The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Apr 10, 2024 at 6:17 AM Post #85,996 of 93,307
Bonneville is much more on the bassy and thiccc lush side of things.. personally, I prefer Bonneville but supermoon is more clean and technical.. Depends what your priorities are.. both have great resolution at the price
Was going to say defining which one of these two are "better" is going to be a matter of taste and leaning. Does one lean towards more analog and technicalities? Then it is going to be the Supermoon. If one enjoys a bit of thump and rumble then go with the bonneville.

@tjzurlaaa Where would you put the Camfire Audio Dark Star? More technical than the supermoon or something different?
Apr 10, 2024 at 6:31 AM Post #85,998 of 93,307
What do you guys think about the Campfire Andromeda OG compared to today's IEMs?

They were the first kilobuck IEMs that I ever tried and I still could not forget the experience.. I remember them being very sparkly, it was as if the air around me were filled with metallic dust.. unfortunately, subsequent listens have never reproduced that experience, probably for the best as breathing too much metal dust would surely kill me very quickly.. LOL

Nevertheless used Andromeda OGs (2018 version or earlier) continue to sell out very quickly in the Japanese marketplace to this day..
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Apr 10, 2024 at 7:19 AM Post #86,000 of 93,307
Was going to say defining which one of these two are "better" is going to be a matter of taste and leaning. Does one lean towards more analog and technicalities? Then it is going to be the Supermoon. If one enjoys a bit of thump and rumble then go with the bonneville.

@tjzurlaaa Where would you put the Camfire Audio Dark Star? More technical than the supermoon or something different?
Good question I wish I knew, I never heard the dark star unfortunately
Apr 10, 2024 at 8:03 AM Post #86,001 of 93,307
Taking buying advice from someone here is one thing, but taking buying advice from someone who even hasn't heard the IEMs himself is another.

I could ask my mum if you want me to.


lol. Don’t worry, I didn’t run out and buy them. Just asking around. 😋
Apr 10, 2024 at 8:08 AM Post #86,002 of 93,307
Great collection. Which one do you prefer in order?
I consider Titan and Singularity in a similar category, sans Anni. I auditioned Duality but I didn’t seem to come round to it, I wasn’t feeling tired that day, so my head space wasn’t there. At this moment, I like Titan over Singularity :)
Apr 10, 2024 at 9:50 AM Post #86,003 of 93,307
Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 20.48.11.png

Greetings ladies and jellyspoons! :) You might notice that my name has changed - it's still me Tokpa - but after a lot of requests and good advice I have started my own review website! And along with the new site, comes a new name here. In part, to keep some anonymity from the "real world," as I need to keep my audioquest (addiction) separate from my professional /personal life. The other is simply, I love the new name, and where it can go for me. A site for all my reviews, a place to share my favorite music and new inspirations, as well as my guitar playing and general audio banter and musings. It's a bit bare bones for now, more to add, but I invite you all to check it out if you like.

As a guitarist, I was always in search of the perfect tone. Every cable, every pedal, their order, the amps and tubes. With portable audio I am the same: in search of the perfect synergy, that perfect chain that erases the world and sucks you into the portal that is music. Tones, textures, and always a bit of soul.
May you find positive synergy in all that you do (before Armageddon happens)! :beerchug:

Apr 10, 2024 at 9:55 AM Post #86,004 of 93,307
I’m also a great fan of Anzen Chitai. The recordings of their guitar pieces sounds amazing on that setup there. Super funky and crisp.
I'd bet Koji's vocals sound as sublime as his yodeling! 😄

Apr 10, 2024 at 10:06 AM Post #86,005 of 93,307
Apr 10, 2024 at 10:43 AM Post #86,006 of 93,307
Best all rounder Iem under 2k used or new?

Something that is forgiving of poor recordings is a plus. They’ll be used mostly for Jazz, metal, ambient, electronic, post-rock, 60-70s rock etc.
Nostalgia Camelot
Does anyone have suggestion on a good budget dongle/dap for the Oriolus Monachaa? Ideally something like the Quedlix 5k. (Bluetooth is a big plus) Trying to keep the cost down since my budget is somewhat limited.
Is the RU7 budget? Maybe used. Incredible synergy.
Apr 10, 2024 at 11:08 AM Post #86,007 of 93,307

Enjoying this combo, N8i, Cleo II Octa, RN6.

Been liking this cable enough for it to fight for a spot on my Jewel and RN6, not sure which I’ll keep it with. I usually don’t love all silver cables but this one has deeper hard hitting bass, deeper stage, more dynamic and nicely further extended treble than the FT.
Apr 10, 2024 at 11:08 AM Post #86,008 of 93,307
I'd bet Koji's vocals sound as sublime as his yodeling! 😄

I love Tamaki but LeAnn is my favorite when it comes to country-style yodeling. Great singers.

Apr 10, 2024 at 11:29 AM Post #86,009 of 93,307
Apr 10, 2024 at 1:32 PM Post #86,010 of 93,307
Dongle is tricky business, in my own experience, none of the dongles work well from your smartphones. However, my RU6 really shines if connected to a PC or MacBook.

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