The PENON official thread
Feb 3, 2024 at 11:13 AM Post #12,856 of 14,143
Can anyone compare the EST50 with the DTE900? Just curious if they are different enough to own both, or if there is much overlap between the two.
Feb 3, 2024 at 12:30 PM Post #12,857 of 14,143
Quattro is definitely an iem that’s really enjoyable and plays well with the right music, but definitely not suitable for others. I’m completely okay with that, as it offers me something I didn’t previously have.

My Helios SE is that same, but in regard to not being great with certain genres but excels at others. They’re just polar opposites, in terms of the music they work well with.

I’m surprised some people said it lacked treble extension or couldn’t hear it. It’s really well extended in my opinion, which is a must for me.

It definitely has treble extension, it just presents it with a nice well-controlled roll-off over time. It's very nice in that regard.

Cymbals are not "dry". They don't die off instantly and disappear like a complete roll off from lacking treble extension.

QUATTRO does have cymbals linger just with a warmer feeling to it.
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Feb 3, 2024 at 12:51 PM Post #12,858 of 14,143
It definitely has treble extension, it just presents it with a nice well-controlled roll-off over time. It's very nice in that regard.

Cymbals are not "dry". They don't die off instantly and disappear like a complete roll off from lacking treble extension.

QUATTRO does have cymbals linger just with a warmer feeling to it.
Not really sure what you mean, a/bing on some electronic tracks earlier with my mmk3 and oh700vb it had the most energy in the upper regions out of the three.

Sounds like how it graphs to me (at least my unit anyway).

It sounds great on electronica jazz and hip hop. It does fall apart and sound muddy on rock etc where you need cleaner mids for instrument separation.

Feb 3, 2024 at 1:00 PM Post #12,859 of 14,143
It sounds great on electronica jazz and hip hop. It does fall apart and sound muddy on rock etc where you need cleaner mids for instrument separation.

I don't listen to rock often but it sounded full while being well separated and dynamic with the few tracks I've listened to with it, given I am using the m15 with the tc09s which may contribute to cleaning up the slight bloat of the quattro.
Feb 3, 2024 at 1:05 PM Post #12,860 of 14,143
I don't listen to rock often but it sounded full while being well separated and dynamic with the few tracks I've listened to with it, given I am using the m15 with the tc09s which may contribute to cleaning up the slight bloat of the quattro.
Compared to my other iem’s it sounds muddy and bloated on the wrong music, to me anyway. It’s the only iem I have that doesn’t have a bass tuck though, as I usually like a clean mids presentation.

Also, just to clarify, I’m not saying it’s a bad iem, far from it! - I’m enjoying it a lot.

For me it just suits certain music genres and not so much others. But we all have our preferences.

I’m using the Hiby r6p2, which is also a clean sounding Dap. I’m also using Tri clarions too, to help also.
Feb 3, 2024 at 1:15 PM Post #12,861 of 14,143
It sounds great on electronica jazz and hip hop. It does fall apart and sound muddy on rock etc where you need cleaner mids for instrument separation.

I don't listen to rock often but it sounded full while being well separated and dynamic with the few tracks I've listened to with it, given I am using the m15 with the tc09s which may contribute to cleaning up the slight bloat of the quattro.
Im in between when it comes to rock. Some songs it sounds amazing with separation and some songs it does feel too convoluted. However the grunt and the timbre is something I keep coming back to despite it sounding convoluted. I know a lot of people are recommending silver cables for the quattro but im personally loving the penon bass cable with it. It puts the timbre a step higher by adding even more grunt, decay and note weight which makes it sound really really satisfying on top of adding more warmth. It does help with soundstage surprisingly but of course not as much as silver.
Feb 3, 2024 at 1:15 PM Post #12,862 of 14,143
I don't listen to rock often but it sounded full while being well separated and dynamic with the few tracks I've listened to with it, given I am using the m15 with the tc09s which may contribute to cleaning up the slight bloat of the quattro.
What's tco9? That usbc to usbc cable from ddhifi? Or something else you talking about which renders such effect as you describe?
Feb 3, 2024 at 1:41 PM Post #12,863 of 14,143
What's tco9? That usbc to usbc cable from ddhifi? Or something else you talking about which renders such effect as you describe?
Compared to the stock cable it is much colder sounding, less warmth and body, while further improving treble timbre, extension, overall image clarity/separation, and ss width/depth (slightly).
Feb 3, 2024 at 1:43 PM Post #12,864 of 14,143
Not really sure what you mean, a/bing on some electronic tracks earlier with my mmk3 and oh700vb it had the most energy in the upper regions out of the three.

Sounds like how it graphs to me (at least my unit anyway).

It sounds great on electronica jazz and hip hop. It does fall apart and sound muddy on rock etc where you need cleaner mids for instrument separation.

If I would word it another way. The treble extends, but each peak/dip along the Treble happens to be less high than the last peak. So it comes out as a normal timbre for cymbals. No weird cold "tzz" timbre.

But as you said, putting the treble aside, the mids are made to be very warm. Ultimately affecting the presentation for some rock genres.
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Feb 3, 2024 at 1:46 PM Post #12,865 of 14,143
To give context I bought the Quattros and I love them, they're a great addition to what I have. It's just that the website says 200 hours of burn in. I for one am a believer... The bass definition and texture is vastly different from out of the box compared to listening to them for 40+ hours. I understand the logic and I definitely agree that it makes sense but it definitely sounds different and if the website says 200hrs burn in I'd like the to meet that target to reach the full potential of the Quattro. When I first got my AE 10th, I was pretty skeptical. I've never had to burn in anything before. But the more I listened and burned in I understood what people meant. It sounded more defined and spacious to me.

I enjoyed my Quattro right out of the box but the changes in bass texture after about 40-50 hours are pretty hard to ignore. The top end opens up a bit as well.

I just plug it into an old DAP (though just running it out of a computer is fine as well) and let it play through my entire library while I’m not listening to them. Occasionally I also use these dedicated burn-in tracks. But there’s no one way of doing it and different people will do it differently. I remember that decades ago, I simply plugged my headphones into the radio and let them run.

I value a warm full bodied sound, with forward mids, and natural timbre. I am thinking the Quattro will be right up my alley, but I am very curious how the 10th compares. . .

One more vote for Quattro on all these counts, and in particular if you’re after natural timbre, note weight and coherence.

Mind sharing if it emphasises any parts of the bass, mids, treble on the Quattro? Also curious if it improves technical performance in anyway. Strongly considering this for my quattro as I want to use my asos with another iem

Tried the Tri Wolfram briefly on it and it does bring out detail although at the expense of trimming mid bass and heft imo - which is not what I’m looking for personally, so didn’t explore the pairing further.

Any of you guys with the Quattro that also have the ISN S2, tried this pairing?

I quite like the S2 with the Purple plug (original plug has long been put away with the other packaging). A bit lusher and richer but I think Quattro stock comes across as more balanced and perhaps a bit more textured.

Also, does the blue sleeve of the cable match the blue of the faceplate?

Feb 4, 2024 at 12:56 AM Post #12,866 of 14,143
I enjoyed my Quattro right out of the box but the changes in bass texture after about 40-50 hours are pretty hard to ignore. The top end opens up a bit as well.

I just plug it into an old DAP (though just running it out of a computer is fine as well) and let it play through my entire library while I’m not listening to them. Occasionally I also use these dedicated burn-in tracks. But there’s no one way of doing it and different people will do it differently. I remember that decades ago, I simply plugged my headphones into the radio and let them run.

One more vote for Quattro on all these counts, and in particular if you’re after natural timbre, note weight and coherence.

Tried the Tri Wolfram briefly on it and it does bring out detail although at the expense of trimming mid bass and heft imo - which is not what I’m looking for personally, so didn’t explore the pairing further.

I quite like the S2 with the Purple plug (original plug has long been put away with the other packaging). A bit lusher and richer but I think Quattro stock comes across as more balanced and perhaps a bit more textured.

Thanks for sharing :) so what have you ended up with on your quattro and how are you finding it?
Feb 4, 2024 at 6:48 AM Post #12,868 of 14,143
One more vote for Quattro on all these counts, and in particular if you’re after natural timbre, note weight and coherence.
The Quattro has been purchased, and I am super pumped. :grin: Been out of the iem game for a minute, and my last one was the Serial, so I can't wait to hear the next evolution of Penon's multiple DD iem. . .I loved the Serial when I had it, but it always sounded a bit diffused and lacked immediacy and note weight, of which I am thinking/hoping the Quattro will be better at.

Thanks for the nudge!
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Feb 4, 2024 at 8:41 AM Post #12,869 of 14,143
The Quattro has been purchased, and I am super pumped. :grin: Been out of the iem game for a minute, and my last one was the Serial, so I can't wait to hear the next evolution of Penon's multiple DD iem. . .I loved the Serial when I had it, but it always sounded a bit diffused and lacked immediacy and note weight, of which I am thinking/hoping the Quattro will be better at.

Thanks for the nudge!

Depending on how you define diffused the Quattro may still probably diffused to you. It will have note weight, but no special edge seperating note tones. Almost euphonic/tubey to me.

But this could all be relative, like my reference for immediacy and note weight is the Vision Ears VE8. It is both very warm, but still maintains a digital-like experience of edge and imaging to things. VE8 absolutely isn't a diffused feeling when compared to Quattro.
(not that I am saying VE8 is better, just different)

I haven't tried the Serial, could still be relatively more than that.
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Feb 4, 2024 at 10:40 AM Post #12,870 of 14,143
I got an email reply from Penon about the Quattro's cable.

It is silver-plated copper (which I feel like I could hear, but that is hindsight biase haha), ....but it is integrated with a little bit of graphene somehow.


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