The PA2V2 Thread
Jul 13, 2011 at 4:07 AM Post #316 of 752
In this case it is my honest opinion that a) an HD555 does not really need amping, b) it improves on amping but you'll need a more expensive amp for that because c) the PA2v2 doesn't do much for full-size cans. Ergo: get another amp for them or buy a better pair of headphones that justifies having a more expensive amp.
Jul 20, 2011 at 5:36 PM Post #319 of 752

Would an LOD like the FiiO L3 sound way better than the cable that comes with the PA2V2?

If you mean by utilizing the line-out function of ipod type devices, then the answer is yes-as in better sound quality.
Jul 20, 2011 at 6:43 PM Post #321 of 752

Sweet.  Thanks!

You're welcome!  Glad I could help.

Jul 21, 2011 at 9:43 PM Post #322 of 752
Gary's customer service is truly awesome. I had bought mine used from another Head-fier, andI  accidentally broke the headphone jack a few days ago when I tripped over the cord of my SR60s while holding the amp (the SR60 plug won).
Anyway, I was fully prepared (and willing) to pay him for the repair. But no, he offered to fix it for free! No, it didn't matter that I was not the original owner. No, it didn't matter that the damage was my fault (accidental or otherwise). I am stunned.
I'm going to send it to him tomorrow.
What other company has customer service like that? 

Jul 26, 2011 at 1:23 PM Post #323 of 752
Good Day Everyone!! A newbie Head-Fi in the house..
After reading through the whole 22 pages of this thread...
I am glad that i will be joining this awesome PA2v2 Club!
Well not officially yet! Waiting for the invoice from Gary! Oh Yes he is a swell chap!!
All hail Gary!! :p
Well i am just excited about this amp to be in my hands and reading through just itches me to introduce myself! haha
So what's coming?
- 1xPA2v2
- 1xFiio L3
- 1xIpod Classic LCD ( about time i get rid of the Dead Pixles @ Top Right Corner )
So come on Gary.. let's wrap up the deal!! hehe
My Hippo's, AH-C560R & ThinkOutside Boomtube is waiting!
Oh and reading more on HDJ500W too.. :p
Cheers & God Bless!! Peace!!
Jul 26, 2011 at 11:07 PM Post #324 of 752
Welcome to the club ManicMunky!  Get ready to rediscover your music a bit.

Jul 27, 2011 at 9:17 AM Post #325 of 752
HeyDigital-Pride..Thanks for the welcome.. Well i know i am close to #9K but better late than never..
Oh Yes i can't wait to experience that with that lil monster..
Paid mine this morning and Gary said he will ship it tomorrow!! woohooo!!
Talking about it just make the clock slow!! LOL
Wonder what # mine will be.. hehe...
Jul 29, 2011 at 5:17 AM Post #327 of 752
Hey koolkat,
this is what Gary himself said about low impedance when i asked him to recommend me a few good cans that would work best with PA2v2.
"[size=11pt][size=11pt]In general, the PA2V2 makes the best match with low impedance headphones where "low" would be anything rated at 120 ohms or less. People who use the amp with Grados tend to report the most exciting results. Audio Technica's ATH series (like the M50s) and Denon (such as the AH-D1001K) headphones do very good too. I like the way open headphones sound as opposed to closed models but it's a personal choice. Sennheiser’s HD 555 and HD 595 models sound nice. The Beyerdynamic DT 770s are good, particularly the 80 ohm version of them although the amp works well with the 250 ohm versions too, since their high sensitivity compensates for the higher impedance. I should also mention the AKG K271s :) "[/size][/size]
[size=11pt][size=11pt]Hope thats helpful..God Bless![/size][/size]
Jul 29, 2011 at 5:41 AM Post #328 of 752
hey, thanks for the reply ManicMunky.
I have emailed Gary myself a couple of times but I figured I shouldn't be asking him too many questions,
he probably has to build 2 amps per day, plus his full-time job, so he's probably a very busy person. From what
I've heard, amps usually don't do much to the sound if the impedance is very low (32ohms or lower) but I think
I'm just going to go ahead and buy it and test it out =)
Jul 29, 2011 at 11:39 AM Post #329 of 752
well koolkat..for the price that you are paying it's worth it i guess..
well i have yet to test it out myself.. itching to get mine..its on the way!! yeah!!
and yeah Gary is definitely a busy man but he finds time to reply to all our queries..
you can never get that kinda service anywhere!! haha..God Bless!!
Jul 29, 2011 at 11:56 AM Post #330 of 752
Most definitely. Top notch customer service.
And he also stands by his products, overall a very good person
to deal with.
Well the price of the PA2V2 is certainly not much to ask for, from such
a rated portable amp but I'm tight on cash these days, so I really have
to consider my choices before buying.
I'll get it once my ibanking stuff clears up.
It takes forever .... :/
Do post impressions of the PA2V2 here Munky, pics too, if you can :)

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