The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread
Oct 26, 2017 at 6:53 AM Post #5,941 of 22,576
If auditioning them yourself is really not an option... umm... I suppose comfort really depends on the individual - for me, it does become uncomfortable after a time, but for me, pretty much every headphone is uncomfortable after a time. I see you have the HEK - for me, the adjustable headband holders on the side dug into the side of my head so it was uncomfortable after... seconds... Obviously not a problem for many people though. Headphones with thin pads like the TH900 and HD800 had pressure more focused on some spots around my ears so it became painful in those spots after not very long (I am talking in-store audition amounts of time). The LCD4 pads are nice and soft and thick, but I found the clamping force too much so it was more general discomfort on the sides of my head than localised. On the Abyss, there is no pressure on the pads which is great, but if you look at phase0's photo, you can see that the headband is quite tight and straight, but your head is round like the stand it's sitting on, so the weight is mostly supported by a small spot. Hard to say whether this will effect you, as there are many people that are not bothered by it, but if you are quite sensitive to many other headphones like me, then maybe it will be an issue. Can't comment on the susvara fit because I've not tried it but I'd say it would be equally as intolerable as the HEK for me given the similar design. So the Abyss does cause me some level of discomfort, but less than a lot of other popular headphones... Don't know if that helps you or not...
Oct 26, 2017 at 7:07 AM Post #5,942 of 22,576
the abyss is a much heavier headphone than the th900 or hd800. they are lightweight in comparison and far more ergonomically appealing to me. the hek is the most comfortable planar magnetic headphone that i've worn and it seemed to be considerably lighter than the abyss as well. if you're discussing headphone comfort then weight has to be a consideration, and the abyss is one of the heaviest headphones going around.
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Oct 26, 2017 at 7:47 AM Post #5,943 of 22,576
It is, but I have found that even though other headphones are lighter, the pressure they apply is more uncomfortable than the downward force. I get zero pain in my neck from abyss/lcd4, some people get a fair bit. If you get neck pain from sheer weight then there's really not much you can do. For me the issue is pressure focused on certain spots, whether it be from sheer weight from something like abyss or clamping force from something lighter - both equally as annoying despite the weight difference. Lcd-4 has weight and clamping yet I have seen few complaints... As they say, individual results may vary...
Oct 26, 2017 at 8:34 AM Post #5,944 of 22,576
the th900 exerts negligible clamping pressure on my head and i've not seen any complaints about that, its overall comfort or weight. i don't recall clamping pressure being an issue with the hd800 either but it's not the most comfortable headphone that i've worn. the hek was very comfortable for me - no complaints there. i've always found the audeze lcd models heavy and somewhat claustrophobic - a bit like wearing a padded helmet. i found the lcd-4 more comfortable than the previous iterations but it is still a heavy headphone.

i don't expect to experience neck pain when i put on a headphone (no one should) and i haven't yet, but i don't expect it to weigh me down either. that's how i felt when i auditioned the abyss and various lcd models. i'm not saying that the abyss was uncomfortable - it wasn't, but it is a heavy headphone and that could become a cause of fatigue and discomfort for the wearer over time. there's something to be said for how a comfortable, relatively lightweight design enhances the headphone listening experience - particularly for longer listening sessions. the sr-007 and mdr-z1r are two supreme examples of this imo - they're both a pleasure to wear. just because a musician might have suffered for his music doesn't mean that i have to. ymmv.
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Oct 26, 2017 at 10:12 AM Post #5,945 of 22,576
Well I'm official now... Got the Phi in hand...

First listen on my setup, first impression is: "Wow! I made the right decision selling the Utopia and going the Abyss route." I can already tell I like the tonal balance more and these have the bass I crave even tho for some reason I'm listening to a bunch of light acoustic music now. It also has a better sound stage. LOL. Anyways I feel relieved. Going to RMAF really helped that I could listen to everything I wanted to and compare. Now I'm getting excited. These should be the "end game" HPs for me.

Nice Pic
Oct 26, 2017 at 11:21 AM Post #5,946 of 22,576
How about the fitting... still considering between susvara and abyss phi, for sound maybe i would get the abyss in future yet still not sure with the fitting.

These two sound different and at this price point you should audition before you buy if possible. I bought the Utopia blind based on hype/reviews. Now I decided it's not the best fit for me. I only had 15-30 min with the Susvara, in that amount of time I'd say it was comfy, but I had a similar amount of time with the Abyss as well. The Abyss being a little bit unconventional takes some adjustment. I haven't dialed in the fit yet. I did get a sense of pressure on my head last night. I know JPS Labs has other headbands. Maybe one that is fatter would spread the weight out more? Susvara lacks all the adjustment options. Another thing I considered was that I read a lot of complaints about HifiMan build quality being not so great with the HE1K. As far as I know Abyss has been solid for most people, no major issues. I think Abyss is more visceral and engaging. You guys already know which horse I bet on.

Another odd thing. I couldn't get to bed until 3am or round about, and even then just had a really difficult time shutting down. Felt like a little kid on christmas morning. When I started sampling different tracks just all brand new again. If I wasn't tethered with a HP cable maybe I would be running around the room shouting OMG! Normally I can be more responsible about shutting down but I just couldn't help myself last night. Abyss is just astoundingly good. I remember Tyll saying about the Utopia if there's one HP you should save your pennies for, it's the Utopia. For me IMO, I'd tell people sell all your HPs and buy an Abyss. Don't walk, run like the wind and buy it now! Having it in my own environment I feel like this really is a next level headphone. I had an online friend linking me to some youtube tracks and one thing popped out is there's a sense of 3D dimensionality in some of the sounds really started to strike me. I had a greater sense of positioning and some sounds really felt 3D like I want to look back over my shoulder, or so realistic I want to jump like who is there? what was that? I can really see how the Utopia is smaller stage. I really should try some binaural demos.

I'm really tired right now, but all I can say is over and over I was wide eyed and jaw dropping, multiple expletives, can't believe how good this is. I do honestly wonder about Susvara but their price point was something I can't accept at this point and I really felt like my preference will likely be better served by the Abyss. I think it has bigger balls than Susvara. I love how I can put on some electronic music with some bass just how deep and meaty it is. I don't get any sense of mud or sloppiness, it seems so balanced and controlled with so much depth and delicate detail that doesn't get messy. Coming from the Utopia especially I have my perspective on the that, I wonder how anyone can pick Utopia over this but I guess that's why we have variety to choose from.
Oct 26, 2017 at 2:03 PM Post #5,947 of 22,576
You've been given a date to send your pair in, haven't you?

No, Joe merely told me I was on a list.

So I'm kind of in a stuck position.
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Oct 26, 2017 at 3:53 PM Post #5,948 of 22,576
the good thing is the turn around is pretty quick once you do get the message to send them in
Oct 26, 2017 at 4:36 PM Post #5,949 of 22,576
the good thing is the turn around is pretty quick once you do get the message to send them in

I'm hoping I do get a message sometime in the next couple months. Preferably earlier than later. I have the money saved and ready to go.
Oct 26, 2017 at 10:18 PM Post #5,950 of 22,576
you really should audition them in order to ascertain which one is the most comfortable for you. no one else can do this for you.
I know that, but is it comfortable for you? Because I really can't audition them.. pity me...
Oct 26, 2017 at 10:32 PM Post #5,951 of 22,576
I was LCD 3 user before, for me LCD3 clamping force is not to big and never had issue with my neck.. The one makes me pain is the head band pressing top of my head, and it makes pain after about half or a hour of use. I have a small size of head, so maybe that's the reason why I don't feel the clamp and because the clamp not to big, it makes the headphone slumped down and the headband touching my head and makes top of my head withstanding the overall weight of the headphone.
Oct 26, 2017 at 10:37 PM Post #5,952 of 22,576
it was comfortable enough for the purpose of auditioning but its weight and form factor would be a deal breaker for me. that said, it's a fun listen.

while i'm sympathetic to your situation, i would never seriously contemplate buying such an expensive headphone without trying it first.
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Oct 26, 2017 at 10:55 PM Post #5,953 of 22,576
I was LCD 3 user before, for me LCD3 clamping force is not to big and never had issue with my neck.. The one makes me pain is the head band pressing top of my head, and it makes pain after about half or a hour of use. I have a small size of head, so maybe that's the reason why I don't feel the clamp and because the clamp not to big, it makes the headphone slumped down and the headband touching my head and makes top of my head withstanding the overall weight of the headphone.
it was comfortable enough for the purpose of auditioning but its weight and form factor would be a deal breaker for me. that said, it's a fun listen.

while i'm sympathetic to your situation, i would never seriously contemplate buying such an expensive headphone without trying it first.
Thank you for the explanation, If i can try it would be really good. But the problem is there is no headphone store selling that high end thing in my city. The only high end headphone store is in the capital city which is 2 hour from my city by plane, an they also don't have abyss nor susvara to try.
Oct 27, 2017 at 1:19 AM Post #5,954 of 22,576
Abyss is faster and punchier, it also have less midrange and bass bloom. LCD 4 is a bit more refined with less treble and treble grain, but Abyss has a bit more transparency and clarity. I have not heard the Abyss Phi and from the impressions I have read it could be great, especially the less “U-shaped” and more refined sound.
Yeah, the Abyss has very nice treble but its not sharp and not too much. I love its bass!
Oct 27, 2017 at 4:11 AM Post #5,955 of 22,576
These two sound different and at this price point you should audition before you buy if possible. I bought the Utopia blind based on hype/reviews. Now I decided it's not the best fit for me. I only had 15-30 min with the Susvara, in that amount of time I'd say it was comfy, but I had a similar amount of time with the Abyss as well. The Abyss being a little bit unconventional takes some adjustment. I haven't dialed in the fit yet. I did get a sense of pressure on my head last night. I know JPS Labs has other headbands. Maybe one that is fatter would spread the weight out more? Susvara lacks all the adjustment options. Another thing I considered was that I read a lot of complaints about HifiMan build quality being not so great with the HE1K. As far as I know Abyss has been solid for most people, no major issues. I think Abyss is more visceral and engaging. You guys already know which horse I bet on.

Another odd thing. I couldn't get to bed until 3am or round about, and even then just had a really difficult time shutting down. Felt like a little kid on christmas morning. When I started sampling different tracks just all brand new again. If I wasn't tethered with a HP cable maybe I would be running around the room shouting OMG! Normally I can be more responsible about shutting down but I just couldn't help myself last night. Abyss is just astoundingly good. I remember Tyll saying about the Utopia if there's one HP you should save your pennies for, it's the Utopia. For me IMO, I'd tell people sell all your HPs and buy an Abyss. Don't walk, run like the wind and buy it now! Having it in my own environment I feel like this really is a next level headphone. I had an online friend linking me to some youtube tracks and one thing popped out is there's a sense of 3D dimensionality in some of the sounds really started to strike me. I had a greater sense of positioning and some sounds really felt 3D like I want to look back over my shoulder, or so realistic I want to jump like who is there? what was that? I can really see how the Utopia is smaller stage. I really should try some binaural demos.

I'm really tired right now, but all I can say is over and over I was wide eyed and jaw dropping, multiple expletives, can't believe how good this is. I do honestly wonder about Susvara but their price point was something I can't accept at this point and I really felt like my preference will likely be better served by the Abyss. I think it has bigger balls than Susvara. I love how I can put on some electronic music with some bass just how deep and meaty it is. I don't get any sense of mud or sloppiness, it seems so balanced and controlled with so much depth and delicate detail that doesn't get messy. Coming from the Utopia especially I have my perspective on the that, I wonder how anyone can pick Utopia over this but I guess that's why we have variety to choose from.

Did you have the original Abyss beforehand and all this excitement is over the phi upgrade, or is the phi the first pair of abyss you have owned?

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