The Monoprice MP9927 PG 208.. MP8320 (MEP-933)..The $7.11 club..
Dec 10, 2011 at 3:00 AM Post #871 of 4,317
O.K. boys and girls, "let me hit you with some knowledge". No, I will not be selling my W4R. No, these do not sound like $100+ IEMs.
I've had these for 4 days, so they've been burned in 50+ hours. Here's my ljokerl homage review:
(What) Monoprice 8320 (MEP-933)

Reviewed Dec 2011
Details: The current flavor of the month IEM, the new under $10 IEM King?
Current Price: $7.11 + CA tax & shipping from
Specs: Driver: 14.2 mm Dynamic  | Imp: 32 Ω | Sens: 96 dB | Freq: 20 Hz - 20 kHz | Cord: 48" I-plug
Nozzle Size: 5.5 mm | Preferred tips: Sony Hybrids, Monster Gel Super Tips
Wear Style: Straight down

Accessories (1/5) – Stock tip (YES, TIP... you only get 1 medium size) was utter crap... thankfully the nozzle is a common diameter so I immediately tossed the stock tip and replaced it with a pair of medium Sony Hybrids.
Build Quality (2/5) – Removing them from the bag the first thing that popped into mind was, [size=10.0pt]"THIS IS THE WORST CABLE I’VE EVER SEEN".[/size] It came pre-kinked in a dozen spots and was a real pain to untangle. I guess $7.11 doesn't net you a chin slider, but the jack and y-split are actually pretty nice and made of metal (seems like knock-off monster or V-Moda). The driver housing seems to be made of a decent quality plastic.
Isolation (3/5) – Very average, what you would expect from a vented dynamic.
Microphonics (3/5) – Pretty average as well. Present when worn cable down.
Comfort (3/5) – These are HUGE -- If the W4 are “tubby” these are obese. Weight isn't a real issue since they're plastic but they're extremely awkward to fit. I ended up wearing them cable down since I couldn't fit them in my outer ear in any way that would allow me to use them over-ear.
Sound (6.8/10) – Bass: The first thing that jumped out when I listened to these was the mid bass. There’s a very obvious hump that is always present regardless of the song. Unless you’re a fan of mid bass in all your songs, these don’t quite have much genre bandwidth. It’s not quite “one-note” bass, but it’s murky enough to make notes sound rounded. Complex bass lines suffer since the bass is not fast enough to keep up with the articulation of the bass player in jazz/rock tracks. If you’ve ever heard the Klipsch S4, it’s very similar (but better). Extension is fairly average, with noticeable roll-off so sub-bass isn’t so impressive.
Mids: Unlike the bass, the mid range has a nice amount of clarity and is noticeably forward. Vocals have a nice timbre, and at least in this range, there is good separation. Listening to choral work, I could easily distinguish the Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass parts, as well as the piano accompaniment. If it wasn’t for the massive mid-bass, it would be easy to call the 8320 mid-centric. Resolution and micro detail retrieval l is nowhere near $100+ IEMs, but considering these cost under $10 it’s fairly impressive.
Highs: I wish I could wax poetic about the highs but there’s a very obvious treble roll off.  If the massive mid-bass hasn’t already turned you off to these, those who like sparkly highs should also look elsewhere. It’s very reminiscent of the Meelectronics a151 (dry sounding). On the bright side, those who are sensitive to harsh treble have nothing to worry about. (edit: I have to admit, I have a high tolerance for treble, so my rolled off might be perfect for you).
Soundstage, Transparency, Presentation, etc… I find these categories a bit subjective but they’re on par with most of the crap I’ve tried under $50.
Value (8/10) – If you can get past the design/construction you’re left with a competent IEM that would put a smile on the face of any mid-bass lover on a budget. Take the bass of the s4 and the mids/highs from the meelec  a151 and you more or less have the monoprice 8320. Those looking for a neutral signature should probably pass on these.

Pros: Cheap, sound above their price range (as good as $30-$50 IEMs) for those looking for aggressive mids and plentiful mid-bass.
Cons: Awful cable, ugly as sin.
So Dsnuts... you did good. I have a new pair of gym buds (edit: one application where having some mid-bass is actually a positive). Just (edit: please
) stop saying these are as good as $100+ IEMs, they're clearly not. $30-$50 is realistic -- time to bring the hype back down to earth.
Dec 10, 2011 at 3:18 AM Post #872 of 4,317
After an extensive A/B/C with W4, X10, and MEP-993, I am coming around to that artificial better-than-music-should-really-sound BA sound logic.While I appreciate it, it still just doesn't have the live music energy. Is this because I have been exposed to only dynamic sound for 3 decades? Maybe BA sound is too unfamiliar?.... whatever the case, the bottom line is this: You need space for bass. Dynamics have larger drivers. Not only that, but dynamics move more air, resulting in a sensory sensation beyond just auditory. It truly is visceral. And the physics of a BA, no matter how accurate it sounds, can't provide the physical (literally) impact.  
Maybe because I've been only exposed to dynamics for 3 decades, that is the reason that I expect that visceral impact of feeling the music through air. But don't you think that if more senses are involved in receiving music, the better your experience?
Moving air is the fundamental property of sound. Moving more air fundamentally results in a greater auditory and physical experience. While BAs move a lot of air, a dynamic inevitably moves more. 
Dec 10, 2011 at 3:21 AM Post #873 of 4,317
While I appreciate it, it still just doesn't have the live music energy. Is this because I have been exposed to only dynamic sound for 3 decades? Maybe BA sound is too unfamiliar?.... 

It could be because the X10 and W4 aren't very... good.
Try CK10 or UE700. :wink:
2 cents.
Dec 10, 2011 at 3:33 AM Post #874 of 4,317

Isolation (3/5) – Very average, what you would expect from a vented dynamic.
Microphonics (3/5) – Pretty average as well. Present when worn cable down.
Highs: I wish I could wax poetic about the highs but there’s a very obvious treble roll off. 
So Dsnuts... you did good. I have a new pair of gym buds. Just stop saying these are as good as $100+ IEMs, they're clearly not. $30-$50 is realistic -- time to bring the hype back down to earth.

Why do you mark them low on islolation when they aren't intended to be a sealed deal? Do you rate open cans on isolation? No, that's silly.
And it's amazing to me that you think the treble is rolled off... in comparison to what? There's way more high end detail than any $100 IEM I've heard... or any single BA driver, which are typically less than $100. Except for my X10, which has zero high end when compared. 
Let me have yet another listen with your comparison in mind. Oh, and i'll give you that the cables suck!
Whatever conservative price you put on them, 30-50 in your case, is still 7-11X the value of the cost, which is mind boggling. 
Dec 10, 2011 at 3:39 AM Post #875 of 4,317
Compared to those two he just mentioned for one...
of course, for $7.11 it could very well be mine are different than yours. I don't imagine these were given much QC. Nonetheless, you should see that my review was positive. These really are a strong contender for best $10 IEM.
It could be because the X10 and W4 aren't very... good.
Try CK10 or UE700. :wink:
2 cents.


Why do you mark them low on islolation when they aren't intended to be a sealed deal? Do you rate open cans on isolation? No, that's silly.
And it's amazing to me that you think the treble is rolled off... in comparison to what? There's way more high end detail than any $100 IEM I've heard... or any single BA driver, which are typically less than $100. Except for my X10, which has zero high end when compared. 
Let me have yet another listen with your comparison in mind. Oh, and i'll give you that the cables suck!

Dec 10, 2011 at 3:40 AM Post #876 of 4,317
O.K. boys and girls, "let me hit you with some knowledge". No, I will not be selling my W4R. No, these do not sound like $100+ IEMs.
I've had these for 4 days, so they've been burned in 50+ hours. Here's my ljokerl homage review:
(What) Monoprice 8320 (MEP-933)

Reviewed Dec 2011
Details: The current flavor of the month IEM
Current Price: $7.11 + CA tax & shipping from
Specs: Driver: 14.2 mm Dynamic  | Imp: 32 Ω | Sens: 96 dB | Freq: 20 Hz - 20 kHz | Cord: 48" I-plug
Nozzle Size: 5.5 mm | Preferred tips: Sony Hybrids, Monster Gel Super Tips
Wear Style: Straight down

Accessories (1/5) – Stock tip (YES, TIP... you only get 1 medium size) was utter crap... thankfully the nozzle is a common diameter so I immediately tossed the stock tip with a pair of medium Sony Hybrids.
Build Quality (2/5) – Removing them from the bag the first thing that popped into mind was, [size=10.0pt]"THIS IS THE WORST CABLE I’VE EVER SEEN".[/size] It came pre-kinked in a dozen spots and was a real pain to untangle. I guess $7.11 doesn't net you a chin slider, but the jack and y-split are actually pretty nice and made of metal (seems like knock-off monster or V-Moda). The driver housing seems to be made of a decent quality plastic.
Isolation (3/5) – Very average, what you would expect from a vented dynamic.
Microphonics (3/5) – Pretty average as well. Present when worn cable down.
Comfort (3/5) – These are HUGE -- If the W4 are “tubby” these are obese. Weight isn't a real issue since they're plastic but they're extremely awkward to fit. I ended up wearing them cable down since I couldn't fit them in my outer ear in any way that would allow me to use them over-ear.
Sound (6.8/10) – Bass: The first thing that jumped out when I listened to these was the mid bass. There’s a very obvious hump that is always present regardless of the song. Unless you’re a fan of mid bass in all your songs, these don’t quite have much genre bandwidth. It’s not quite “one-note” bass, but it’s murky enough to make notes sound rounded. Complex bass lines suffer since the bass is not fast enough to keep up with the articulation of the bass player in jazz/rock tracks. If you’ve ever heard the Klipsch S4, it’s very similar (but better). Extension is fairly average, with noticeable roll-off so sub-bass isn’t impressive.
Mids: Unlike the bass, the mid range has a nice amount of clarity and is noticeably forward. Vocals have a nice timbre, and at least in this range, there is good separation. Listening to choral work, I could easily distinguish the Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass parts, as well as the piano accompaniment. If it wasn’t for the massive mid-bass, it would be easy to call the 8320 mid-centric. Resolution and micro detail retrieval l is nowhere near $100+ IEMs, but considering these cost under $10 it’s fairly impressive.
Highs: I wish I could wax poetic about the highs but there’s a very obvious treble roll off.  If the massive mid-bass hasn’t already turned you off to these, those who like sparkly highs should also look elsewhere. It’s very reminiscent of the Meelectronics a151 (dry sounding). On the bright side, those who are sensitive to harsh treble have nothing to worry about.
Soundstage, Transparency, Presentation, etc… I find these categories a bit subjective but they’re on par with most of the crap I’ve tried under $50.
Value (8/10) – If you can get past the design/construction you’re left with a competent IEM that would put a smile on the face of any mid-bass lover on a budget. Take the bass of the s4 and the mids/highs from the meelec  a151 and you more or less have the monoprice 8320. Those looking for a neutral signature should probably pass on these.

Pros: Cheap, sound above their price range (as good as $30-$50 IEMs) for those looking for aggressive mids and plentiful mid-bass.
Cons: Awful build quality, ugly as sin.
So Dsnuts... you did good. I have a new pair of gym buds. Just stop saying these are as good as $100+ IEMs, they're clearly not. $30-$50 is realistic -- time to bring the hype back down to earth.


Thanks lazuline, excellent idea to do a ljokerl homage review.

Honestly, I don't mind if someone isn't able to tell a significant difference between these and an EX600. It actually saves them a lot of money and in the end all that counts is the enjoyment you get out of your phones.
That said, you shouldn't make the mistake to project your own standard onto others. So far I've read impressions that the Xears TDII and the ClarityOnes are clearly better than the 8320. I've heard both mentioned IEMs and to my ears the EX600 are in turn a significant step up from them. Now where does that leave the 8320? Tbo, I didn't even bother to order them after having read the TDII comparison, but thanks again to lazuline for going to that length and write a level-headed review.
Btw, if you're looking for a really good budget IEM in the sub $50 range, check out the Koss KDX200. I won't claim that they can rival the EX600 or any top-tiers, but in my book they're better than the Xears/ClarityOnes and probably the best bang for buck IEMs I've heard so far.
Dec 10, 2011 at 3:50 AM Post #877 of 4,317
The Koss do look interesting...
I have to agree my signature preference factors in heavily... I like analytical signatures, from which I don't mind having flavored with a touch of warmth and/or boosted treble.
I'm hoping we can get some more reviews on these. I was really shocked that these had forward mids.

Thanks lazuline, excellent idea to do a ljokerl homage review.

Honestly, I don't mind if someone isn't able to tell a significant difference between these and an EX600. It actually saves them a lot of money and in the end all that counts is the enjoyment you get out of your phones.
That said, you shouldn't make the mistake to project your own standard onto others. So far I've read impressions that the Xears TDII and the ClarityOnes are clearly better than the 8320. I've heard both mentioned IEMs and to my ears the EX600 are in turn a significant step up from them. Now where does that leave the 8320? Tbo, I didn't even bother to order them after having read the TDII comparison, but thanks again to lazuline for going to that length and write a level-headed review.
Btw, if you're looking for a really good budget IEM in the sub $50 range, check out the Koss KDX200. I won't claim that they can rival the EX600 or any top-tiers, but in my book they're better than the Xears/ClarityOnes and probably the best bang for buck IEMs I've heard so far.

Dec 10, 2011 at 3:56 AM Post #878 of 4,317
Originally Posted by lazuline /img/forum/go_quote.gif
... I like analytical signatures, from which I don't mind having flavored with a touch of warmth and/or boosted treble.

x2 not to mention speed, imaging precision, airiness, attack & decay and quality sub-bass.
Dec 10, 2011 at 4:17 AM Post #881 of 4,317
zomg, i love me my sub-bass... You really need it to get certain instruments right.

I see you have the Sony XBA-4 on your wanted list, remember they are 8 ohm and certain DAP's will interact poorly and roll-off the sub-bass amongst other factors.
Inks alludes to this in his FXT-90 review, suggesting sources with low output impedance, I noticed the Fiio E6 is there, which... while being a half-decent amplifier, is not transparent in the slightest and won't do high-end IEM's justice... I think (I have one).
You could for example pick up an EHP-O2, that's a quality amplifier, in measurment data.
Just putting it out there, looking forward to your XBA-4 review next year. :wink:
Dec 10, 2011 at 4:38 AM Post #882 of 4,317
I loved the review. :)
Thanks to the UK/EU group buy, I will have these next week. I can compare to RE262, RE0, IE8 and GR07. I also have Brainwavz M1, Hisound Crystal,...
Mostly I listen to folkrock, countryrock and rock.
Dec 10, 2011 at 4:52 AM Post #883 of 4,317
I'm not going to bother comparing them to any of the mid/top-tiers I own., I really don't see a reason to. I don't expect for them to outdo the many mid/top-tiers I own, and all the while, they aren't priced to compete with them either. For the most part, comparing them to $100+ in-ears will only bring me to notice their weaknesses, while forgetting that they cost less than 10x as much. Judging from the impressions thus far, it's quite apparent that they perform levels above their price point, and it makes little difference to me where they stand against the FXT90, ClarityOne, GR07, EX600, etc. 

Dec 10, 2011 at 9:26 AM Post #884 of 4,317

Compared to those two he just mentioned for one...
of course, for $7.11 it could very well be mine are different than yours. I don't imagine these were given much QC. Nonetheless, you should see that my review was positive. These really are a strong contender for best $10 IEM.

Most likely there is no QC, rather they are ordered from an earphone parts catalog similar to Skullcandy, would be my assumption.
Thanks for the detailed review.  You just saved me $7.11!  I'll put $2 with that pick up a sixer of Sierra Celebration ale today.  The mid bass hump doesn't sound like anything I'd be interested in.
Dec 10, 2011 at 9:52 AM Post #885 of 4,317

O.K. boys and girls, "let me hit you with some knowledge". No, I will not be selling my W4R. No, these do not sound like $100+ IEMs.
I've had these for 4 days, so they've been burned in 50+ hours. Here's my ljokerl homage review:

I couldn't disagree more with your review. I am coming from the GR07, and I'm allergic to bloated mid-bass. I found the turbines disgusting to listen to. If anything, these have a great balance of mid and sub-bass. You described the mids well, but not the highs. What source were you using? Did you even try the stock eq settings on your player?
I just listened to Michael Buble's "Call Me Irresponsible" album, and it sounded beautiful on the 8320. Like I posted earlier, I'm using reversed comply T500s, and the loudness eq setting on my iphone. I urge you to play around with them a few more days and evaluate it again.

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