The PENON official thread
Aug 28, 2021 at 6:32 AM Post #3,076 of 15,225
I'm a bit surprised. I didn't pursue the FR graph superimposing B2D against the Globe - treble is less on the Globe, but in the real world, I DIDN'T find the Globes lacking in treble extension, air and sparkle at all. The (controlled) brightness on the Globe is significantly more compared to the Orb, To my ears far from muffled at all. Maybe lack of sparkle or kind of subdued, though. For my ears, it's more than enough to complete a sonic scene every time I play with it...

The Globe treble compliments things perfectly. Just enough definition to keep things interesting and not too dreamy. It's all subjective though isn't it. So many variables at play here...
Aug 28, 2021 at 6:59 AM Post #3,077 of 15,225
The Globe treble compliments things perfectly. Just enough definition to keep things interesting and not too dreamy. It's all subjective though isn't it. So many variables at play here...
Yes, quite.
Some may hear the Globes to be bright. Yet to some, the top end may not be enough...
Aug 28, 2021 at 7:56 AM Post #3,079 of 15,225
Yes, quite.
Some may hear the Globes to be bright. Yet to some, the top end may not be enough...
I don't think the Globe is bright. Its airy and has full treble extension but it doesn't have offensive upper mids. It's one of those earphones that don't need to pierce your eardrums to give good resolution.
Aug 28, 2021 at 7:57 AM Post #3,080 of 15,225
I found the Globe to be far more detailed than the H40. But the H40 is definitely more energetic and casts a wider, more bombastic stage.
Aug 28, 2021 at 8:44 AM Post #3,082 of 15,225
I've had my Globe for some time now and I still appreciate how Penon tuned these as a response to those (including myself) who first got the Orb. Despite the bass grabbing my attention at initial listen, the mids and treble really doesn't suffer at all that much. They even have their moments from time to time especially the mids. I love how relaxed the treble is without sounding smoothed out. Just the right balance for my preference. I barely notice the BA timber some reviewers have mentioned, although if you really focus on that particular aspect you'll notice it at some tracks, only some.

I'd love to write a review and some comparisons but I've since been occupied at work beginning at the 2nd half of this year. What I leave here is that both the Orb and Globe have a special place in my small collection of budget to mid priced IEMs. Penon hit the right spots on my preferences when it comes to in ears. Can't imagine how much better the Legend is. I'm sure I'm gonna be blown away by all the details and overall resolution it can reproduce.
Aug 28, 2021 at 9:21 AM Post #3,084 of 15,225
Why, anything with disadvantage on those switches?
QDC, Tansio Mirai and some others were doing this for some time...
Aug 29, 2021 at 12:17 AM Post #3,086 of 15,225
To me it just muddles things, messy. Need a special, tiny pin to adjust switches. More a gimmick than anything.

I take your point, then again, if done right, its just another way of fine tuning to taste and I can get behind that!
Aug 29, 2021 at 4:27 PM Post #3,089 of 15,225
Hey all. Read through pretty much everything here over time. I have been mulling over the choice of Volt or Globe. I think I understand what each are about, but having trouble finding a direct comparison. I am looking for a one size fits all solution. I understand compromises will be made here, but at this time, I do not have the wallet or the dedication to find an IEM for each of my moods/genre.

I started my hi-fi experience with etymotic (a lowly HF-5) and felt that was mind blowing. But after having some more experience with the he-500 and hd-650, I find myself to be favoring more musical presentations. Sounds like both these IEMS will fit the bill. I would like something I can listen to for longer sessions, if I'd like. Volt sound to be perfect match for this, but worry that it might often present as boring. That said, I am not looking to necessarily be wowed either, if that's what the Globe is like. I just like everything to be in it's right place. The bass serving as the foundation or scaffolding which the rest is built upon. I do enjoy vocals and EDM, but also listen to acoustic, rock, some metal, jazz, and folk. If feel I can be fatigued by treble at times and can be sensitive to sibilance. I would say I have smaller ears, maybe that's just in proportion to my head haha...I just looked up the average, and I am pretty much exactly average in length at 2.5 inches.

Source will be an LG G8. It does have a pretty impressive dac/amp for a phone, but I am sure most will cringe here. I am not overly concerned if a cable or a different source is going to get me that last 5%, but if these IEMS won't play nice with the LG then that would be a problem. I also have an Objective 2 somewhere though this is not exactly a portable solution.

Would love any thoughts. And any comparisons between these two.
Aug 29, 2021 at 5:18 PM Post #3,090 of 15,225
Hey all. Read through pretty much everything here over time. I have been mulling over the choice of Volt or Globe. I think I understand what each are about, but having trouble finding a direct comparison. I am looking for a one size fits all solution. I understand compromises will be made here, but at this time, I do not have the wallet or the dedication to find an IEM for each of my moods/genre.

I started my hi-fi experience with etymotic (a lowly HF-5) and felt that was mind blowing. But after having some more experience with the he-500 and hd-650, I find myself to be favoring more musical presentations. Sounds like both these IEMS will fit the bill. I would like something I can listen to for longer sessions, if I'd like. Volt sound to be perfect match for this, but worry that it might often present as boring. That said, I am not looking to necessarily be wowed either, if that's what the Globe is like. I just like everything to be in it's right place. The bass serving as the foundation or scaffolding which the rest is built upon. I do enjoy vocals and EDM, but also listen to acoustic, rock, some metal, jazz, and folk. If feel I can be fatigued by treble at times and can be sensitive to sibilance. I would say I have smaller ears, maybe that's just in proportion to my head haha...I just looked up the average, and I am pretty much exactly average in length at 2.5 inches.

Source will be an LG G8. It does have a pretty impressive dac/amp for a phone, but I am sure most will cringe here. I am not overly concerned if a cable or a different source is going to get me that last 5%, but if these IEMS won't play nice with the LG then that would be a problem. I also have an Objective 2 somewhere though this is not exactly a portable solution.

Would love any thoughts. And any comparisons between these two.

I love my Globe, it is in no way fatiguing for me and can manage plenty of genres. It's one of the most comfortable IEMs I own and I view it as a 'long listener'.

Look forward to hearing Volt comparisons which from my understanding is, with burn in, like the Globe but taken up a few notches on the technical front. I doubt using a phone as a source should represent deciding factor in your choice between either.

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