The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Apr 21, 2015 at 12:59 AM Post #18,196 of 29,017
Crap! Anyone else scratch their pair of HD800s their first time trying to remove the cables? Tried to be as careful as possible but it required the force of Hercules to pry the left one out. Ended up with a nice nick/slight dent on the stripe-patterned cup. Ruined my night 
Apr 21, 2015 at 4:05 AM Post #18,198 of 29,017
Can anyone explain as to why headroom has hd800 and hd800 (2013's) with 2 way different frequency response graphs? I was trying to compare graphs from the hd700 and hd650 to the 800's and didn't know which one would be the correct one to look at if say I bought the 800's tomorrow.

I find those graphs are a handy little aid/visual but if I was considering the hd800s based on those graphs I wouldn't even consider giving them much of a look in.

However when you hear them..........that's the only way to know if they are for you.

If you look at the graphs of your other headphones you'll most likely be able to identify their traits in a lot of circumstances but a graph will never do any justice in trying to describe the all.
Apr 21, 2015 at 4:11 AM Post #18,199 of 29,017
If you look at the graphs of your other headphones you'll most likely be able to identify their traits in a lot of circumstances but a graph will never do any justice in trying to describe the all.

I' have the worst difficulties to recover the headphones I own in Headroom graphs.  What I hear is closer to what Tyll proposes on IF . my 2 cents. 
Apr 21, 2015 at 4:28 AM Post #18,200 of 29,017
Scratched mine that way too
Apr 21, 2015 at 4:44 AM Post #18,201 of 29,017
  Crap! Anyone else scratch their pair of HD800s their first time trying to remove the cables? Tried to be as careful as possible but it required the force of Hercules to pry the left one out. Ended up with a nice nick/slight dent on the stripe-patterned cup. Ruined my night 

Yep small nick with mine the same way
Apr 21, 2015 at 4:49 AM Post #18,202 of 29,017
I' have the worst difficulties to recover the headphones I own in Headroom graphs.  What I hear is closer to what Tyll proposes on IF . my 2 cents. 

Interesting that you mention him

A little while ago I was looking for another pair of mid fi (cheaper) headphones and I came across his review of the nad viso hp50 and I couldn't help but think he was going on quite a bit about those.....and then some. I was thinking, "is he on the take with this one?"

I managed to hear them on the weekend and now I understand what he was on about. A nice rounded punchy sound.

Anyway that search of the mid fi headphones resulted in me finding the hd800s and buying them.

Coincidentally just bought the irdac online for a bargain tonight so quite stoked.

Apr 21, 2015 at 7:03 AM Post #18,204 of 29,017
What amp are you using the irdac with for the hd800s. Any suggestions?
Apr 21, 2015 at 8:22 AM Post #18,205 of 29,017
  Crap! Anyone else scratch their pair of HD800s their first time trying to remove the cables? Tried to be as careful as possible but it required the force of Hercules to pry the left one out. Ended up with a nice nick/slight dent on the stripe-patterned cup. Ruined my night 

Really sorry to hear this.  I don't remember where I read it, but there's a guy out there who dented his brand new HD800's magnesium screen with the connector when his hand rebounded from pulling out a tight connector. 
Maybe we should advise newcomers to wrap the HD800 in a towel the first few times they attempt to disconnect the cables.  It does get easier over time.
Apr 21, 2015 at 9:32 AM Post #18,206 of 29,017
It looks as if you've ordered the HiFi-M8, with which I have no experience, but I'm a big fan of CEntrance.
I found myself reading the 71 posts when I came back to this thread this evening, and I kid you not when I say that I already had it in mind to report that I'm really enjoying my HD800 with the OPPO HA-2. Through all of my OPPO HA-2 beta testing, across three prototypes, I had only once tried the HD800 with the HA-2, not really giving it a chance.  
Remarkably, about two weeks ago, I decided to try the HA-2 with the HD800 for only one reason - the HA-2's "Bass+" feature - the bass boost feature that the Beta team had successfully encouraged OPPO to both widen and soften. But on first hearing the Bass+ engaged, I didn't like it with the HD800 - in fact, I don't really like it with any headphones I've tried. (I actually wish it was weaker still.)  The revelation, however, came with just spending a lot of time listening to Tidal HiFi via USB from my laptop to the HA-2 > HD800 and later, with Tidal > iPad Mini > OPPO HA-2 > HD800.  
It's ridiculous how good this sounds, given that the HA-2 can only put out 30 mW into 300-Ohms. I'm not even using the Hi Gain setting. I'm using Low Gain because the noise floor vanishes at that setting.
I have a theory about why I like this setup:  The lack of power has slowed down the HD800, killing its brittle edginess quite effectively, making the bass woollier and thus, fuller sounding, but not in the least bit sloppy - there's still plenty of texture but also more presence in the bass.  And there's plenty of power for those low-level micro details that add so much to the sound stage and imaging that the HD800 does better than any other headphone I own..
My only complaint with the OPPO HA-2 > HD800 is that there's still a tiny bit of ESS glare coming from the ES9018K2M DAC - the same DAC used by the Geek Out 1000, which has itself developed a big following with HD800 owners - the glare is not annoying, as with the OPPO HA-1 > HD800 when using the desktop amp's ESS9018 implementation - it's just noticeable, more so with some tracks than others. Overall, the OPPO HA-2 > HD800 sound is amazingly nice, but can be fatiguing if used for longer than about an hour - somewhat like the HA-1 > HD800 in that regard, but I'm not kidding, I think the portable OPPO HA-2 DAC + amp > HD800 sounds BETTER than the desktop HA-1 DAC + amp > HD800. 
  It's smoother in the treble, has better bass (again, with Bass+ turned off), is still highly resolving, and yet still has good dynamics somehow - with no evidence of the amp running out of oomph when a signal like a drum hit calls for more power - there's certainly no clipping.  
I found it very interesting that you enjoyed such good results with the equally weak output of your Sony PHA-1 amp > HD800. There's another Head-Fi member who uses the Geek Out 450 with a USB Y-cable to supply 5V power for the GO from an Anker battery pack,pulling data from an iPhone with CCK - with the GO driving his HD800!  That makes three of us who are impressed with using a surprisingly low-power amp to get very satisfying results driving the HD800  I really do think it has something to do with slowing down the attack and decay of the HD800 and, of course, this impacts the bass more than the mids more than the treble. The result is really pretty amazing.

Thanks so much for your assessment of the HA-2 with the HD 800s -- I have now added "HD 800" in the Oppo HA-2 row of my table under "trusted reference,"  meaning one or more knowledgeable persons have tried them together and found them good.
I am honestly amazed at how well my Sony PHA-1 does in driving the HD 800 and rendering it suited for portable use.  It was only because I could compare the sound with Sennheiser's own HDVD 800 DAC/amp for the HD 800 that I was convinced that the compromises were minimal.
Just think.... soon we will start to see Sennheiser HD 800s on the heads of bling-attuned folks who are out and about, rather than just Beats.
I'm ready... I got my HD 800s in the official black and red colors so I can start wearing them around town,  in my car or on the bus... now all I need is a skateboard for true urban use!

Sennheiser HD 800 untethers itself from the wall and goes out and about!
Apr 21, 2015 at 11:23 AM Post #18,207 of 29,017
Has anyone upgraded from the HE-400i? Wondering what the main differences youve thought are and if the 400i wins in (or comes somewhat close to) any area other than price
Thinking of getting rid of my work set (MSR7s) and go all out for my home set. 
Hoping my amp (Audio-gd NFB15) can drive the HD800s well enough with 300mw@300Ohm and 150mw@600Ohm power specs
Apr 21, 2015 at 12:03 PM Post #18,208 of 29,017
I just received a 1.2m cable for my HD 800 as a part of my quest for its portable use.  Cable was $90 plus $10 shipping from here:
I have placed it next to the stock Sennheiser HD 800 cable so you can see the difference in bulk. The sound is indistinguishable, and you can also see my iPod Touch 5 fastened to my Sony PHA-1 DAC/amp.
The cable is VERY well made.  It has silver individual lines to each earpiece wrapped in clear plastic, a metal Y-joint, and the rest of the cable wrapped in braided cloth, similar to the Sennheiser.  Strain relief at the jack is accomplished with a spring around the cable, plus a brushed metal jack connector.  The cable is terminated with a 1/8" jack that includes a screw-on 1/4" adapter.

Apr 21, 2015 at 12:22 PM Post #18,209 of 29,017
Today might be the day I order the HD 800's. I am a little nervous that I will not appreciate them or they might not be what I am looking for.
Apr 21, 2015 at 12:24 PM Post #18,210 of 29,017
Today might be the day I order the HD 800's. I am a little nervous that I will not appreciate them or they might not be what I am looking for.

You will never know until you try them.

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