The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread
Dec 13, 2015 at 2:54 PM Post #3,481 of 22,596
    I had the chance to listen to the Abyss and Viva Egoista combination a couple of weeks ago. Being a WA234 owner and hearing the Viva may be rather close competition for it I was very keen to finally have a chance to listen and went in expecting great things. I can now sleep soundly with my choice of the 234's now though, I must admit while as a whole the Viva did sound good, it was no where near the level I had become accustomed to with the right tubes in the 234's. Don't get me wrong, the Viva did sound nice but compared to the 234's it was lacking in a number of key areas.
  Firstly was the transparency and texture of the music, the Egoista while having plenty of power sounded far too heavy handed and overpowering of the music. It lacked the finer details that the 234's could convey, the Egoista seemed to put its own veil on the music causing the tracks to start sounding overly similar. The sound had plenty of midrange and warmth, but it was over accentuated to the point of feeling bloated and smeared. Another thing that struck me was that the Viva, while certainly powerful, didn't have the same impact and speed that the 234's had. While the speed and impact is comparable between the Egoista and the 234's using the Cathode Output, when you switch the 234's to Plate Output the impact, speed and sheer energy of the sound takes a massive leap ahead of the Cathode and Egoista. Using the plate output can make the HEK almost as impactful as the Abyss when using the cathode output. Which is no small feat, while I prefer the transparency of the HEK the Abyss is indisputably the most impactful and energetic headphone out there.
  Compared to other amplifiers I've heard; Cavalli LAu, Cyper Labs Prautes,  Luxman P-700u, Schiit Ragnarok or owned WA5, Headamp GS-X MKII. The Viva Egoista does sound better overall. But when compared to the 234's with stock tubes they're about on par, the 234 being more refined,  the Egoista being more powerful. But roll in some good tubes to the 234's; EML 45's or 2A3's, some Elrog's or Takatsuki 300b's and some Takatsuki 274b's or Mullard Metal Base GZ34's, and the 234's are in another league.
  Another gripe I had with the Egoista is the heat that it runs at, now I expect tubes to run hot, but on the Egoista even the volume knob and rear terminals heat up to uncomfortable levels. When I had a listen the Egoista had been on for a couple of hours, while the volume knob wasn't painful to hold and use, it did get to the point where it would case a little discomfort when held onto for more than a couple seconds. Kind of like getting into a car that's been parked in the sun for a couple hours and grabbing the gear stick. It's not so hot as to burn you or stop you from changing gears. But it's not pleasant, you certainly wouldn't want to rest your hand there.
  Also on a tangent I got to hear the Abyss using the new JPS Labs Super Conductor cable, it was an improvement over the stock cable. Though for my personal tastes I still do prefer the Spore4 cables with the Abyss from when I heard the pairing last. The ones I currently have are terminated to suit the HEK but I wish I had brought in my Abyss adaptors and Spore4 cable to do a proper side by side.

Great write up as usual Matt, I am looking forward to doing the comparison myself, I have yet to find anyone who has done a stock for stock comparison who prefers the Egoista. The concern about heat is a valid one, why is it running so hot, it must be the transformer in which case one wonders about the service life of that part. Not to mention it represents a fire risk.  I agree with your findings re the JPS Abyss cables, however at this level it all about personal preferences and you have an amount of experience to your headphone listening which few can equal. Hope the new house goes well, see you soon.
Dec 13, 2015 at 2:58 PM Post #3,482 of 22,596
We had the Egoista in our room at RMAF this year, as well as the Woo 234 and others. Both of these amps are the best of the best, and I agree that the 234 with top shelf tubes really does the Abyss justice. One thing to note though is the bloated, congested sound you heard from the Egoista. As with all headphone gear cables are critical to getting the best out, but with single ended amps, and in particular the Egoista, they are very particular of the AC cables. We went through 5 different JPS power cords on that amp, as well as on the source Sony HAP-Z1ES player, and man does that amp vary wildly with cords!

I don't doubt this, however this all points to poor power rectification and rectification and filtering, I bet the voltage that the transformer is designed to run off is a double up, in which case it will be 10-15% out of sync with our voltage. Same applies to the 234's Joe, you put on decent power cords to that and wow, in fact I have heard them with some high end JPS, (not sure what they were!) and was impressed.
Dec 13, 2015 at 3:08 PM Post #3,483 of 22,596
What are the ideal valves in the 234 amp for the Abyss in your opinion Matt?
Dec 13, 2015 at 5:06 PM Post #3,484 of 22,596
Can you guys describe your impressions on the diffrence btw 4spore vs Superconducter HP would be very intresting to hear.

I will place an order on the SuperConductur HP cable, but it is always interesting to here what the 4spore brings to the table, that the HP doesn't?
Dec 19, 2015 at 7:21 AM Post #3,485 of 22,596

Binaural chip, a must for headphones listening...
Dec 19, 2015 at 7:50 AM Post #3,489 of 22,596
No, just the opposite: fits for all normal recordings and takes off for all binaural recordings ... (You can read this in the owner manual...)
Dec 19, 2015 at 8:25 AM Post #3,491 of 22,596
In the pic the best SS amplifier for the Abyss 1266 : Goldmund THA2!!!
Dec 19, 2015 at 11:35 AM Post #3,492 of 22,596
Got the AK 380AMP to drive Abyss in Balanced Mode. 
 More pics to come...


Dec 19, 2015 at 3:36 PM Post #3,493 of 22,596

Binaural chip, a must for headphones listening...

I carefully tested the binaural feature of the THA-2 in a quite environement and.... I could not Hear a difference between binaural ON and OFF ! ( neither could the dealer).

Do you Hear a real difference ?
Dec 19, 2015 at 4:08 PM Post #3,494 of 22,596
Yes, there are differences... But not always positive...
Which headphones did you used for the test?

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