The Stax Thread III
Oct 7, 2015 at 6:41 PM Post #6,305 of 25,850
Oct 7, 2015 at 6:58 PM Post #6,306 of 25,850
  Is anyone else extremely whomped up about the SR-L700?    Trickle down tech from the 009 for $1500?   Cannot wait till these start shipping.... 

Like I mentioned earlier, I was considering getting one along with the SR-009...but now I think it might be better to just wait until any potential issues arise with the SR-009, in which case I actually would need a backup. All the impressions I've read so far say that it basically sounds like the SR-009, except obviously not as good.
Oct 7, 2015 at 7:36 PM Post #6,307 of 25,850

Oct 7, 2015 at 7:39 PM Post #6,308 of 25,850
  How do you know " basically sounds like the SR-009, exept obviously not as good.  "  ??
No one have listened to it so far, no one have tried to compare?

  I was listening to it on the same 727 that the 009 was plugged into. It has a smaller soundstage than the 009. Similar detail and presentation. I bet they sell a bunch of them.


Also, it uses the driver technology from the SR-009, but altered to fit into the Lambda frame.
Oct 8, 2015 at 10:42 AM Post #6,311 of 25,850
Yep, the 009 is a phone where I say I can't live without this phone. Not sure exactly why, but that's the way it is; gut feeling here... (Maybe this counts as a twitter review. Was that < 240 characters?)
Oct 8, 2015 at 12:36 PM Post #6,312 of 25,850
Not sure if the S-002 gets any praise, but I friggin love these things.
I ordered them before ordering my 009's, to get a feel for estats. I wanted to get a general idea before taking a multi-thousand dollar plunge.
Funny thing is, I got impatient and ordered the 009's before even getting the 002's.
I don't have a ton of perspective, because I've owned a limited number of headphones.
For example, I should be comparing them to headphones in the $200-$400 range, although I've never listened to any headphones in that range.
A few things that are kinda similar in price I've extensively tried, the HD598 and ATH-M50.
The 002's clearly blow these out of the water. The clarity is, craaaazy. More dynamics, a bit more soundstage, better tonality. Basically patently better in all ways, some things better then others. Better bass too! They have a precision that nothing can even come close to in this price range.
The surprising thing for me, is they have slightly better mid range clarity over my HD800's. The 800's have better everything else in mid range, tonality, soundstage etc..
Highs and lows, the 800s do have better clarity, and everything else of course. Even this small victory for the 002's is crazy, to me at least.
I use them exclusively at work, which they're exceptional for. Small footprint, portable if need be, unassuming, coworkers aren't going to hassle you about it (to a layman they look like any other IEM). Unless you're listening to them at extremely loud volumes, they surprisingly don't let any sound out, being an open design.
There's one crippling thing about them... for most people they won't be comfortable for long listening sessions, or at all. The way they're designed for an IEM is bad. I can't blame STAX, assumed, they are required to have that huge circle back to accommodate an estat driver. Another caveat, is they absolutely need to be completely sealed in your ear. Zero air can escape, or it will significantly reduce bass and general listenability. Again, because of the design, this would be quite hard for most people. Oh, and forget about using the tips they come with, worst tips I've ever seen.
They do come with a headband, that will keep them in your ears. Two things about them, they actually increase the IEM footprint, because they add a few mm on all sides, making them (at least for me) too big to fit into my ear, and hurt if wearing more then 10 minutes. They also (probably because I have a giant head) push them into your hears, which also hurts. Basically the only good thing they're for, is if you really don't want them falling out of your ears, good for working out etc..
My roommate with smaller ears (I would say more average) couldn't wear them with or without the headband for longer then 20 minutes.
Luckily for me, they almost perfectly fit into my ears without the headband. The outer ridge of the circle actually locks into my earlobe, crazy. This pictures illustrates

A few more pics:
I was motivated to write this, because the 002s don't seem to get any attention.
I mean, my 009s are what I expected. 10% better soundstage, clarity, etc.. then my HD800. It didn't blow me away, because honestly the 800s are already top tier. It's like going from a Porsche 911 to a Ferrari 598. Yea it's better, but it's not the same as the first time you ever stepped into a super car. I don't have these just an example :)
There are things the 800s do better then the 009s, I'll leave it at that
Oct 8, 2015 at 2:46 PM Post #6,313 of 25,850
How does the lambda series (e.g., SR-L700
) compare to the SR-009 in terms of size?  I am currently at the maximum setting of the headband for the SR-009.  While I find the SR-009 very comfortable (second only to my HD650/HD800), anything smaller would not fit my noggin. 
Oct 8, 2015 at 3:09 PM Post #6,314 of 25,850
  Yep, the 009 is a phone where I say I can't live without this phone. Not sure exactly why, but that's the way it is; gut feeling here... (Maybe this counts as a twitter review. Was that < 240 characters?)

I read your positive impressions of cables in the past. Would you care to share some thoughts about how various cables (for example, Stefan AudioArt Endorphin) perform with a transducer as resolving as the SR-009? Oh, and specify which type of cables you are referring to, if you please.
(To any "objectivists" reading this, I am well past the point of wasting time caring about "everything sounds the same" claims.)
  Not sure if the S-002 gets any praise, but I friggin love these things.

  There are things the 800s do better then the 009s, I'll leave it at that

By the way, "S-002" is a typo on It actually does have the "SR-" in front like the others.
Do tell!

  How does the lambda series (e.g., SR-L700
) compare to the SR-009 in terms of size?  I am currently at the maximum setting of the headband for the SR-009.  While I find the SR-009 very comfortable (second only to my HD650/HD800), anything smaller would not fit my noggin. 


The SR-009, SR-507, SR-L500, and SR-L700 all have the click-style headband, whereas more affordable Lambdas have a suspension headband without the clicks. The ear pads of the Lambdas are naturally more narrow, but also taller, as you can see. The size and shape of your ears will determine your comfort level.
Oct 8, 2015 at 3:29 PM Post #6,315 of 25,850
Do tell!

It's actually two advantages that have the potential to be disadvantages, soundstage and resolution.
On some recordings it unnaturally separates instruments.
On other recordings it resolves too much, revealing things you don't want to hear, and can almost make a recording unlistenable. Things like peaks in volume can go staticy, most likely came out of the studio and never tested with speakers that resolved like the 009s, so they missed it. Again, because of resolution, apart from mixing/mastering defects, you can simply hear things that were never intended to be heard.
A really good example is solo piano works (which I listen to quite often). Excuse my laymans terminology, but it's the felt part hitting inside the piano.
Avril 14th by Aphex Twin intentionally exaggerates this, if you want to know what I'm talking about. That sound shouldn't be heard in a normal piano recording.
Bottom line, there's songs I simply don't want to listen to with the 009s. The 800s at least have the potential to sound good on any song, I've spent easily 2000+ hours listening to the 800s, so many different songs / genres.
On the flip side, there's songs on the 009s that sound simply magical like I've never heard before.

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