The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread
Mar 18, 2015 at 9:49 AM Post #2,146 of 22,596
Did any Abyss owners burn their pair in when not on the head? I don't ever play them when not on my head, as I get the feeling (I could be wrong) that the drivers require the opposing pressure to operate properly.
Mar 18, 2015 at 9:57 AM Post #2,147 of 22,596
As one owner put it, we wouldn't make a headphone that would be damaged by playing music.
ABYSS Headphones We engineer, machine, and build our headphones from scratch in New York, USA. Stay updated on ABYSS Headphones at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 18, 2015 at 5:57 PM Post #2,149 of 22,596
  Did any Abyss owners burn their pair in when not on the head? I don't ever play them when not on my head, as I get the feeling (I could be wrong) that the drivers require the opposing pressure to operate properly.

Yep, I leave mine on my desk often burning in, I would think they are the same as loudspeakers, designed to play music wherever you're listening or not.
Mar 18, 2015 at 6:32 PM Post #2,150 of 22,596
  Glad you're enjoying them! Great thoughts/review. I can't listen to any other headphone now. All I can think is "I wonder how this sounds on the Abyss..." :¬)
I also love the fact you can tweak the alignment per song/album to get the bass/treble perfect.
P.S. I love that soundtrack. Cornfield Chase / STAY especially. Check out Atomos I  - A Winged Victory for the Sullen. You'll enjoy that too.

Really enjoyed A Winged Victory for the Sullen, excellent. 
Thank you
Mar 19, 2015 at 7:32 AM Post #2,153 of 22,596
  Hm would you recommend the Moon Neo 430HA or the rag for the abyss? I hear mixed things for both..although the moon is twice the price..

Depends what you want. Lots of chat from this page onwards:
I've heard both, although not with the same dac. The Rag + Hugo left me feeling very disappointed (after all the hype), it felt cold and sterile; I had no emotional engagement to the music. The 430 (dac version) on the other hand has me in audio heaven. It's musical, coherent, utterly engaging and the dac section, for £600 extra, is a mind boggling bargain. The warmth is the perfect partner to the technical nature of the Abyss. I'm hearing a combination of details, texture and realism in music that I've never heard before, but even more importantly, I get lost in the music. Totally lost. Technicalities become moot, and enjoyment becomes both natural and perpetual. 
The 430/Abyss also has incredible dynamic range at low listening volumes. A joy!
The 430 mids are really something to behold. I'm a big fan of the Audeze 2.2 and 3F sound, but my goodness, this combo is even better. I always find myself using the word delicious to describe them.
A diversion for those wondering about the 430, Abyss and a suitable DAC...
Don't be fooled by the (relatively) exceedingly cheap cost of the dac. Moon have a dedicated Neo dac for over £4K, and while its entire internals will not be ported directly into the 430, the heart of the engine/hardware will have been. Those internals, when not being constructed and sold in a separate unit, is much cheaper for Moon to port over to another piece of hardware (the 430). The costs associated with the chassis, full production and distribution of a standalone (dac) unit are circumvented, and that's a considerable saving.
There are obvious synergistic benefits to a natively hardwired dac. They're built/specced for one another and wired directly, offering the shortest signal path while avoiding the dance of interconnects and additional power supplies (longer signal with increased potential for degradation). In other words, it's incredibly efficient.
I had originally grabbed the 430 as a loaner in which to pair with the Lampizator Big 7 dac (starts at $10,500), with no intention of using the 430 dac section (at £600 it's going to be average, right?). I did pair the 430 and Big 7 for an evenings Abyss audition, and as you'd expect, it was truly excellent. Engaging, detailed, textured and dynamic.
Then, with no expectation at all, I tried the dac section of the 430. My head nearly fell off into my lap. Similar sonic superlatives that popped into my mind when listening to the world class Big 7 again saturated my eardrums. While I did not A/B the two dacs extensively, I was left wanting absolutely nothing from the 430 dac, I wasn't pining for the Big 7 when I got home, something I was expecting to happen. I was prepared to part with £6.5K (asking price for it). $1000 vs $10500 (minimum). That's a tenth of the price. And I would say, which may annoy some people, for 90% of the performance.
Caveat 1: The Big 7 comparison is based only on the Abyss, and only with my musical preferences (both sonic signatures and genres). I am by no means an experienced 'golden ear' audiophile. I have no experience with TOTL speaker setups. The vast majority of big spenders (dac wise) do so with speaker setups, not headphones. Differences and sonic nuances (especially sound stage and imaging) are much more pronounced when filling a room rather than two ear canals. 
Caveat 2: I'm not an audiophile, I'm a passionate lover of music, and I want to hear music in a way that stirs, and feeds, my soul. I want emotional engagement rather than technical perfection. I want to love an amp/dac because it connects me to the energy of the music, gives me uncontrollable emotional goosebumps, not because it has the power to reveal all detail. Music is about feeling, not thinking. Of course, technical perfection can stir the soul of others, and musicality/warmth/euphoria can detract from it. Each to their own.
TL;DR: I will still audition the Yggdrasil when it's released, but for now, the 430HA D is a single box of magic that when paired with the Abyss, delivers everything I'm looking for, and then some.
As always, YMMV.
Mar 19, 2015 at 4:59 PM Post #2,155 of 22,596
Guys I am struggling with getting the right fit, I understand that you want a loose fit but how loose, I have the ear pads lightly touching my face etc, not pressing against it and some toe in. I have watched the video but wanted to get some experience from you guys about your experiences.
Mar 19, 2015 at 6:44 PM Post #2,156 of 22,596
  Guys I am struggling with getting the right fit, I understand that you want a loose fit but how loose, I have the ear pads lightly touching my face etc, not pressing against it and some toe in. I have watched the video but wanted to get some experience from you guys about your experiences.

I have the stitch on the ear pads at about 11 o'clock, and they touch skin very lightly. There is no pressure whatsoever, they just hang over the ears.
Too loose and I find the bass is prone to blooming. Too tight and it loses impact.
Mar 22, 2015 at 11:55 AM Post #2,157 of 22,596
This year we introduced a new lower cost version of our headphone package now available from your Abyss Headphone dealer, the AB-1266 Lite.

This basic set is the same headphone as in the 'Full' package, but with a JPS Labs 4 pin XLR balanced cable and 1/4" (6.3 mm) adaptor (no other accessories).

More information available on our website at


ABYSS Headphones We engineer, machine, and build our headphones from scratch in New York, USA. Stay updated on ABYSS Headphones at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 24, 2015 at 1:13 AM Post #2,158 of 22,596
Same headphone for $1000 less is a pretty good option, OR get a nice custom build (I actually quite like this one) 

  Guys I am struggling with getting the right fit, I understand that you want a loose fit but how loose, I have the ear pads lightly touching my face etc, not pressing against it and some toe in. I have watched the video but wanted to get some experience from you guys about your experiences.

Hi, I just realised we all sorta ignored this question - I think I have a bit of a weird head so my fit was a bit more difficult to get perfect. Don't know if it can help you or not...
So while I am a melonhead, I must also have a bit of a v-shaped head, because if I bend the headband out like shown in the video, the angle of the drivers ends up facing slightly more downward and I get quite a lot of pressure above my ear, but could comfortably fit my finger between my head and the earpad underneath.  Then if I bent the headband inward so the drivers were facing slightly upward, the shape was right for a fit all around my ear, but it was way too tight, even fully adjusted out at the screw on top.
So rather than the nice smooth quarter circle it is bent to out of the factory, I had to take it it into the shed and try and roll out flat the first part of the bend so the headband became wider, then do a sharper bend at the end of the curve so it was wider, but the drivers were still facing more upward.  Here's a picture that I had a go at in paint so you can see what I mean.  After I did it I got my wife to try them on, and she said they were a bit better fit for her too, but she has the 2 halves of the headband pushed all the way together and I have mine all the way out.
Hopefully that's of some use to you...

Mar 24, 2015 at 2:42 AM Post #2,159 of 22,596
Hi, I just realised we all sorta ignored this question - I think I have a bit of a weird head so my fit was a bit more difficult to get perfect. Don't know if it can help you or not...

So while I am a melonhead, I must also have a bit of a v-shaped head, because if I bend the headband out like shown in the video, the angle of the drivers ends up facing slightly more downward and I get quite a lot of pressure above my ear, but could comfortably fit my finger between my head and the earpad underneath.  Then if I bent the headband inward so the drivers were facing slightly upward, the shape was right for a fit all around my ear, but it was way too tight, even fully adjusted out at the screw on top.

So rather than the nice smooth quarter circle it is bent to out of the factory, I had to take it it into the shed and try and roll out flat the first part of the bend so the headband became wider, then do a sharper bend at the end of the curve so it was wider, but the drivers were still facing more upward.  Here's a picture that I had a go at in paint so you can see what I mean.  After I did it I got my wife to try them on, and she said they were a bit better fit for her too, but she has the 2 halves of the headband pushed all the way together and I have mine all the way out.

Hopefully that's of some use to you...

You customised them.

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