Headphoneus Supremus
well, that is because the DX50 is currently really offered with a substantial discount. Anyhow. I only have the DX50 and in my blind test with the AK100 Mk1 and Mk2 and X5 it held up very well actually. Is the DX90 worth it... I would say, it depends.
If you use it out and about the DX50 has substantial longer battery life.
If you value sounquality above all else, go with the DX90.
Hmmm DX90 sound quality beat the DX50,
if you score SQ DX90 is 80 then how about DX50? ..70 or 60?
Score 10(bad) to 100 (best)
Oh man, tough question, how should one quantize this. Also depends on the headphones you are listening to. The DX90 is the better amp, by 10% or 5% maybe 20% but that means nothing. For some a 1% increase in sound quality is worth thousands of dollars and for some a 20% increase is not worth $10. I really can't say. The DX90 is better, but I never felt the need to upgrade from my DX50 to the DX90, I went to X5 and then AK100 (and gloveaudio) .