The Stax Thread III
Oct 21, 2015 at 1:37 AM Post #6,736 of 25,850
Well, it's the same phenomenon with the HD800. That's an extremely polarizing phone. Some people really love it, some really hate it. Some audio components (especially speakers and headphones) seem to trigger the opposite of consensus about whether they are "good" or not.
I think Wilson speakers fall into this category.
Oct 21, 2015 at 2:37 AM Post #6,737 of 25,850
  So much drivel on here.  Any way to block someone's posts to keep this thread interesting?

Heh, in the matter of about a week he's already 3 posts away from surpassing my post total in this thread over a period of 26 months.
Stax threads I and II were the best threads for years on HF, bar none.  This one has been hijacked by a handful of people who either want to discuss DACs or ask people to repeat posts they've made dozens of times already.
Oct 21, 2015 at 2:45 AM Post #6,738 of 25,850
  Heh, in the matter of about a week he's already 3 posts away from surpassing my post total in this thread over a period of 26 months.
Stax threads I and II were the best threads for years on HF, bar none.  This one has been hijacked by a handful of people who either want to discuss DACs or ask people to repeat posts they've made dozens of times already.

Meowww. I'm sorry.
I know I annoy people with my incessant enthusiasm. I just :two_hearts: STAX and can't help getting into all sorts of related discussions. It is my ardent hope that the following photo warms your heart enough to forgive me. (=^‥^=)

Oct 21, 2015 at 2:54 AM Post #6,739 of 25,850
Meowww. I'm sorry.
I know I annoy people with my incessant enthusiasm. I just ... can't help getting into all sorts of related discussions. 

Could I suggest to see a psychologist ? 
Oct 21, 2015 at 2:59 AM Post #6,741 of 25,850
Long term lurker here, but wish spritzer, kg and rest of stax mafia would return to this thread. Otherwise I am drawn to the stax thread on the other site. Until then, I am immensely enjoying my 007s on no pant's built kgst.
Oct 21, 2015 at 3:25 AM Post #6,742 of 25,850
  I would really like some advice from some experienced Stax users please.
My dealer has the below deals:
Are these amps really suited for the 007's?
Are these good deals?
Is the more expensive option with the kimik  'worth' it?
With the announcement of the LCD4 I have released just how far I am willing to go with this hobby.
Current options: LCD4. HEK, LCD X (considering owning again), SR007.
I will be auditioning all of these soon for an entire day and just wondered what you all thought.
Many thanks

I had the 727A and it was terrible stock with the SR-007 mk I. After the spritzer mod it improved quite markedly. And that only takes less than an hour of work with a bit of wire and a solder iron. I don't know how to describe the stock sound exactly. It has a lot of fine detail but everything sounds 'soft' like the notes are being rounded off. Might be a little different with the MK II. I wouldn't know. Honestly, I liked my probias SRA-12S better, and you can get one of those done for less than $500.
As has been said before too, the prices are pretty high. You can get a used 727A or 727 II for under $1k or a little more than that for new. Same for the SR-007A or MK II. You could grab that system they want 3200 pounds for less than 2000 pounds if you bought it from the classifieds here or price japan or something. Though I don't know what kind of charges customs might slam you with.
Oct 21, 2015 at 3:59 AM Post #6,744 of 25,850
Always liked that old Japanese advertisement campaign. The lambda one looks kind of goofy though.
EDIT: Anybody got a current price and source on the Pawel Diffuse Field HP-1 for the SR-007 without having to translate my emails with terrible machine code?
Oct 21, 2015 at 4:48 AM Post #6,746 of 25,850
  I would really like some advice from some experienced Stax users please.
My dealer has the below deals:
Are these amps really suited for the 007's?
Are these good deals?
Is the more expensive option with the kimik  'worth' it?

Your questions could all have been answered by searching and reading, but since there's a huge volume of posts in the several Stax threads I'll give you a bit of advice.
- The 727 is suitable for the 007 when modded. If not, it doesn't sound very good, or so I've read. Haven't heard it. The cheapest suitable amp for the 007 would be a second-hand 717 (which I own), or a modded 727.
- European (including UK) prices for Stax are never a good deal. Good deals can be had second hand, or via pricejapan. Still, local warranty or the chance to audition before buying can be a reason to pay full price.
- No, the Kimik option is not worth it. You're paying more for cryo treated tubes (with questionable results), a few tube dampeners, and finally 'careful set up', which a Stax amp should have anyway and probably does. If it doesn't, you can easily do this yourself with a multimeter. See various posts about biasing Stax amplifiers if you need to know how, for example after changing the tubes.
Oct 21, 2015 at 5:36 AM Post #6,747 of 25,850
The "majority consensus" was formed by people who AB-tested the 007 and 009 side-by-side, probably plugged into the same amp. That amp almost certainly did not have separate volume controls for its outputs. The higher sensitivity of the 009 made it play louder. Louder always sounds better in AB-testing. The 009 also happens to also be somewhat brighter, which also sounds more impressive in AB-testing. Double-whammy against the 007. It would be more fair to compare the two headphones running from one source but using two separate amps, volume-matched as well as possible.
I like the 009, but I prefer to listen to the 007.

Can I suggest and experiment?
Run the same system you use for the phones through a good speaker set up (if possible). Play a track with strings, female vocal, or electric guitar on it. Play it loud, at a level the neighbours may come knocking. Sit in your listening chair for 15 minutes. What does it sound like? I thought so - bright and harsh, electrical and 'hi-fi' not like a real voice or instrument. This is what you are doing with the 009, even if you listen at 'normal' levels, they reveal EVERYTHING.
It hugely matters what the source is. As we go higher up the quality levels, you get more of everything and that includes detail (information). That extra detail comes at a cost, it requires a smooth DAC which in today's world IMO is not so easy to find. Most modern DACs are DS and sound 'impressive' but not accurate, you always know it is an electrical device, not a real instrument. To me digital has gone too far away from Vinyl and even tape, it sounds clinical.
The 009 and a good tube amp with a Vinyl rig will sound sound fantastic IMO, much more real, and as close as possible to the master tape (or the digital master).
I recommend folk try an R-2R DAC, preferably with tubes in the PS band Line Stage, it gets much closer to how real music can sound IMO.
The other thing is the 009 is technically a 50K+ speaker in reality. It requires at lest a 6K DAC and 4K amp to do it justice, why put a 1K amp and DAC in front of it, makes no sense to me. The 007 is great at 'hiding' issues. I agree, the 007 is a great and warm sounding (quite natural) headphone, but in a balanced system that is not required IMO. I find it looses too much detail and decay, it is too slow, if that makes sense. It also sounds slightly boxy, even the later (better 007As.
Oct 21, 2015 at 6:23 AM Post #6,749 of 25,850
Oct 21, 2015 at 7:37 AM Post #6,750 of 25,850
Your questions could all have been answered by searching and reading, but since there's a huge volume of posts in the several Stax threads I'll give you a bit of advice.
- The 727 is suitable for the 007 when modded. If not, it doesn't sound very good, or so I've read. Haven't heard it. The cheapest suitable amp for the 007 would be a second-hand 717 (which I own), or a modded 727.
- European (including UK) prices for Stax are never a good deal. Good deals can be had second hand, or via pricejapan. Still, local warranty or the chance to audition before buying can be a reason to pay full price.
- No, the Kimik option is not worth it. You're paying more for cryo treated tubes (with questionable results), a few tube dampeners, and finally 'careful set up', which a Stax amp should have anyway and probably does. If it doesn't, you can easily do this yourself with a multimeter. See various posts about biasing Stax amplifiers if you need to know how, for example after changing the tubes.

I had no intention of doing that. I will make sure you're my number one contact going forward. You and music alchemist.

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