The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Feb 19, 2013 at 2:27 PM Post #136 of 29,032
After eagerly waiting for a little over a month, I just received in the mail a "20XXX" pair of custom-colored Sennheiser HD800's from Colorware. I would say they look absolutely gorgeous and i'm definitely going to have a some pictures uploaded for you guys when I have time.

Hoping you guys are in for some eye-candy. 

Pics are certainly required!!
Feb 19, 2013 at 2:53 PM Post #137 of 29,032

Alright, before my lunch break is over. I took a quick snapshot for you guys with the iPad. HD800's is a bit lengthy say so I call them "Stormtroopers" due to the color scheme. Up-close shots or hi-rez photos later, yeah? I enjoy looking at them just as much as listening to them.
Feb 19, 2013 at 2:58 PM Post #138 of 29,032
Hard to tell on this crappy monitor at work. Is that gloss black on screens and arms and gloss white on the rest? Looks nice :) Very storm trooper-ish.
Feb 19, 2013 at 3:13 PM Post #139 of 29,032

Alright, before my lunch break is over. I took a quick snapshot for you guys with the iPad. HD800's is a bit lengthy say so I call them "Stormtroopers" due to the color scheme. Up-close shots or hi-rez photos later, yeah? I enjoy looking at them just as much as listening to them.

heh heh...."These are not the cans you are looking for"...."You must send them to Longbowbbs"...

Very nice! Congrats...

Feb 19, 2013 at 5:08 PM Post #142 of 29,032

Alright, before my lunch break is over. I took a quick snapshot for you guys with the iPad. HD800's is a bit lengthy say so I call them "Stormtroopers" due to the color scheme. Up-close shots or hi-rez photos later, yeah? I enjoy looking at them just as much as listening to them.

I must say.  They sure do a great job of painting the headphones..  I know you'll love yours just as much as I do mine.

Feb 19, 2013 at 5:17 PM Post #143 of 29,032
I really like the look of the Stormtrooper 800, looking forward to the hi-rez photos.
Also... my HD800's are scheduled to arrive on Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  djflsadjfsdfjlkfjdskjf 
  Excited to say the least.  I think I will go drool over HD800 photos on google images now...
Feb 19, 2013 at 5:21 PM Post #144 of 29,032
These seem to be extremely popular at the moment. 
Since I'm currently waiting for a replacement pair after Sennheiser failed to repair mine (sent it back with same problem but worse!) the dealer has told me they are sold out in the UK!!
And they'd sold >10 over Christmas...
No wonder they're over 20k 

Feb 19, 2013 at 5:28 PM Post #145 of 29,032
I really like the look of the Stormtrooper 800, looking forward to the hi-rez photos.
Also... my HD800's are scheduled to arrive on Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  djflsadjfsdfjlkfjdskjf 
  Excited to say the least.  I think I will go drool over HD800 photos on google images now...

Looking forward to see your impressions here!

After spending a week with them, they are only getting better and better to my ears... An ultimate dynamic headphone! That fenomenal 3D soundstage, separation, imaging, detail and comfort are really keeping me from all the other headphones (except SR-009 which cost too much).

Still, I am glad I didn't choose them at the very beginning of my hi-fi road... I am now much more experienced to truly appreciate that I've finally found the headphone I was dreaming about.
Feb 19, 2013 at 11:18 PM Post #149 of 29,032
Looking forward to see your impressions here!

After spending a week with them, they are only getting better and better to my ears... An ultimate dynamic headphone! That fenomenal 3D soundstage, separation, imaging, detail and comfort are really keeping me from all the other headphones (except SR-009 which cost too much).

Still, I am glad I didn't choose them at the very beginning of my hi-fi road... I am now much more experienced to truly appreciate that I've finally found the headphone I was dreaming about.

Yeah I wouldn't have known what I had if I'd went straight to the HD800 in the beginning.  I started out wanting bass, next came my treble happy days, then I craved mids, now I'm hoping the HD800 put it all together in one nice package.  HE-500 was really close to the total package for me, just needed the airy soundstage and comfort of the HD700/650.
Maybe the HD800 will be my final stop for a while, I can then concentrate on building a system around them.

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