BannedMember of the Trade: Aries Cerat Espana, Auriculares High-EndAKA Headstage, headphoneweekend
Hi astrostar59,
As you might remember, i was planing to test the TotalDac after my friends are ready to give it to me.
Situation changed as they send it back to France after they finally got the Pavane. All of them realized the Pavane as best sounding DAC in the test cycle.
Comparing to the TotalDac there is explicit less distortion on the Pavane as it was told to me.
Next thing was that a cd-drive was better in sound quality than the Windows and the Mac Computer.
This is very surprising but i know that some of them has similar hearing preferences so i will accept this statement for now.
Now i wait to get the Pavane as a competitor to the Esoteric D-02 in near future.
This is fascinating indeed! I wonder what Arnauld thinks about it? I can only guess as I haven't heard the TotalDAC. Distortion? It is odd, the TotalDAC has no tubes so unless the design is weak or the bandwidth of the transformers is poor? I wonder if by distortion they mean 'not realistic'? If the Pavane wins I would be surprised but delighted, as it is quite cheap in relative terms. Going back to my little Metrum Octave Mk II it is way behind my Audio Note 4.1. I can only guess the Pavane is in another league to it.
Odd about the transport. I wonder if it is the fact sound via SPDIF from a transport sounds cleaner / smoother than via USB input. The Pavane uses the Amanero USB or the M2Tech USB board. Both are very good IMO. I have tried various transports up to a CEC belt drive 10K transport, and my Mac Mini with Audirvana+ in standalone beat it by around 15-20%. In Audirvana+ iTunes mode it was worse than the transp.
Right now I am upgrading all the capacitors in my DAC 4.1 with Audio Note Kaisia and Elna Silmic II. It will max that design out to as far as it can go. I'll report back later on that.
Good luck with your search. I think you can get the Pavane on buy / return. If it beats your expensive D-02 that would be crazy but possible.