The JVC FX850..Woodie perfection?. (A review)
Jul 6, 2014 at 3:04 AM Post #1,501 of 3,535
I think the difference in sound for me (bass receding/tightening up) was due to the tips softening up and losing its elasticity over constant use. I'm really liking that sound more though :)
Jul 6, 2014 at 7:25 AM Post #1,502 of 3,535
I have to agree wholeheartedly what some of us here have reported. The more I listen to them, the more I enjoy them. It just seems to get the better of me time and again. Might jump on the Nocturnal Hybrid cable but the stock cable seems to give me the balance I'm enjoying now.
Jul 7, 2014 at 4:02 AM Post #1,503 of 3,535
  I use my FX850 with Magni/Modi and I was considering replacing the Magni with the O2 just for the FX850's sake. It's useable with the Magni though, super low noise floor so hiss isn't an issue but the volume pot is a tad much. Fortunately with my Magni I can get the pot just above channel imbalance without being too loud for the FX850 at 90/100 computer volume. I can only imagine the O2 would work better with the FX850 due to it's lower gain.

Hey! Tis you again! I was gonna get these, but ended up with the IE800's for $435 :D If you're gonna get a new amp, look at the Asgard 2. I'm currently trying to figure out about the Ember as well.
Jul 7, 2014 at 7:27 AM Post #1,504 of 3,535
I have to agree wholeheartedly what some of us here have reported. The more I listen to them, the more I enjoy them. It just seems to get the better of me time and again. Might jump on the Nocturnal Hybrid cable but the stock cable seems to give me the balance I'm enjoying now.

still waiting for my nocturnal 4 core silver. 1 more week n will be here...hope to have positive report of it...1 more agonising week
Jul 7, 2014 at 9:37 AM Post #1,506 of 3,535
still waiting for my nocturnal 4 core silver. 1 more week n will be here...hope to have positive report of it...1 more agonising week

Do let us know how it sounds when it arrives!

Meanwhile I am using 93spec (Also a 4-braided silver wire). On silver wire I found the Ortofon tips to outperform the stock tips in overall tonal balance, but I have no problem seeing most here would be fine with stock tips + silver cable too.

And one thing before I forgot it again.

The link to the 93spec cable for more information.

And the following two cables (also from Nocturnal) may be on my next list hopefully.

Both Hydra Hybrid 8-core and the Nyx Copper 8-Core looks splendid in the pictures.
Jul 8, 2014 at 7:21 AM Post #1,507 of 3,535
Do let us know how it sounds when it arrives!

Meanwhile I am using 93spec (Also a 4-braided silver wire). On silver wire I found the Ortofon tips to outperform the stock tips in overall tonal balance, but I have no problem seeing most here would be fine with stock tips + silver cable too.

And one thing before I forgot it again.

The link to the 93spec cable for more information.

And the following two cables (also from Nocturnal) may be on my next list hopefully.

Both Hydra Hybrid 8-core and the Nyx Copper 8-Core looks splendid in the pictures.

actually was contemplating e hydrid 8 core hybrid to silver 4 core but ended w e silver cos e fx850 sounded a bit too warm for me....but seems that e warmth is gone n e mids r crystal clear now. Many songs that I used to skip cos of e congestion in sound now I listened to as e fx can render n separate them well wo being analytical.
Jul 8, 2014 at 10:20 AM Post #1,509 of 3,535
actually was contemplating e hydrid 8 core hybrid to silver 4 core but ended w e silver cos e fx850 sounded a bit too warm for me....but seems that e warmth is gone n e mids r crystal clear now. Many songs that I used to skip cos of e congestion in sound now I listened to as e fx can render n separate them well wo being analytical.

Haven tried back the stock cable but now I felt it has stabilized on the silver cable. Treble extension and especially hi-hats gets a brand new lease of life. Overall balance is great too.

Once I switch back to Stock cables and tips I will update again. A hybrid cable on a fully-burnt in FX850 should match pretty well especially the 6-braided ones (I am looking at Double Helix Fusion 6)
Jul 8, 2014 at 9:14 PM Post #1,510 of 3,535
Can someone explain to me how different cables may affect the sound quality? I do not know the electronics behind this.
Jul 8, 2014 at 9:47 PM Post #1,512 of 3,535
Mind if I ask which one you got?

They have the cheapest silver cables I see around so was thinking of getting one but it is about half the price of the other brands so a bit skeptical!

Haven't decided on which cable yet because the stock cable seems to work for me. Things might change though if I put my thoughts into action.

The 8 conductor Hydra is the one I'm look at and maybe the the 4 conductor Hydra V2. Treoo responded to my query about the V2 stating that the configuration is different from the 8 conductor Hydra. The V2 was designed to sound as close to the 8 conductor as possible but seriously that is for us to find out.

I do have the 8 conductor Hydra on my SE535 but the memory wire prevented a proper seal with my 850 and thus I can't commend on the sound. Will try to work out a way to test it out again once I have the time. BTW, the SE535 has a more bslance sound as it got better extension on the low/highs and seems to round off the tss/sss on the vocals.

Edit: The memory wire on my Hydra cable is pre molded to a set angle unlike the flexible kind I see on a stock cable.
Jul 8, 2014 at 11:04 PM Post #1,513 of 3,535
  Can someone explain to me how different cables may affect the sound quality? I do not know the electronics behind this.

Generally, that is considered a taboo question. The reason being that there is no way to know the answer until you hear it, and even then there are many skeptics that don't believe there is any change as long as the cables aren't defective.
There are many parts of a cable that can be measured. Based on what we can measure and what is known, we make assumptions about what a specific material or geometry might do to the sound. Still, there is no possible way (currently) to know how it will effect the sound. One of the many reasons it is not possible is the fact that there are so many variables: Your personal biology, sound preferences, individual gear, etc. 
So you're probably wondering, "Then how do these other members know what cables to buy and how it will affect the sound?". They are making an 'educated' guess based on perpetuated generalizations and personal experience for others. 
***(I'm leaving out a lot of details here. There are enough to fill up threads. I'm trying to keep it simplified to be easier to understand).
Many believe that silver helps bring out the highs, while taming down the bass and adding overall clarity to the sound.  Others find silver to be thin sounding, harsh, or sibilant. (Remember those variables?)
Copper is though of as having a warmer, more full-bodied tone with emphasis on the bass. Others find it muddy or veiled with possible lack of extension in the highs. 
If you search different cable makers websites, you'll find many contradictions to these generalizations. The claims can even be outrageous at times. YMMV
The though process goes like this, generally:
"My headphones sound a little dark, maybe bass heavy or even a little veiled. Silver conducts electricity better than copper (very very slightly better), so that should help."
Or visa versa..."My headphone is a bit bright and cold, maybe a copper cable would help."
The point is, you cannot be sure. What may be true for one person, one headphone, one setup, might not be true for another. Just because your silver cable worked magic on headphone 'A' doesn't mean it will do the same for headphone 'B'. 
So, that sounds like a crap-shoot. Why bother buying cables? I think it's worth your money, but for other reasons.
1. Function - Proper length, flexibility, weight, etc.
2. Style - You paid for it. It might as well look good.
50. Sound - It might help, but don't make that your main reason for buying one. 
Jul 9, 2014 at 12:27 AM Post #1,514 of 3,535
Can someone explain to me how different cables may affect the sound quality? I do not know the electronics behind this.

Regarding this topic. I felt that Sir average_joe has done an excellent job in a brief explanation. You may check out one of his threads where you could see it on the early part prior to the breakdown review.
Jul 9, 2014 at 1:05 AM Post #1,515 of 3,535
Hey! Tis you again! I was gonna get these, but ended up with the IE800's for $435 :D If you're gonna get a new amp, look at the Asgard 2. I'm currently trying to figure out about the Ember as well.

Ah yes. you're from the HE-560 thread. I haven't researched the Asgard 2, but I know the Magni and the Asgard were pretty much the same Schiit 
. Kidding, I just wanted to make that joke. I've heard about the Ember, but somehow I feel compelled to stay with Schiit, plus I'm a big fan of their Norse theme and their minimalistic aesthetics that is how it is for practicality and efficiency sake. The Magni works perfectly fine with the FX850. As it is I'm internally fighting over HE-400i + Schiit Lyr 2 or HE-560. I really wanted the HE-560 to go with my FX850, wood and wood 

How do you like your IE800s?

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