The Stax Thread III
May 17, 2016 at 5:36 PM Post #8,836 of 25,660
Thanks for the input. I will be sure to try all the Stax amps they have before I buy. The 006t really did a lot for me for some reason. And as I've said to others a KGSS is something I'd really like to hear in the future. The blue Hawaii will never be a consideration.

If you're still interested in 800S I will be putting them on eBay hopefully within the next 24 hours so keep a look out. The last pair that was on there sold very quickly and I would be happier for them to go to a headfier. Either way, and if you decide to buy new - there's no need to apologise mate.
May 17, 2016 at 5:54 PM Post #8,837 of 25,660
I have also been comparing the HD800S (driven from dac's headphone out) to the BHSE/SR009 combo lately thanks to a friend's loaning his senn to me.

My impressions haven't changed over the couple weeks so far: the HD800S has a very impressive soundstage, very expansive and layered. The stat images very precisely with lots of depth but nowhere near same width as the senn.

Now, this is about the only thing I prefer about the HD800S. The stat sounds smoother, the mid-highs are better integrated to the rest of the range (still feels to me like the HD800 suffers from some coloration somwhere in upper mids and / or treble region). Simple example: cymbals stick out with the HD800, the shimmer feels more realistic to me through the stats.
Bass has more impact with the stats and possibly more extension (the HD800S definitely sounds like an open baffle / open back / open cell pads headphone).

Overall, I am still as impressed with the senn as I ever was (used to own an HD800) and it's probably as good as it get in dynamic world but still no cigar compared to properly amped SR009 ime.

May 17, 2016 at 8:12 PM Post #8,838 of 25,660
Thanks for the input. I will be sure to try all the Stax amps they have before I buy. The 006t really did a lot for me for some reason. And as I've said to others a KGSS is something I'd really like to hear in the future. The blue Hawaii will never be a consideration.

If you're still interested in 800S I will be putting them on eBay hopefully within the next 24 hours so keep a look out. The last pair that was on there sold very quickly and I would be happier for them to go to a headfier. Either way, and if you decide to buy new - there's no need to apologise mate.
so why don't you just list them here on Headfi ? No fee and a MUCH better chance they'll be purchased by a Headfier :)
May 18, 2016 at 1:22 AM Post #8,839 of 25,660
@arnaud you're talking about properly amped sr009 but what was the amp you used with this hd800S?
May 18, 2016 at 8:36 AM Post #8,840 of 25,660
Any inputs from the Stax community for replacement SR-009 ear pads? These don't seem to be available on-line as after-market parts, like the 007.
My ~2 year old headphone pads haven't visibly deteriorated, but the foam seems to be losing its springiness, the tropical weather where i stay isn't helping as well.
Would appreciate comments...
May 18, 2016 at 8:54 AM Post #8,841 of 25,660
Hi Sorro:
- no amp, direct from the dac's output stage (there's a headphone out at the back)
- in terms of voltage gain, there's plenty (I listen at -20dB of attenuation with the hd800)
- in terms of power, it's supposed to drive impedances above 32 ohms so the hd800 isn't too tough a load I think
- also, I recall reading the output impedance is in the range of 45 ohms (to be verified) which, if anything, should warm up the sound of the hd800 if I recall tyll's article on inner fidelity (?)
- I never went down the rabbit hole with my HD800 and settled for a lehmann bcl but, indeed, I recall the phone sounding a but better with some amps (liked the luxman p-1 at the time I recall)
- the differences in tonality and low end performance I am referring to here though are much less subtle than amplification change on the hd800 though

Cheers, arnaud
May 18, 2016 at 12:14 PM Post #8,842 of 25,660
My test bed:

Desktop with Corsair AX power supply (better caps for cleaner power)
Both dacs set to 24/44.1 for all listening
The two dac setups:
Yggdrasil -> Integrated Gen3 USB -> Desktop
Master 7 -> I2S -> DI-2014 (with upgraded clock) -> USB -> Desktop
When I plugged my Master 7 in, I got most of what I'm used to.
Amazing resolution, dynamics, soundstage, clarity, presence, control.
Of course if you're spending $2k+ on Dac, this is expected. The M7 in the arena of DACs is no slouch. 
With that said, it seemed ... hot? Hard to explain. In direct comparison with the Yggdrasil, it seemed louder. Not in the sense of volume, just blown out. 
Please keep in mind, when I say "blown out", it is in comparison between the two, I'm talking about nuances here. 
Maybe could be the fact that the M7 XLR outputs 5v, while the Yggdrasil XLR ourputs 4.5v?
I've read others reviews between the two, the general consensus was, M7 is more "liquid" and "tamer". Upon finally A/B'ing myself, I found quite the opposite to be true.
I had to listen to songs I've been recently listening to, because that's really the only way to make even remotely good comparisons.

Van Halen:
Hot for Teacher - Starting drums slightly more defined (maybe not defined, but clearer...) with the Ygg
Cymbals after the drums more articulated. Guitar itself less "blown out" with the Ygg

Longing for Lullabies - Female focal lost it's nuances, bland with the M7.
I don't particularly like the vocals on this song, but I was at a party :wink: and listened to this about 20 times recently.
Parade - More ethereal with the Ygg, better microdetail. 
Anastasia- The opening guitar really lost it's life with the M7. After it breaks out into the louder guitar part after that, the M7 again gave me this "blown out" feeling. (please keep in mind this is still nuances in direct comparison to the Ygg). The solo starting at 3:04 is simply better with the Yggdrasil, less harsh, more articulated. 
I'm going to a meetup this Saturday, and was going to keep the M7 in my office for a few days until that, because it's not the easiest job to swap around the audio chains. After work, I just wanted to listen, and put the Ygg back into my Stax chain, if that tells you anything... 
Not sure what others have heard when they reviewed these two, but it could be because the two items below were not done:
Keeping the Ygg on 24/7 (for at least 1 month after buying) to get it's full quality. 
Also, some peeps over in the Yggdrasil thread said the Gen3 USB needs burning in as well.
To summarize, I like the Yggdrasil much better with my Carbon+009 setup. 
The M7 is no slouch, but yea.
May 18, 2016 at 3:20 PM Post #8,844 of 25,660
I've also briefly compared M7 and Yggy through some of my Stax (SRM-1/mk2 + Lambda NB and Lambda Signature, SRM-727II modded + SR-007mk1 and Sigma Pro), and did prefer the Yggy.
M7 has more output voltage, mids are mellower, global tonality is more euphonic, but Yggy really kicks ass with its Moffat Bass, and detail retrieval /soundstage are better. I ended up buying this unit, though.

May 18, 2016 at 3:37 PM Post #8,845 of 25,660
@arnaud: I got where you're coming from thanks.
May 19, 2016 at 9:40 AM Post #8,846 of 25,660
Thanks for the comment re: looking out for the L700 as an alternative to pushing for the 007A or higher.  One concern I have is that the comparison thread here on HeadFi suggests that some HD800 owners found the L700 in some ways inferior to HD800 (when HD800 driven by a good headamp).  My experience with 404SI/006T is that this combo is probably better across the board than HD800 with SPL Phonitor, and consensus would seem to suggest the L700 is quite a bit better than 404SI so what gives?  Or am I over-analysing? :)
What I am wondering is about running L700 with my 006T amp - at least in the short/medium term.  I could buy a pair of L700 from the proceeds of selling my HD800 & Phonitor, but unless I added money to the equation I couldn't buy a better amp to drive them.  Having spent enough money on hifi for a while, I'm therefore reluctant to pile in more money at this point in time.
May 19, 2016 at 12:21 PM Post #8,847 of 25,660
My HD800 (classic/anax mod) rig and SR009 rigs are side by side, and I have been alternating between them for close to a year now.  My HD800 has a balanced Cardas Clear (dual Cardas gold connectors) cable and driven by a balanced tube amp (SinglePower SDS-XLR).  The SR-009 is driven by a KGSS-HV (by NoPants) with Sanyo parts.  My sources, which I used on both rigs, are low to mid-fi compared the ones talked about in this forum so take this with a grain of salt.   
IMHO, the HD800 and the SR-009 are very close in terms of sonic signature.  It doesn't really make much sense to keep both rigs around.  But I am too lazy to sell anything these days, so they both stay!
I like the HD800 for its soundstage and detail "retrieval" (this may be an illusion because of the grainer treble) and the SR009 for its ultra smooth extended treble.  The HD800 is more comfortable, so I prefer it for extended listening sessions. In contrast, the "vacuum clamping force" of the SR-009 gets to me after about an hour.  If it weren't for this comfort issue with the SR-009, I would have placed an order for a BHSE long ago. 
May 19, 2016 at 1:07 PM Post #8,848 of 25,660
  My HD800 (classic/anax mod) rig and SR009 rigs are side by side, and I have been alternating between them for close to a year now.  My HD800 has a balanced Cardas Clear (dual Cardas gold connectors) cable and driven by a balanced tube amp (SinglePower SDS-XLR).  The SR-009 is driven by a KGSS-HV (by NoPants) with Sanyo parts.  My sources, which I used on both rigs, are low to mid-fi compared the ones talked about in this forum so take this with a grain of salt.   
IMHO, the HD800 and the SR-009 are very close in terms of sonic signature.  It doesn't really make much sense to keep both rigs around.  But I am too lazy to sell anything these days, so they both stay!
I like the HD800 for its soundstage and detail "retrieval" (this may be an illusion because of the grainer treble) and the SR009 for its ultra smooth extended treble.  The HD800 is more comfortable, so I prefer it for extended listening sessions. In contrast, the "vacuum clamping force" of the SR-009 gets to me after about an hour.  If it weren't for this comfort issue with the SR-009, I would have placed an order for a BHSE long ago. 

I agree with you on the main sonic differences of these headphones. But I consider the SDS-XLR an "outlier" amp -- it makes Sennheisers sound significantly more musical and beautiful than they do on any other amp (even other great amps, e.g. GS-X Mk 2, Balanced Dynahi). Your KGSShv is a great amp, no doubt, but placed next to the musical pinnacle of dynamic amps for high impedance + high efficiency? Honestly you gotta hear those 009 with an amp another level-up -- I think even a good Carbon might put you over the edge in favor of the Stax setup.
May 19, 2016 at 3:00 PM Post #8,850 of 25,660
That said, it's also possible you haven't tapped out the potential of that SDS-XLR. Tube selection is crucial. For outputs: 7044 w/ adapters or 6BX7GT (ANY 6sn7 is a bad choice here). For gain, a Tung Sol round plate 6sn7 or WE 396a w/ 2c51 adapter is a must. 

While i agree that the 6SN7 is not a realistic output tube, "tube rolling" of this nature -- substituting very different tubes without changing any values in the circuit -- is foolishness.

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