The Mighty Thunderpants - initial impressions.. LOTS of them
Jul 10, 2010 at 12:37 AM Post #61 of 69

haha..I think we need to blame Smeggy for this too..if it weren't for you to introduce me to the wharfies, no way i would have even come to find out how awesome the TPs sound too.
I must say, boomy3555 came through for me on the zebrawoods..come to think of it i need to send him a care package as a token of appreciation. And can never say thanks enough to don for being the trail blazer that he is with orthos and tuning.
I love the wharfie zebrawoods so much that my TPs are actually stored away with my red stacker in a friend's place - hmmm maybe ill sell it to ben.... The liquid gold and Wharfie zebs is all i got right now..but i ain't complaining one bit.


saaaaaaaaaay... did i hear you say you wanted to sell your red Stacker?? to meeeee???    yeah i think you did...
  oh look its right up there ^^^  
wow how did I not notice that before....
Dec 18, 2010 at 12:27 PM Post #65 of 69
I'd just like to bump this thread to say I recently bought a pair of thunderpants from Smeggy. He was great to deal with and the phones arrived without a problem.

They really do sound fantastic, lovely full bodied sound with great separation of instruments and a wide soundstage. The sound is very non-fatiging also, I can listen to them for hours on end
To top it off, the sound isolation is very effective, which is great for the workplace as I need quiet to concentrate on my job in a noisy enviroment.

I'm over the moon with them and would completely recommend the phones and dealing with smeggy, who is a really good guy.

Feb 6, 2011 at 10:20 AM Post #68 of 69

Glad you're still enjoying them :)
The old wharfedale is a very endangered species as it was the first ever ortho headphone  from waaaaay back 1972 and very few of us have them. They are pretty rare but still findable if you try really hard. Trouble is, it's doubly endangered as the zebra cup donor phones sachus are housed in are also discontinued and hard to find now. So basically, to get them like sachu has them would involve a lot of luck and patience. My ones are still pretty stock.

So....I'm a member of a select clan? Had my Wharfedales since 72. Just found an NOS set! Initial impression is that they sound just the same as my old pair, but are sticky! (pads!!)
I love the Isos. Run from a Glow One amp late at night.
Apr 22, 2012 at 3:09 AM Post #69 of 69
I'm a new Smeggy Thunderpants owner, I bought it second hand. I'm upgrading from the Denon D5000s. The D5000s have more bass and treble than the Thunderpants but isn't as detailed.

I'm experiencing that horrible "tunnel reverb" sound with my Thunderpants which negatively effects the mids. Br777, could you share your EQ settings to show us how you got the Thunderpants to sound flat?

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