The JVC HA-S500 thread.
Sep 21, 2012 at 1:22 PM Post #1,456 of 8,352
Hey Ds, thanks for mentioning my sale. I knew something was odd when I got a dozen PMs out of nowhere lol. BTW you're right, I just wanted to try the S500s out. I never really intended to keep them since I have comfort issues with almost all headphones. Unfortunately that was the case here as well. Also I think you and I know no one would sell these unless that was the issue. These S500s are really amazing. I remember before they came out, I jokingly said they would sound better than $200-$300 headphones like the D2000s. Then I was shocked to see people actually making such claims, haha. These are the real deal. Stomps all over the M50s I once had.

If you liked the sound of these and want to keep them. Try out the HD25 velours pads. I can wear these with the velour pads on all day. It feels like pillows on my head. Something to consider but you will not have an issue selling your HA-S500.
Sep 21, 2012 at 1:31 PM Post #1,457 of 8,352
@ DSnuts ( & everyone else with JVC HA-M750 in their stable ) : You mentioned a while ago you own HA-M750 and have suggested it as one of the better candidates for transplanting the drivers of HA-S500 into. Just got my HA-M750 from a very kind head-fi member Meltie. I have tried each and every likely earpad I have around - and then thought of trying the HA-M750 pads. HA-M750 pads are circumaral for all but elephant ears. They are held in place on HA-S500 only by the headband pressure and will fall off each and every time you put phones off -  but please let me know what you think of the sound of this combo.  I consider these pads major step in the right direction sonically, particularly regarding soundstage that is the Aichile's heel of HA-S500. Obviously, not a permanent and practical solution to the problem.
I promised to all to do the comparisons with AKG K 1000 and Stax Lambda Pro - that is the only thing preventing me from canibalizing the drivers from HA-S500 to mount in the HA-M750 this very moment. I only have one pair of HA-S500 and therefore that comparisons should be done prior to the planned transplant/modification. I can not allocate time needed to do that at the timet - I have to prepare equipment for forthcoming recordings and equipment required for that coming in exceeds what I can swallow right now. I will try my best, but headphones have low priority at the moment.
As always, enjoy your music ! 

Yes you are correct. Any wider bigger pads will actually help the sound of the HA-S500 it seems. I know you just got the ATH velours but I will mention it here again. The perfect pads for these HA-S500 are the ATH leathers.
I can safely say without a doubt in my mind this is the best sound coming from the HA-S500. If you transplant the drivers to the HA-M750 then that would negate the need for other pads obviously but for guys that plan on not doing a transplant. These ATH leather pads are it.. It is what should have come with the headphones.
Sep 21, 2012 at 1:46 PM Post #1,458 of 8,352
Thats just spooky dsnuts.... I hvae listened to that same exact album about 15 times whilst testing these cans. In fact I just mentioned that album on another thread 3 minutes ago.
I've been running my e11 off my ipod classic. I really like what I am hearing and there is a big difference between amped nad not amped but do you really think the pheonix is something I need to get? Will the improvement really be 2X even over my amp+dmp combo?
(please say no... Im going broke:flushed:)

I run my E11 on my Sony Z1060 which has a great sound to begin with so I can feel what your saying.  The reason why I was able to hear such detail for EC was because I was using my Fire Phoenix. It is not a little upgrade to your E11 portable combo. It is a substantial one actually.  For portable purposes that is a good combo but the sound from my Fire Phoenix competes and in many cases sound better than even my home Denon stereo I have at my house..The Fire Phoenix is the DAC equivalent to the HA-S500 in the headphone realm. When you combine the 2. Well what can I say..No need for something like a Fire Phoenix to enjoy your HA-S500..Just enjoy them with what you have and when you feel the need to up your sound. Well that is something you will have to deal with when you get there. Ya I was quite surprised hearing ECs fingers actually move across his guitar frets. Micro detailing on a new level. Lol.
Sep 21, 2012 at 1:56 PM Post #1,459 of 8,352
Thks DS. Well now that I think about it I hardly even use my Fiio DAC/AMP on my desktop so I'll prolly take your advice and hold off for now until later. And you just made me realize I haven't even given them a listen straight out of my brand new Onkyo. I'll have to do that today.
Sep 21, 2012 at 2:14 PM Post #1,460 of 8,352
Get yourself a E11 or if you want to get an all in one something like a E17. Your right in that the Fire Phoenix is more of a stationary DAC/ AMP it does require a power outlet. I own the E11 and it is probably one of the best portable amps you can get for the cash that will throw your music to a new level of sound.. Easy to use and expands your sound like a good amp should. Powerful too..Great for the price. The clip using a E11 sounds great.

yes, i got the E6 and E11, but they are only amps, not Dacs.. would it be worth getting an E17? i also want to buy the FXD70.
Sep 21, 2012 at 2:15 PM Post #1,461 of 8,352
Better not to say "easier" though once you factor in human perception. Typically, people that are paying attention can easy recognize signs that an amp is starting to clip before it's at levels that cause damage and determine a volume that's safe to run their speakers at (and this is partially because the THD from the amp goes up at that point, too). On the other hand, if the amp well exceeds the speaker output ratings, the sound coming from the amp is so clean that people will miss the little bit of distortion that is coming from the speakers when getting close to the tweeter's limits. Then they run it that way for awhile, the heat builds up and the tweeter burns out. 
Since the JVC have a 1000mw @ 40ohm rating, I'd be curious to know how it held up to the abuse of running it that hard off a laptop headphone jack. Maybe they are as tough as they are sensitive with those nanotube drivers and will be OK. 

OP said  it has been unintentionally left on heavy overload/clipping for like 4-5 minutes by his mom while he was upstairs - no insurance against such s***t - could happen to anyone. No reasonable listener would tolerate such loud levels for any appreciable amount of time, let alone fail to notice the increase in distortion while actually wearing and listening to the headphones. If the HA-S500s survived this unscaved, they really are tough. The ultimate limit would be the temperature lacquer on the coil can withstand - I have no idea of the thermal properties of the nanotube film  used for the membrane in the HA-S500.
You are mistaken on power levels that usually demage tweeters. Far easier to do with a low powered amp than with a behemoth that has power (far) exceeding speaker rating. When say a bass stroke heavily clips the waveform, there will be extreme amounts of output in the high frequency range ( a heavily clipped signal is very close to square wave ) and there are very little tweeters that can take continous say 30 W, the full output of our hipothetical little 30 W amp . But the scenario you mentioned is plausible of course too; only less likely because by the time clean undistorted output in the high frequency range capable of burning the tweeters is reached there would most likely be protests from the woofers first, at least with reasonably "normal" music,  acting as a warning the levels are too high for the little speaker.
Sep 21, 2012 at 2:23 PM Post #1,462 of 8,352
yes, i got the E6 and E11, but they are only amps, not Dacs.. would it be worth getting an E17? i also want to buy the FXD70.

The E17 was one of the DACs I was considering as well before I bought my Fire Phoenix..Might be worth reading up a bit on some impressions. The FXD70. Yes. fantastic.
What I am listening to right now. Put on your HA-S500 and hit this tune up. 
Sep 21, 2012 at 2:46 PM Post #1,463 of 8,352
Yes you are correct. Any wider bigger pads will actually help the sound of the HA-S500 it seems. I know you just got the ATH velours but I will mention it here again. The perfect pads for these HA-S500 are the ATH leathers.
I can safely say without a doubt in my mind this is the best sound coming from the HA-S500. If you transplant the drivers to the HA-M750 then that would negate the need for other pads obviously but for guys that plan on not doing a transplant. These ATH leather pads are it.. It is what should have come with the headphones.

I am aware that earpads mentioned are the best solution for the HA-S500 and that it is what should have come with the headphones. They should be somewhere between  the stock pads that are too bassy and ATH velours that are extremely open at the top, but lack bass - not to go into finer differences already covered in the thread.
I am listening to HA-S500 with the HA-M750 pads this very moment - listening to the monitor from Korg DSD recorder while recording live transmission of the classical concert by The Slovene Philharmonics from FM tuner. This is the highest level of quality one can have in the home, short of recording on location or to a lesser extent, in the studio.
It really is night and day compared to on ear pads of any description - please try it, as you have these pads. Comfort is in another, far higher league, too. Maybe there are some more readily available circumaral pads that could be used in the same way - HA-M750 pads seem to be available through JVC dealers only, not a single offer for HA-M 750 pads on ebay, for example - complete headphones only.
Sep 21, 2012 at 3:52 PM Post #1,464 of 8,352
These should not be under your radar, they should over your head man. I am telling you, if you think your SG2 / ksc75 sounds good be prepared to be blown away with this things.
Think, KSC75 with a big beatiful subbass that hits low, fast, clean and detalied. Mids more foward, more sparcle without sounding to treble heavy, details you will never hear froma a koss, man i am telling you, these murders the ksc75 no mercy.
Keepmthe ksc75 for the price/sound ratio, for 15 bucks its one of the best buys out there, but if you want something WAY better, S500.
For the price, these things are outstanding... Hard no to sound like a jvcfanboy.. But whe all know that whe are not crazy cause whe know how good this things sound.

Just so that I am clear on this, I think what you are saying is that you think the HA-S500 are better than the KSC75's. Do I have that right? LOL!
Ok ok, between you and doc and all of the other HA-S500 fanatics, resistance is not only futile, but practically non-existent

Sep 21, 2012 at 4:04 PM Post #1,465 of 8,352
My main source is a Galaxy S2 too :)  You really don't need an mp3 player IMO.
Because S2 pairs excellent with the PortaPro, KSC-35 and 75 line of headphones!
I don't use my iPod Touch 32GB, Sansa Fuze (Rockboxed, 16GB) and Meizu Music Card (2GB) after having the Galaxy  S2.  Its better than all of these sources IMO. Especially with the KSC line of headphones!
But you have to stay away from IceCream firmware. It ruins the sound! The older firmware is better IMO. I have to downgrade for the best sound. Also I prefer stock music player application on Galaxy S2. But use it on the flat EQ setting and Music Clarity setting.
Most of the folks around Head-Fi don't like S2. Because they say it uses Yamaha sound chip. But if you check the Wolfson web site, you will see that Wolfson supplied their chips to the S2 for the newer models.
I believe mine has that sound chip. I don't need another source after all :)

Thanks baycode, I will keep all of that in mind. My SGS2 is approx 7 months old, so I don't know which sound chip it has. The stock music player sounds good, but I found that with a bit of tweaking using PowerAmp, it sounds great. Anyway, if (I mean, when) I get the HA-S500, I will report back on how it sounds with my SGS2.
Sep 21, 2012 at 5:04 PM Post #1,466 of 8,352

You are mistaken on power levels that usually demage tweeters. Far easier to do with a low powered amp than with a behemoth that has power (far) exceeding speaker rating. When say a bass stroke heavily clips the waveform, there will be extreme amounts of output in the high frequency range ( a heavily clipped signal is very close to square wave ) and there are very little tweeters that can take continous say 30 W, the full output of our hipothetical little 30 W amp . 

Right. Many discerning listeners will notice some clipping--as well as the accompanying increases in THD that some amps would generate--at a volume level before that point is reached. 
But the scenario you mentioned is plausible of course too; only less likely because by the time clean undistorted output in the high frequency range capable of burning the tweeters is reached there would most likely be protests from the woofers first, at least with reasonably "normal" music,  acting as a warning the levels are too high for the little speaker.

True, with an ideally designed speaker under almost equally ideal conditions. Your assumption is that the tweeter is equally designed to handle the amount of power given it as the other drivers in a speaker configuration, and that's not always true with store bought speakers. Then factor in the choice of source media (genre or recording) that may have more highs, and/or some kind of EQ (tone controls that have been adjusted by the user or room EQ wizard) that has attenuated the tweeter higher; only takes a few db of that to push tweeters too hard when the other drivers may not be protesting much yet.  
Sep 21, 2012 at 5:12 PM Post #1,467 of 8,352
I'm sorry Analog. I have no idea how you got them pads on there. You said they are just pressed on there? It is way too big for the HA-S500..The ATH leathers are 1/4 inch wider diameter wise over stock. This may seem little but actually makes them mostly over my ears now. Comfort wise they are not the velours but they are more comfy over the stock pads by much. I don't have issue with listening with them for several hours. INow that Analog mentions having a bigger circumaural pad..A bigger pad that will fit a smaller 40mm driver housing makes sense to me..But try out the ATH leathers for certain. I think guys will be very impressed.  
Sep 21, 2012 at 5:58 PM Post #1,468 of 8,352
If you liked the sound of these and want to keep them. Try out the HD25 velours pads. I can wear these with the velour pads on all day. It feels like pillows on my head. Something to consider but you will not have an issue selling your HA-S500.

have you tried the original HD25 leatherette pads?
Sep 21, 2012 at 6:11 PM Post #1,469 of 8,352
Those look like what Doc is using. It is original Sennheiser replacement pads so those should work.. The ATH leathers are cheaper but if they sound like my HD25 velours the ATH leathers has the better sound over them..
Doc keeps on saying my HD25 velours will not sound like his pleather pads. A little difference but the same sound. Is what I am thinking.  but I could be wrong. All I know is the sound that is coming out of the HA-S500 and ATH leather pads is wunderbar!
Sep 21, 2012 at 6:24 PM Post #1,470 of 8,352
Ok update on my accidental volume increase situation I talked about earlier .

I just gave them a listen and at first I was worried and I could have sworn I could hear crackling, definitely no buzzing though so it's ok there. I think this was me being very paranoid though as the more songs I've listened to (switching up the genres for variation) I definitely can't hear crackling or buzzing. You think they have came through unhurt?

Can intense volume damage the spectrum at all though? As despite no crackling or buzzing, the sub bass doesn't seem as impactful as it did before burn in (bear in mind this is the 1st time I've listened to them in 200 hours, burn is complete now.) Does the bass maybe tame out a little with burn on these? I seriously think I'm just being paranoid now and they are fine? I need someone to reassure me right now as I'm panicking slightly :frowning2:

EDIT - Hmm... there's that booming sub bass lol, that's what I love about these. The sub bass only really comes out to play in heavy bass influenced tracks. It takes a back seat otherwise which is good. As I'm a noob though, I'm still not 100% sure if they are ok or not, as I'm not great at analysing audio. I'll be paranoid for a while I think! :frowning2:
Unless I send them out for one of you guys to listen?

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