The New HD 560S: Linear Acoustics at a Breakthrough Value
Oct 19, 2020 at 7:26 PM Post #992 of 2,621
And my friend's unit arrived, so I can speak from a direct comparison against my beloved hd600. Yes, I am impressed by the sense of space the hp can produce. yes, the highs are very articulated. They just dominate to much on these dry vocals. It's pleasing at lower volume, fatiguing at normal listening levels (for me). after 2 hours I needed a pause. It's very "HI-FI" and extended, very holographic. exciting for sure. The mid are more on the dt880 side, but colder. It's not a bad thing because the distance of the voices is equal on both female and male voices. But dear friends, you must admit that their highs are not in the mid fi league, and a well burnt hd598 is better on every aspect but the bass extension. Who say that the hd600 has a peak on the 5khz would have real pain listening that unique jump of 6 db where every other hp have a dip... every time a cymbal hits, the voice disappear, so happy k712 to everyone.

This is simply not how I heard the 598. To my ears the 598 was a bright headphone. It definitely would fatigue me after an hr or so sometimes less. I owned the 598 for well over a year, was my first Senn headphone. I listened to the 560S for hours upon hours this past weekend in different situations like podcasts and TV shows in addition to my music library and it handled everything with aplomb treble wise, and I’m treble sensitive. We all hear things differently, but damn. For instance I’m the last person that wanted to admit my 6XX got outgunned by the 560S (I luv that headphone), but the performance of the latter spoke for itself. I tried going back to the 6XX multiple times over the weekend and couldn’t. There was no point when every new song I put on w the 560S kept telling me I’m hearing close to perfect sound. This is why I have a new found respect for DMS. Dude put aside his biases toward the 6 series lineup, gave the 560S a fair shot and didn’t let them cloud his assessment. Some people seem to have a hard time doing this. I think the judgements of vast majority of people who actually own the 560S going forward will tell us what’s what. In the meantime, enjoy your 600.
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Oct 19, 2020 at 7:28 PM Post #993 of 2,621
The front of the ear cup right infront of the start of your ear. Not moving the ear cups on the headphone, but seating them so that they sit as far back on your head as possible without touching the front of your ear.
I see. I remember this trick was mentioned somewhere before. Does the triangle inside the back of the ear cup bother you?
Oct 19, 2020 at 7:32 PM Post #994 of 2,621
I see. I remember this trick was mentioned somewhere before. Does the triangle inside the back of the ear cup bother you?

It does not, I find the 560s to be very comfortable. I'm really stuck debating to keep them vs. the sundaras. On some songs the Sundara's, even with EQ are very harsh and shouty where as the 560s I think is perfectly tuned and I never find it to be harsh. It's also very comfortable to have on all day and I hvae no doubt it will last for years. The Sundara's are comfortable, but not as much as the 560s and I'm not sure if they would last for years.
Oct 19, 2020 at 9:21 PM Post #996 of 2,621
560s sounds like the Sivga 007 to me.

Do you have both? I'm sorry if I missed that earlier but I wasn't sure if you said you had done a direct comparison yourself? I have the 007 and like those.
Oct 19, 2020 at 10:00 PM Post #998 of 2,621
Listening now from my Sony Zx507 from 4.4 mm balanced output and it’s doing a better job than yesterday, where I had already primed my ears to a more well amped sound from the Hip DAC. Maybe I missed it before but on the song Blues By Five by the Miles Davis Quintet, at the beginning Miles directs the bad on how to start, who leads etc. I never heard so deep in to the recording like this as I have on the 560S. Miles was so clear. I couldn’t believe it and was amazed.

Earlier I was listening to the album UFOF by Big Thief. The whole album it was like I was in the recording room with the band. Andrianne Lenker’s voice just permeated through this wall of sound where I could pick out each instrument blending perfectly with her from each track with so much emotion and musicality.

These headphones keep surprising me. The tonality is just spot on. I’m not left wanting more of anything. There’s more than enough of everything across the sound spectrum with excellent resolution on this competent stage that’s making all of my music sound live, like I’m right there. Listening to When The Lights Are Low by the Quintet now and I feel like I’m hearing the acoustics of the room they’re in. Jazz either sounded boring or piercing on every headphone I’ve owned before this set. I keep shaking my head because I can’t believe how good these headphones are.
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Oct 20, 2020 at 12:05 AM Post #999 of 2,621
Listening now from my Sony Zx507 from 4.4 mm balanced output and it’s doing a better job than yesterday, where I had already primed my ears to a more well amped sound from the Hip DAC. Maybe I missed it before but on the song Blues By Five by the Miles Davis Quintet, at the beginning Miles directs the bad on how to start, who leads etc. I never heard so deep in to the recording like this as I have on the 560S. Miles was so clear. I couldn’t believe it and was amazed.

Earlier I was listening to the album UFOF by Big Thief. The whole album it was like I was in the recording room with the band. Andrianne Lenker’s voice just permeated through this wall of sound where I could pick out each instrument blending perfectly with her from each track with so much emotion and musicality.

These headphones keep surprising me. The tonality is just spot on. I’m not left wanting more of anything. There’s more than enough of everything across the sound spectrum with excellent resolution on this competent stage that’s making all of my music sound live, like I’m right there. Listening to When The Lights Are Low by the Quintet now and I feel like I’m hearing the acoustics of the room they’re in. Jazz either sounded boring or piercing on every headphone I’ve owned before this set. I keep shaking my head because I can’t believe how good these headphones are.
This is the kind of impressions post that makes me want to grab a pair of these (and a 4.4mm balanced cable) even though I have been portable-only for 5+ years and have zero desire to go back to a desktop setup. I was leery of using the 560S with portable sources (I also own the ZX507, for example).
Oct 20, 2020 at 12:46 AM Post #1,000 of 2,621
This is the kind of impressions post that makes me want to grab a pair of these (and a 4.4mm balanced cable) even though I have been portable-only for 5+ years and have zero desire to go back to a desktop setup. I was leery of using the 560S with portable sources (I also own the ZX507, for example).

Do you have an Android phone? Tempotec Sonata HD Pro/HIDIZS S8 should probably drive it to moderately loud volume without any issue. At least it works well with my HD660s.

Check the measurements for the S8 on ASR. It's impressive.
Oct 20, 2020 at 6:07 AM Post #1,001 of 2,621
I have both as well and your impressions were pretty much in line with how I felt about them. I don't really use EQ so the 560s tonality was more enjoyable for me personally. The Sundara definitely still wins in resolution and technicality so I'll be keeping both cans and use one or the other depending on my mood. Not sure if I'm gonna sell off my 58x quite yet as they're still more "fun" than both.
Curious on your thoughts in terms of comparing the Sundara, the HD 560S and the HD 650/6XX in terms of timbre?

I assume the HD 650 wins, but interested to know how things rank thereafter (and how closely).
Oct 20, 2020 at 8:45 AM Post #1,002 of 2,621
So, as my comparison continues with the Sundara vs. the 560s, I've found a few songs that really show their strengths/weaknesses.

For the Sundara's, the song Pneuma by Tool at 10:30 going into the guitars at 10:37, they shine. It's incredible to hear the detail of the effects that Tool uses on the heavily distorted guitars mixed with the drums.

The 560s seems to be missing the detail and clarity here and looses that incredible "live performance" effect/sound.

On the flip side, the song "Someone You Loved" by Lewis Capaldi is unbearable on the Sundaras. It's extremely shouty and harsh and painful, especially starting at 42 seconds, even with EQ, with any decent level of volume, it's unbearable.

The 560s sounds great on that song and is a perfect balance for my ears.
Oct 20, 2020 at 8:51 AM Post #1,003 of 2,621
So, as my comparison continues with the Sundara vs. the 560s, I've found a few songs that really show their strengths/weaknesses.

For the Sundara's, the song Pneuma by Tool at 10:30 going into the guitars at 10:37, they shine. It's incredible to hear the detail of the effects that Tool uses on the heavily distorted guitars mixed with the drums.

The 560s seems to be missing the detail and clarity here and looses that incredible "live performance" effect/sound.

On the flip side, the song "Someone You Loved" by Lewis Capaldi is unbearable on the Sundaras. It's extremely shouty and harsh and painful, especially starting at 42 seconds, even with EQ, with any decent level of volume, it's unbearable.

The 560s sounds great on that song and is a perfect balance for my ears.
Personally I would rather loose a little detail in certain songs vs not being able to tolerate certain songs. That’s just me though
Oct 20, 2020 at 9:12 AM Post #1,004 of 2,621
Last night I spent time going through "audiophile" playlists on spotify, and I came away even more impressed. The 560s for lack of a better term just spanked the 6xx and 58x on pretty much every genre. Its like going from listening in a 4x4 room to a movie theatre switching between the 6xx and 560s, and somehow the latter doesn't lose anything in terms of detail. Its pretty remarkable.

Over all of the different tracks among different genres, I never felt the 560s was harsh in treble. In just seems right to me.

I'm shaking my head at the notion that a $200 headphone in the design of the Sennheiser 5 series, their "consumer" line, could be my endgame. I just have zero complaints from my listening session. Its pretty much perfect to me. This makes no sense to me because logically I feel like the 6xx/650 should be better. Initially on the first day my bias told me that yes, the 6xx is clearly better. After several days now I'm coming to terms with the fact that no, the 560s is actually just better. I didn't want that to be the case really as I love the 6xx and hold it in super high regard, if anything my bias would have lead me to the opposite conclusion. But here we are.
Oct 20, 2020 at 9:46 AM Post #1,005 of 2,621
Last night I spent time going through "audiophile" playlists on spotify, and I came away even more impressed. The 560s for lack of a better term just spanked the 6xx and 58x on pretty much every genre. Its like going from listening in a 4x4 room to a movie theatre switching between the 6xx and 560s, and somehow the latter doesn't lose anything in terms of detail. Its pretty remarkable.

Over all of the different tracks among different genres, I never felt the 560s was harsh in treble. In just seems right to me.

I'm shaking my head at the notion that a $200 headphone in the design of the Sennheiser 5 series, their "consumer" line, could be my endgame. I just have zero complaints from my listening session. Its pretty much perfect to me. This makes no sense to me because logically I feel like the 6xx/650 should be better. Initially on the first day my bias told me that yes, the 6xx is clearly better. After several days now I'm coming to terms with the fact that no, the 560s is actually just better. I didn't want that to be the case really as I love the 6xx and hold it in super high regard, if anything my bias would have lead me to the opposite conclusion. But here we are.
I’m in the same boat, I keep listening to a variety of music trying to catch them out. Especially since seeing the not so flattering measurements on the website that can’t be named.
its another example, just like the shure kse, that measurements don’t tell the whole story, and I am an objective measurements advocate. One thing we maybe need to factor in though is age, im 38 so my treble sensitivity is probably not what it used to be, plus I owned a HD800 for years so everything sounds warm now.

edit: another thing worth mentioning, especially with angled drivers, is the positioning. The further back the ear is from the driver, so the headphones sit further forward on the head, the warmer and fuller the sound.
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