)
I concur, key point is that the 1Z is just that much more resolving. And when we're in the thread of pursuing the last x%, it makes a difference.
I see @drftr is a man of culture getting the pun implied by combining the two into one.

To the watercooler member who said that a Damz Hurst was an oxymoron I quite enjoy my jumbo shrimp. They are delicious.
I don't see why we can't combine our most profilic buy iem for the nth time and sell them shortly there after folks into one term.

Now any ideas to put Scubi in there somehow?
Apr 14, 2024 at 4:54 PM Post #86,673 of 93,307
I'm looking for IEM with big full body, smooth, dynamic sound, high resolution, with nice soundstage, imaging, and layering.
IMAX like sound.

Will pair it with HiBy R8II


R8ii + Xe6 is an outstanding pairing, checks all the boxes for a lush warm, almost dreamy sort of sound while still delivering exceptional detail and technical performance. The custom version with the silver module is perfect for commuting, excellent isolation with no sound leakage.

Monachaa. R8II. Flash Acoustics Thanos.

The Thanos appears to be thickening the stew. Everything is smoother, coming at the (slight) expense of some air and instrument separation. I think this makes the Monachaa as enjoyable with raw 1980s post-punk as it is with contemporary dense bass heavy techno and dub. Also, as the R8II approaches the 100 hour mark, the Class A output is rounding into form and now resembles more of the Cayin Class A that I’m accustomed to from the N30LE and N7.
Love that album! If it was possible to damage a CD by playing it too much that would have happened to my copy of Cuckoo. Still being imitated to this day.
Apr 14, 2024 at 5:53 PM Post #86,675 of 93,307
Finally posted a review of Oriolus Monachaa here. Thanks for checking it out!
Apr 14, 2024 at 6:10 PM Post #86,676 of 93,307
Finally posted a review of Oriolus Monachaa here. Thanks for checking it out!
Excellent. I’m going to do one as well. I love it. I’ve had multiple moments where I’m floored by this set, especially during musical passages where a kick drum or bass line drops in. Monachaa is an easy recommendation from me, and if someone has the means to pair it with the Alter Ego, I don’t think you need anything else unless you want to get nuts and go all the way to the final HIFI summit.
Apr 14, 2024 at 6:15 PM Post #86,677 of 93,307
Few things that i truly impressed with Alter Ego: Vocal, Coherency, Soundstage and Puncy Bass.

Still curious how loud the leak though, I think should be less than Radon 6 / Turii Ti, but that's my only assumption.
The RN6 does not leak much even with the red module I use my wife can not hear my music in bed. In custom it also blocks out sound decently as even at lower volumes I still can not hear the TV if it’s playing in the same room.
Apr 14, 2024 at 6:16 PM Post #86,678 of 93,307
I've been researching my IEM upgrade for a few days now. And today, here I am listening to the OG Legend X, with my freshly burned-in AMP14 for the iBasso DX300, and my god is this bliss.

I started off looking for a completely different sound, more like the HE1000 Stealth, but maybe all I really want is slightly clearer vocals. But even that, what I'm hearing right is quite clear and detailed. So who knows. lol.

We so easily lose sight of what we already have and what we truly love while on the pursuit of the Next Thing.

Joining the tour was a good idea. Instead of rushing into my next purchase, I can discover what's out there for myself.

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Apr 14, 2024 at 7:49 PM Post #86,679 of 93,307
Why does Passion for Sound keep saying the Rn6 has the fuller low-end, while everyone here says it's the Xn6. Did he get them switch around?

Apr 14, 2024 at 7:58 PM Post #86,680 of 93,307
Why does Passion for Sound keep saying the Rn6 has the fuller low-end, while everyone here says it's the Xn6. Did he get them switch around?

I haven't watched his channel for a while, but I have to say that the music he used in his review videos are excellent.
Apr 14, 2024 at 8:14 PM Post #86,681 of 93,307
Why does Passion for Sound keep saying the Rn6 has the fuller low-end, while everyone here says it's the Xn6. Did he get them switch around?

When I listened side by side, I thought the RN6 had more level bass from sub to mid with the red or black module. While the XE6 has more mid bass presence that was slower in decay. Curious how others measured them, maybe the XE6 just has more recessed mids making the other areas more prevalent?
Apr 14, 2024 at 8:50 PM Post #86,682 of 93,307
Why does Passion for Sound keep saying the Rn6 has the fuller low-end, while everyone here says it's the Xn6. Did he get them switch around?

I remember watching it and scratching my head too, but I do think it has a lot to do with subbass Which he is referring to, but there is a lot in that video that made me scratch my head Because imo the xe6 makes the rn6 sound thin in comparison ,,But I do like passion for sound he’s honest and he is aware that not everyone hears everything the same
Apr 14, 2024 at 8:50 PM Post #86,683 of 93,307
If y'all have any Lightning port iDevices, and want a good USB-C OTG cable, this unassuming little thing is one of the best that I've tried.


I found it by accident on Woo Audio's site one day, buried in their accessories section: No compatibility issues, 90º angled at both ends, super lightweight (plastic)... all plusses. But most importantly, the plug housings are the shortest and stubbiest I've seen, and that lessens my anxiety that they'll get caught on something and snap.

Just mentioning it now as they'll probably stop selling these soon, with Lightning fading into obsolescence and all. So if we have older iDevices that we want to use as sources down the line, might be a good thing to pick these up now before they're gone.
Apr 14, 2024 at 9:26 PM Post #86,684 of 93,307
Why does Passion for Sound keep saying the Rn6 has the fuller low-end, while everyone here says it's the Xn6. Did he get them switch around?

Personally I don’t agree with this review of his. I left it mid way.

In general I agree with his reviews but not this one.
Apr 14, 2024 at 9:29 PM Post #86,685 of 93,307
I enjoy Passion For Sound’s reviews. I think he does a thorough job. I don’t always agree with them either, but I appreciate his insight and value his opinion, overall.

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