The iBasso DX50 Thread - Latest firmware: 1.9.5 - June 30, 2016
Dec 27, 2014 at 12:12 PM Post #15,901 of 18,652
  Don`t forget to try Sound Unlocked Rockbox version

Ok I'll read about it and how to install it. Is that a rockbox firmware with some tweaks for a better sound quality?
Dec 27, 2014 at 12:27 PM Post #15,902 of 18,652
Depends on You rig setup and music and ears/brain etc.
NDFFF has more "sparkly-harsh" highs and tad more bass quantity. SU 1.3.3 /1.4 are more neutral and "forgiving" regarding highs.

About that "hidden settings menu" with SU FW:

Ok, installed the latest sound unlocked and wow Coil you're about to be forum stalked by me! A new world on my dx50! I was beginning to get skeptical of choosing this over the x3 because I have to use such high volume but wow those settings really sing with my re-400 while listening to jazz and female vocalist! Now I'm wandering with an ibasso amp will these iems improve or if I should pull trigger on vsonic gr07! Their 50 ohm so I assume they will have to use even more power! This is digging deeper in my pocket
Dec 27, 2014 at 3:02 PM Post #15,903 of 18,652
I've recently purchased an iBasso DX50 and having previously been an iPod (5th gen) user, I'm a little stuck on how to organise my music library. In the past, I used iTunes and was able to sync onto the iPod specifically what I wanted from the iTunes library according to playlist, artist and album. I don't need to (and am unable to) carry around all of the music that I own on my music player. So, is there any way of automating this process (like using iTunes with the iBasso) instead of going through my folders and manually dragging and dropping what I want into the iBasso player's memory cards? Could anybody point me in the right direction if these discussions have been had before?
Thanks in advance.
Dec 27, 2014 at 7:18 PM Post #15,904 of 18,652
  It went all wonky (turned completely white and fuzzy fora  few seconds) before settling back with what seems to be permanent damage.  All because I removed it from the silicon casing for a few seconds. 

The DX50 is made of brushed aluminum, which is positive on the triboelectric series.  Silicone rubber is negative.  When they rub together, this leads to static electricity.  Other variables like climate and weather can make it worse.   Dry and cold weather is especially hazardous.
Personally, I would avoid using a silicone case completely.  However, here are things you can try if you do.   Not sure if they will be enough to avoid damage though, but there is a chance they might work.
While static electricity can still damage a device that is off, there is more risk when the device is on.   Turn off your device before removing the case.
Before removing the case, try running a damp cloth over the device and case.   Hopefully, the water will be enough to draw away the static from the device itself.   As an alternative, you could try rubbing a dryer sheet on the case and device itself.
You could also try anti-static spray on your case periodically.  Not sure how long it will last though.
Also, I don't know how safe the chemicals are in the sprays or dryer sheets are for your case or device.  Use at your own risk.
Dec 27, 2014 at 8:21 PM Post #15,905 of 18,652
I've recently purchased an iBasso DX50 and having previously been an iPod (5th gen) user, I'm a little stuck on how to organise my music library. In the past, I used iTunes and was able to sync onto the iPod specifically what I wanted from the iTunes library according to playlist, artist and album. I don't need to (and am unable to) carry around all of the music that I own on my music player. So, is there any way of automating this process (like using iTunes with the iBasso) instead of going through my folders and manually dragging and dropping what I want into the iBasso player's memory cards? Could anybody point me in the right direction if these discussions have been had before?
Thanks in advance.

Yeah, me too in a sense, I'd used an old 20gb ipod classic in my car for the longest time, and am making the transition over to the DX50.  I already owned JRiver for Windows, and found that it works pretty well to work in an itunes fashion for loading music. I've been considering getting some screenshots to help others out. JRiver is not free but may be worth the expense.  JRiver will read and index the media on your DX50, so you can see what's on there and then simply drag and drop. In some ways, that's not different than having two folders (two explorer windows) open on your PC.  You can create playlists, and use those to sync to the DX50, but it's not perfect, the playlists itself won't work until you edit the file and correct the relative paths.  Still working on it when I can, I did manage to get a Christmas playlist built and edited and got it to work.  Notepad++ and it's macro's are needed to fix up your playlists quickly, so itunes like, well not really. You can make it manageable, but it falls way short of the automation and effortlessness of itunes (or in my case, sharepod).  Hopefully others can comment with more detail. 
Dec 27, 2014 at 8:29 PM Post #15,906 of 18,652
For playlists on your SD card, you have to use paths like this example:
/mnt/external_sd/Radiohead/LOSSLESS - OK Computer/05 Let Down.flac
Forward slashes (linux / Android).  JRiver will create playlists as \.\..\Radiohead\....  or with the windows paths I:\music\radiohead\...
The DX50 won't recognize that format, so edit the file in notepad++ and replace the \.\.. with the /mnt/external_sd and replace remaining back slashes with forward slashes. Record these as a macro in Notepadd++ and you can just run the macro to automate. 
Once you get the file on the DX50 you have to navigate to it in the device menu, and select it to cause it to import an show up in the the playlists on the device.  For a large playlist (100's of songs) this can appear to hang the player, but it comes back eventually. 
Dec 27, 2014 at 9:01 PM Post #15,907 of 18,652
Depends on You rig setup and music and ears/brain etc.
NDFFF has more "sparkly-harsh" highs and tad more bass quantity. SU 1.3.3 /1.4 are more neutral and "forgiving" regarding highs.

About that "hidden settings menu" with SU FW:

Ok, installed the latest sound unlocked and wow Coil you're about to be forum stalked by me! A new world on my dx50! I was beginning to get skeptical of choosing this over the x3 because I have to use such high volume but wow those settings really sing with my re-400 while listening to jazz and female vocalist! Now I'm wandering with an ibasso amp will these iems improve or if I should pull trigger on vsonic gr07! Their 50 ohm so I assume they will have to use even more power! This is digging deeper in my pocket

Don`t forget to try also 1.3.3 @ flac/iir off/cpu default. Imho it`s better than 1.4 but it depends also on gear being used, music, taste etc. and lets not forget I`m using Panasonic FC capacitors for HO 
Dec 28, 2014 at 10:31 AM Post #15,908 of 18,652
Don`t forget to try also 1.3.3 @ flac/iir off/cpu default. Imho it`s better than 1.4 but it depends also on gear being used, music, taste etc. and lets not forget I`m using Panasonic FC capacitors for HO :wink:  

Oh no, new toys....I'll google these capacitors. Is that a cable or something I need to go inside and change?
Dec 28, 2014 at 12:29 PM Post #15,910 of 18,652
  You need to change inside, there is another thread , check it out.

Yea I've been submersed in the mod thread all morning now.  I think the cap change would be as far as I'm willing to go honestly.  I'm just not that technical.
I cannot however find the SU 1.3.3, only the 1.4 on their page.  From the description, the sound hasn't changed between the two using the same settings.
Dec 28, 2014 at 2:18 PM Post #15,911 of 18,652
Sound Unlocked 1.3.3 ->
1.4 is based on original 1.6.0 FW, 1.3.3 is based on 1.5.0. They are littlebit different sounding (imo main difference is soundstage presentation).
Dec 28, 2014 at 6:04 PM Post #15,913 of 18,652
I mentioned earlier that I had my buttons replaced on warranty cause my play button died. I haven't really played with it since I got it back but playing with it today, the front three buttons have a complete different feel now with the new buttons they're using. They're easier to push down but have a really nice click to them with a perfect amount of resistance. I like it a lot better than the older buttons.
Dec 29, 2014 at 2:28 AM Post #15,914 of 18,652
I tried the latest firmware right after it was made available ibasso website.  Then I started to lots issues and the most annoying one was that it will keep on looping through "Scanning" the directory.  Fed up and did a factory reset.  Now no more of those issues. The scanning properly done and starts playing.  I should have tried formating the SD card as well, but, I remember the scanning was repeating for internal memory as well.  So, I thought, this is something to do with the FW.  Very faint or no difference in sound quality for me.  Just a caution.
Dec 29, 2014 at 3:16 PM Post #15,915 of 18,652
Having issues with albums not playing correctly on internal memory with fw 1.5.0. Audioslave and white snake are not shown in the directory, but when I play All music on shuffle, the songs show up on the now playing screen, but the previous song continues to play. I am assuming it is a mp3 tag issue, but I cannot see any difference between files that play and do not play. Are there any recommendations for tagging I could try?


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